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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I am saying it again and again, Palestinians have only got themselves to do anything about the war. They should start the fighting from the West Bank and also do do hit and run by those Palestinians living inside Israel. Similarly, the beduins inside the Negev desert should start hit and run tactics. The enemy has concentrated on the north Gaza. It is very important to expand the war so that the enemy's forces are divided. Similarly, Palestinians from Lebanon should attack the Israeli soldiers on the border boldly and also from Syria in the Golan Heights.
@Falcon29 @Mehdipersian

This war has clearly shown to usa that Israel wants to annex WestBank and Gaza, West is already mostly controlled by Israel and this is why Gaza is on the hitlist. All this propaganda about terrorism is fake.
Which is true. Now Islamic countries should either kneel and normalise relations with Israel or just get ready to be pounced upon. Right?

Worthless Islamic nations. What is even the point of having a Mecca or Medina where sheep complete their formalities... You prostate at least 5 times a day, but none of your prayers are heard. Instead Muslims are cannon fodder. Their blood is cheap. It is useless to even breathe.
Yup hence the prophecies which are reveled to us.
They want the Palestinian authority to govern Gaza so Israel can steal more land, in the PA West Bank Israel has 1000s of settlements but none in Gaza. Israel will take all West Bank and Gaza, and possibly expand in to Jordan and Egyptian Sinai, we may see arab spring in Jordan.
This is not a bad option. if they keep expanding to Egypt and Jordan and others, it's a good thing. A useless Jordan currently will not be more useless if it loses 20 or 30% of its territory. An Egypt that acts in other peoples interests is useless and if half is controlled by Israel, it makes no difference. Except that it will prompt more people into acton sooner. And they will all get their freedom sooner.

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