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Pakistan is a lost cause.
I have more hope in Kashmir than in Pakistan.
Kashmiri Muslims are mujahids fighting kaffir Indians. They are facing hardships but their Jihad is against Kaffirs and want to make Kashmir Dar al Islam. Allah helps those who fight in his path.
But what about Pakistan? Countries come and go. Pakistan being Muslim land has chosen secular Taghut laws and Taghut system. Pakistan is like india in fighting against Islamic system and oppressing innocent Muslims. What hope does Pakistan have? Usa? Uk? Neither usa nor uk can save Pakistan.

Kashmir will be free and will be Islamic.
Itā€™s Pakistan which must decide if it wants to become history or survive.

Use your head. Where does Pakistanā€™s water come from?
If Pakistan losses Kashmir it will lose all its water.

Incase you havent noticed Insurgency in Kashmir is quite low since some time now. You rarely hear about something happening. Maybe a small incident here and there. Article 370 and Indias economic muscle bringing money into the valley has changed dynamics.
2020 Palestinian import and export flows:

filistin ihracat.PNG

filistin ithalat.PNG

Pakistan's trade with Israel will lead to an acceleration in its trade in goods and services with Palestine. Unfortunately, Israel's blockade and customs problems limit Palestinian trade opportunities and cause a significant portion of imports and exports to go through Israel. The UN has not achieved any significant success in this regard. In the flow charts above, the dominant image of Israel is mostly related to re-clearance processes.
What an unfortunate, no Israeli ship can dock at Gwadar or enter Persian Gulf. It will be head by a loitering munition all of a sudden.

Btw, what a fked up situation. Pakistan doesn't trade with Iran but trades with Israel.

cos of USA sanction.... remember our military loves to boot polish USA
Pakistan under the current military and political regime has lost immense credibility.

Thatā€™s right. UAE has a friendship deal with Israel as part of the Abraham Accords. There is trade between them and lots of Israelis visiting as tourists.

This export from Pakistan was probably to UAE. Then it was reexported to Israel.

People are getting their pants in a twist over nothing. Pakistan probably has no direct deal with Israel.

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Hereā€™s my view on this:

For a Pakistani whoā€™s struggling to make ends meet and facing poverty, there is no issue with him selling his goods to Israel as long as its not weapons doesnā€™t help them in their war against Muslims.

For any other Pakistani trading with Israel is a moral question. Those Pakistanis who do not trade with Israel because of Muslims oppressed by Israel they have high morals and values in them. But Pakistanis who arenā€™t suffering from poverty and trading with Israel, it canā€™t be said itā€™s haram or not allowed as long as it doesnā€™t help Israel in its war efforts against Muslims. But personally I wouldnā€™t trade with Israel if I didnā€™t have to.
Israel should be a last resort to trade with and only stuff that wonā€™t help it in its war efforts against Muslims and we must never recognize them either. I agree trade with Iran must be started first and first trade with all Muslim countries then think about elsewhere.

Are you stupid?
Muslim Ummah suffered far worse times and survived. Palestine is not a lost cause because we Muslim have belief in Allah and we are already told we will be victorious eventually.

Pakistan does not represent or equal the Muslim ummah.

Muslim ummah is very much alive. Donā€™t believe me? Check the mujahideen from all over the world whoā€™ve slain Indian occupational forces in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The valley is full of shaheeds from all over the ummah who slaughtered you kaffirs. It will remain that way because the Ummah will always be strong and Alive.
The bigger enemy is the internal ones. This Hindu pagan said ā€œUmmah Chummah.ā€ Thatā€™s the favorite phrase for many folks here who put premium on their ethnicity over Islamic identity. Few of them here are cultural Muslim, and another was telling saying that Jesus is a good moral role model - not the Islamic version of him one but the western one.

The internals has to be taken care of first before you can deal with the outsiders.

One called me mental because I advocate Islamic solidarity. They then rant about well Arabs donā€™t help us in Kashmir so why would we help in Palestine. The same bastards sold out Kashmir to the pagans and then have nerves to talk down on Arabs lack of support of Kashmir.
Ummah isnā€™t dead. Iā€™m Shia who fully supports all Islamic cause regardless of Sects. Kashmir, Xiajiang, Palestine are one the same for me.

Ask these bastards of ā€œenlighten moderationā€ what has that brought you? Bombs and getting pushed around. You have foreign diplomats throwing LGBT parties where they molest the Pakistani citizens (Karachi), you have diplomats driving drunk and killing innocent bystanders in Islamabad. Where is the secular government of Pakistan in these cases?
I know when we flew over Iranian airspace, many wester women on my flight voluntarily put on head scarves. Thatā€™s what I want for Pakistan too. Unfortunately, itā€™s a rotten state with a rotten ideology current ruling it.
The bigger enemy is the internal ones. This Hindu pagan said ā€œUmmah Chummah.ā€ Thatā€™s the favorite phrase for many folks here who put premium on their ethnicity over Islamic identity. Few of them here are cultural Muslim, and another was telling saying that Jesus is a good moral role model - not the Islamic version of him one but the western one.

The internals has to be taken care of first before you can deal with the outsiders.

One called me mental because I advocate Islamic solidarity. They then rant about well Arabs donā€™t help us in Kashmir so why would we help in Palestine. The same bastards sold out Kashmir to the pagans and then have nerves to talk down on Arabs lack of support of Kashmir.
Ummah isnā€™t dead. Iā€™m Shia who fully supports all Islamic cause regardless of Sects. Kashmir, Xiajiang, Palestine are one the same for me.

Ask these bastards of ā€œenlighten moderationā€ what has that brought you? Bombs and getting pushed around. You have foreign diplomats throwing LGBT parties where they molest the Pakistani citizens (Karachi), you have diplomats driving drunk and killing innocent bystanders in Islamabad. Where is the secular government of Pakistan in these cases?
I know when we flew over Iranian airspace, many wester women on my flight voluntarily put on head scarves. Thatā€™s what I want for Pakistan too. Unfortunately, itā€™s a rotten state with a rotten ideology current ruling it.

These "moderate" folks sell their mother i.e. country for self enrichment. That much has been established for years now. What has also been established is that the moderate segment exists in almost every sector in Pakistan. From military to judges and beyond.

It is a big lie that moderates care about the well-being of Pakistan. The biggest moderate of all has set an example of how to rob the nation and move abroad for pension. Just have a good look at Bajwa the moderate.
These "moderate" folks sell their mother i.e. country for self enrichment. That much has been established for years now. What has also been established is that the moderate segment exists in almost every sector in Pakistan. From military to judges and beyond.

It is a big lie that moderates care about the well-being of Pakistan. The biggest moderate of all has set an example of how to rob the nation and move for pension abroad. Just have a good look at Bajwa the moderate.
Read the comments on this thread. Itā€™s an eye opener who will likely sell their iman and who would not.

Of course I advocate a just Islamic society and laws. All this dumb talk about oh youā€™re a ā€œfundoā€ you mean following the basic fundamentals of Islamic jurist?

Pakistan isnā€™t Islamic by any means. Itā€™s a Muslim country but thereā€™s no Islam there.
Read the comments on this thread. Itā€™s an eye opener who will likely sell their iman and who would not.

Of course I advocate a just Islamic society and laws. All this dumb talk about oh youā€™re a ā€œfundoā€ you mean following the basic fundamentals of Islamic jurist?

Pakistan isnā€™t Islamic by any means. Itā€™s a Muslim country but thereā€™s no Islam there.

Welcome to the scene. I have been battling these demons for an eternity now. These demons always existed among us. It is just that it took us so long to realise this.
uh oh! you are talking to one of the duplicate accounts of a senior moderator/advisor of PDF.
Says the bloke with a Ukrainian flag and a crusader cross in his avi. Yeah Iā€™m a senior moderator/advisor just like youā€™re a Pakistani. Gtfo confused boy. Ukrainian flag - now Iā€™ve seen it all.
Says the bloke with a Ukrainian flag and a crusader cross in his avi. Yeah Iā€™m a senior moderator/advisor just like youā€™re a Pakistani. Gtfo confused boy. Ukrainian flag - now Iā€™ve seen it all.
which one of us cannot read Urdu without using google translate?
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