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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

In the West Bank, the Red Crescent reported the occupation forces attacked the ambulance crews while transporting the injured, and they removed the crew from the ambulance vehicle and interrogated the injured person, in addition to preventing the Red Crescent crew from providing aid to two young men who were arrested by the occupation forces, during the storming of Nablus at dawn today.

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Allahu Akbar 🔥🔥🔥

You really should stop using the lord's name in vain.

Dragging religion into this confilict can only end in tears for the whole region.

see here :

What are you trying to promote here ? Some kind of Armageddon ?

Even the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse are disgusted with what you did on Saterday , 7 of october ,


Iranians boasting about this and that without realizing that they are revealing national secrets is evidence enough for PDF.
As I said before that's news
And national secrets are you kidding me some teenager on forum aware of national secret
Are you that naive
Hamas exists BECAUSE of the occupation

As long as their is occupation their will be resistance
Hamas exists because of Iran support. Scratch Iran and Hamas & Hezbollah will collapse.
Gaza strip is in the hands of Iran. This is why Israel will clean it from the soil to the ceiling.
Must be refering to this :


1,300,000 KILLED
5,132,000 WOUNDED
200,000 MISSING
+ 220,000 KIDNAPPED
9,700,000 TRAUMATIZED [This total is incorrect,the actual total of the above numbers is 6,852,000]

Well,according to the figures in your above cartoon sammuel it looks like Hamas either killed or injured about two thirds of the total israeli population!!!.
Holy FVCK!!,what the hell are these guys,terminators or something!?.

Seriously tho`,I mean did no one ever teach the artist how to correctly do elementary/primary school level maths,ie basic adding and subtracting,keeping your numbers in the correct columns etc..?,or is this zionist maths,you know like zionist history or zionist maps etc...
I get what the guy was going for,but his execution was so atrociously bad that it turned it into pure parody.

I felt so appalled at the shitty execution on this thng,that god help me,I actually did a quick fixit in paint.

Now at least the number columns line up properly and the numbers actually make sense....along with the cartoon.

No need to thank me. 😏
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Israelis deliberately murdering civilians once again. They've been given orders to murder everyone.

wash your ayes and clean your brain Bro.
IDF just want to eradicate Hamas murderers.
They leave 2 weeks to civilians to move. If they stay or they are Hamas supporters (80%) or Hamas didn't gave them the green light to move, so as to serve of human shield.

Don't trust anything Israel says. Not a single rape occurred. We do not do such evil things. The whole commando raid was two hours long before clashes with Israeli army began. The bodies burnt is as a result of Israeli airstrikes.
Don't trust anything Hamas & Hezbolah say. They are evil puppets.
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