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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Hopefully there will be escalation from the north. Come on Hezbollah
Hezbollah can distract isreal so Gaza can be saved from genocide and that will give world powers the time to get a cease-fire. I see people sharing isreali causalities on social media but how long before we start getting pictures of Palestinians?
How did they even manage to enter,when Gaza is virtually surrounded by the Israeli army and there are lots of checkpoints?

Oh man,prepare to see crazy bombardments of Gaza after this. They just united the entire country after months of demonstrations and the Netanyahu government almost collapsing.

The Israelis will respond with massive firepower,I bet.
Europe invented story of Judaism and "Israeli return to motherland".
Jewish settlers in Israel will be killed like flies. I often tell them to buy boats, so that they can reach Europe through sea.
Long Live Palestine...

This was much needed.

Israel has been exposed as NAKED by this Palestinian strike.

A so-called nuclear power getting battered by militias...

Multi-Polar World is rising. Every sign directs to that.

Palestinians are not answerable to anyone.
Try to live in an open prison and then I will ask you.
If Israel escalates, more retaliation would come - it looks like.

The sympathies are with Palestinians not with Israel.
Mujahids are literally killing everyone on their way.
War crimes. Muslims cannot justify it nor pro-Palestinian groups. It will be used blaming Hamas etc as terrorists group.
Mujahids are enjoying it full lol 😂
Jihad is ibadaah. In jihad, civilians have amnesty especially women (if not soldier) and children.. one violating islamic teaching in jihad is like any bidah or an innovation. Allah accepts ibadaah only when it is done right. Yes, He may forgive shortcomings in it but not haqooq-ul-ibaad.
The failure to get intelligence on such a large-scale and well-attended operation and being caught completely unprepared is proof that Mossad has become a hollow bubble.

The other possibility is that there is a dangerous power struggle within Israel. Netenyahu's government could use these events precisely to consolidate domestic politics, as the first statements suggest.
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