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Gen. Hafiz Asim Munir! Please bring about Islamic System of Khilafat!

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What does Amazon and Macdonald pay.

Punishments is one aspect that is highlighted by the West. I am talking about the economic system that cares for the poor and is like the Scandinavian social benefit system that taxes the rich and helps the poor. Not the other way around as in Pakistan.

Real face of Capitalism in Pakistan that fills the pockets of the super rich and forces the poor to suicide.

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More a mental health problem

People are murder their kids for no reason
30% of Pakistan has never had power don't see their people murdering their kids

Such people belong in jail

Swing father murdering their daughter for school fees
A big factor is alcohol and drug abuse by fathers killing their kids for stupid reasons

Send them to a madrssa if u can't feed them
Sharia law Experiment was done in swat but everybody knows what happened. We need open mind society for Peace. Etc Seculars, liberals
Pakistan was not established with the primary intention of achieving peace; it was created for the promotion of Islam and to serve those who sought an Islamic way of life and the promise of jannat.
Sab say barra londay baaz ghoo khanay wala Mirza dajjal tha...

Don't bother, he's a Mirzai cultist...
What kind of hypocrisy is this from Pakistanis who on the one hand want others to respect Islam while publicly demeaning the prophet of Qadyanism?
Gen. Hafiz Asim Munir! Please bring about Islamic System of Khilafat!

Since Pakistan was created or maybe for this reason it was created to perform American Slavery for the last 75 years. Now when America has got India to do its bidding we have started China’s slavery. But even that is not enough for the opulent lifestyle of the rulers that we are now finding investors from UAE and Saudi Arabia to buy our national assets.

All those experiments which have failed for the last 75 years are being repeated in a new paradigm and it is being observed even now that the present experiments will fail too.

Instead of repeating our mistakes again and again why don’t we bring about the Islamic System of Khilafat and unite Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Central Asia, Turkey and Arabia through it in the form of a Confederation just like the European Union (EU). First make the Confederation and then convert it into a full-fledged Khilafat over time.

Capitalism has failed repeatedly in Pakistan since the last 75 years. Socialism experiment brought about by Bhutto also failed miserably and derailed the economy. These two systems have failed in other countries as well and have not delivered humanity from hunger and poverty.

Islamic Economic System is much better than Capitalism and Socialism and solves the problems of the poor without crucifying the rich. We have seen its example in Islamic history when during Khilfat when there were Zakat distributors but there was no one to receive Zakat. The closest model of Islamic economy system can be seen in Norway and Sweden where a mix of Capitalism and Socialism is present and the poor are happy.

When we create a Confederation then we will get unlimited resources in the form of oil, gas, minerals, agricultural goods and we will not need World Bank, IMF, America or China.

For this purpose, we can strengthen OIC or ECO and also do a joint defense pact. The Atomic power of Pakistan will ensure that all member states are protected from threats.

The main demand of Pakistan Army has been to increase its budget. When ten or twenty countries combine then the budget will be increased automatically but then they will have to fight too.

The system of Khilafat was started by the Sahaba RA of Hazrat Mohammad SAW and was ruling successfully over a huge area in Arabia, Asia and Africa until 1924. Pakistan has got the capability to lead the Muslim Ummah now. When we can ourself become the leaders of this region then why we should we do slavery of America and China. We can form alliances with World Powers but should not do slavery.

Both the Islamic Block with its resources and Islamic Economic Model with its just distribution will improve the economy of the region.

General sb! Why look for outside imported systems when the Quran is all written in your heart!

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Get lost and send all these whisky generals to hell.
Since when these generals became Muslims?
What kind of hypocrisy is this from Pakistanis who on the one hand want others to respect Islam while publicly demeaning the prophet of Qadyanism?

First off, this isn't an insult, it's factual retelling of history. Mirza died eating $hit and as per the true last Prophet PBUH, he's one of the 30 dajjals who will falsely claim prophethood.

Even then, we are not obliged to respect importers and those that insult our Prophet PBUH. Mirza did both.
First off, this isn't an insult, it's factual retelling of history. Mirza died eating $hit and as per the true last Prophet PBUH, he's one of the 30 dajjals who will falsely claim prophethood.

Even then, we are not obliged to respect importers and those that insult our Prophet PBUH. Mirza did both.
What Nupur Sharma mentioned about the Prophet of Islam is also present in Islamic scriptures. Zakir Naik and other Islamic scholars have consistently stated that Muhammad married a 6-year-old child.
And Who has the authority to determine which prophet is authentic or false? Qadyanis and Agha Khanis do not accept Muhammad as the last prophet, and Shiyas prioritize Ali over Muhammad. This ongoing debate of whose belief is superior has no definitive conclusion.
Additionally, the term "Pakistan" was originally introduced by a Qadyani. The intention behind Pakistan was to establish a Qadyani Islamic state rather than a Sunni Islamic state. Notably, your current Army Chief, Qamar Javed Bajwa, is from the Qadyani community, and a Qadyani individual was among your nuclear scientists.
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Mods can we ban this guy.

Doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Mods can we ban this guy.

Doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
I haven't expressed my own opinions; I've merely quoted what Zakir Naik, Mufti Tariq Masood, and various other Islamic scholars have reiterated numerous times. If you consider these statements as disrespectful to the Prophet of Islam, it's these Islamic scholars who should be held accountable.
I haven't expressed my own opinions; I've merely quoted what Zakir Naik, Mufti Tariq Masood, and various other Islamic scholars have reiterated numerous times. If you consider these statements as disrespectful to the Prophet of Islam, it's these Islamic scholars who should be held accountable.
Plz. don't derail the thread with useless discussions. Do your own research and express your views elsewhere if you are interested in refuting Islam.
What Nupur Sharma mentioned about the Prophet of Islam is also present in Islamic scriptures. Zakir Naik and other Islamic scholars have consistently stated that Muhammad married a 6-year-old child.

She was 9 years old.
Among Hindus, before Islamic invasions, marriage at 7 or 8 years of age, for girls, was the most common. Can you deny that? Most Hindu girls married before 10.
She was 9 years old.
Among Hindus, before Islamic invasions, marriage at 7 or 8 years of age, for girls, was the most common. Can you deny that? Most Hindu girls married before 10.
It is different to marry a 9-year-old girl to a 54-year-old man than it is to marry a 10-year-old girl to a 10-year-old boy, and both marriages are prohibited by the Hindu Code Bill. According to Indian law, a 54-year-old man who marries a 6-year-old girl faces the death penalty, while a 10-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy's marriage is not recognized as legal. By the way, the discussion in this thread is whether or not Pakistan should become a sharia state, and a person started offending the Qadyani community's religious feelings. I replied because of this.
Actually, to attack Islam, its opponents attack the life of Prophet Mohammad PBUH as attacking the Quran is more difficult.
and both marriages are prohibited by the Hindu Code Bill.

Hindu Code Bill is not based on Hindu scriptures. It's Western values. Why call it Hindu? You don't have laws of your own, ancient shupapowa?

to marry a 10-year-old girl to a 10-year-old boy

Nothing in the Hindu scriptures say the girl cannot marry someone older. Marriages in pre-Islamic India were always between minor girl and a guy much older than her.
Capitalism can increase the GDP and develop a country (with Western help). But it can not solve the problems of the poor masses.
That is never the problem, The problem is that as Brainless Faujeet you are - why do Military losers interfere in politics and electoral processes why do they never let any govt complete its term ???? THis has nothing to do with Islamic or Unlsiuamic system

its opponents attack the life of Prophet Mohammad PBUH as attacking the Quran is more difficult.
Exact;y all your Whiskey lovers Generals are very Islamic and that is why they have to amass so much wealth that they need to settle along with their kids abroad
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