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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

“We were adamant not to leave without our patients… we were forced to leave at gunpoint.”Adnan al-Barsh, head of orthopaedics at al-Shifa Hospital, has told Al Jazeera.

What happened at al-Shifa Hospital?​

Al Jazeera has gathered a number of voices from inside Gaza to piece together what happened this morning at the al-Shifa Hospital. Here are the main takeaways:
  • The emergency room supervisor Omar Zaqout has told Al Jazeera that the Israeli army ordered everyone at al-Shifa Hospital – including doctors, patients and displaced people – to evacuate the medical compound in one hour through the al-Wehda road.
  • The Israeli army has denied it ordered the evacuation, claiming instead that it responded to a request by the hospital’s director to let those wishing to leave to take a secure route out. It added that it notified medics in the hospital that they were ready to facilitate the transfer of patients.
  • The Israeli claims were refuted by Mohammed Zaqout, director of Gaza hospitals, who insisted patients were forced to leave at gunpoint. Munir al-Barsh, director-general of Gaza’s Health Ministry and Adnan al-Barsh, head of orthopaedics at the hospital, provided the same account.
  • Evacuees were ordered at 9am [7:00 GMT] to leave while waving a white handkerchief and walk in a single-file line, the health official said.
  • About 450 patients were evacuated, while about 120 patients were left behind with five doctors, including the director and a few nurses, because they were immobile, al-Barsh said.
  • Zaqout said that a list of critical patients has been handed to the Red Cross to be taken to Egypt for treatment, but that he is still awaiting updates on the issue.
  • Al-Barsh, the doctor, added that Israeli snipers are inside and around the hospital complex.
  • Ismail al-Thawabta, the director general of the government media office in Gaza, says a number of patients forced to evacuate al-Shifa Hospital were in such critical condition that they may not survive the journey to another medical facility.
  • Several accounts describe family members pushing rolling hospital beds and wheelchairs, others were walking on crunches as they try to make it further south.

Al-Shifa now ‘deserted’: Hospital director

Speaking to Al Jazeera from Gaza’ largest hospital, Mohammed Abu Salmiya, says only him and few others, including staff and patients, were left at the hospital.
Here are his translated comments:
  • The hospital is completely deserted. Some of the remaining patients and victims are lying in the corridor.
  • The center of the hospital is surrounded by Israeli soldiers. They are in total control. Even we, the very few medical staff that remains, cannot move freely.
  • Many of those in critical conditions including newborns and kidney patients will die imminently if they are not evacuated.
  • Food at the hospitals is also running out.

Qatari diplomat condemns Israeli bombing of country’s humanitarian HQ in Gaza​

Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al Thani, Qatar’s permanent representative to the UN, said that the Israeli army’s bombing of the headquarters of the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza will not deter Qatar from providing aid to Gaza.
“This crime constitutes a blatant violation of international law,” reads her statement at the informal meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
She also urged the immediate implementation of the UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.
Qatar has sent planes loaded with more than 358 tonnes of aid, including food, shelters, medical supplies and a field hospital, to the Egyptian city of al-Arish since the beginning of the war in Gaza.
Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations Alya Ahmed Saif Al Thani speaks during the 10th Emergency Special Session (resumed) 39th plenary meeting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the United Nations headquarters in New York City on October 27
Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al Thani [Andrea Renault/AFP]

‘Dozens of bodies’ on the road near Ahli Arab Hospital: Journalist​

Speaking to Al Jazeera, Jihad Abu Shanab has described “total destruction” in the area around the Ahli Arab Hospital, also known as the Baptist Hospital.
Here are his translated comments:
  • Buildings in the vicinity of the hospital have been levelled.
  • Dozens of dead bodies are scattered on the streets.
  • Many of the bodies have been mutilated beyond recognition.
  • People are trying to bury as many people as possible.
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Brother no other explanation but a war crime and genocide - never thought in my living days
This could happen whilst the world watches by the side line. History will judge and those that could have done something will have regrets forever
Bro - here you go again. Look at the title - then look at your post. I don’t get it - this is a really informative thread about the current critical situation on Gaza and you’ve ended up in Iran giving us a thesis on the Shah…..
You know there is something wrong with your post when the only Zionist on the forum thanks your post……
I do not control who thank my post. I am not looking to seek validation from any camp in my posts. There is something wrong with your mindset, not mine.

The reason is why you aren't considering other factors, such as western puppets murdering and torturing their opponents, same happened with pinochet. Also, the west moves in and steals the wealth of the country (oil of iran). All this is behind the scenes and is not in the awareness of people who simply look at a puppet and see the fake paid crowds cheering their name as "success".

They do. That's why they seek to secularise and alter islam, and attack all the conservatives in islamic states (i'm against strictness, but also pro-tradition such as no age of consent). Pakistan's fake age of consent is an Anglo-Saxon christian imposition. It's not native law or culture. They will also move in and redefine rape, etc. Stealing islamic oil is also one strategy. It's none of their business but they dictate to nonwhites in the ME about it.

Kuwait is a part of the Persian empire. It's an artificial state. As for the saudis you mistake them being protected wasn't out of friendship but to protect their oil market only and control the ME. Also someone said the west murdered a King faisal, so to ignore regicide.....not sure you realise where that puts you. do you ever here of a murdered Anglosaxon king initiated by muslims, then an Anglosaxon saying the muslims are our friends? That's how you sound.
You need to check history of the pan-Islamic world. How many were murdered or killed in earlier times? The collective West is responsible for these murders throughout history? Western people were fighting each other as well. People kill for power, influence, materialistic gains, and political gains unfortunately. It comes down to opportunity and capacity to influence others in a region: how you were raised, how your mindset was shaped by others, and who were advising you and what type of expectations they had from you when you were in power. Many are greedy and illogical deep down. Not many have the element of introspection and critical thinking in them. This has the potential to become an off-topic conversation so it shall be stopped.
Brother no other explanation but a war crime and genocide - never thought in my living days
This could happen whilst the world watches by the side line. History will judge and those that could have done something will have regrets forever
  • There are NO Human Rights
  • There is NO Justice
  • There is NO Compassion
  • There is NO Mercy
  • There is NO Humanity

There is only the inviolable authority of MIGHT!

And then they ask, why are people driven to violence...
I do not control who thank my post. I am not looking to seek validation from any camp in my posts. There is something wrong with your mindset, not mine.
I’m not here to argue or make life awkward for a mod - i was trying to suggest we stick to the topic and not diversify -
What I wrote about a troll thanking your post was an after thought.
Why does everything have to start on October 7? What about the horrific things done to the Palestinians before that?

Indeed it did not start today.

We have endured from Hamas everything from suicide attacks inside buse , when he wanted to stop the peace process , to thousands of rockets he fired on our civilian for years ,

But nothing like what we have seen on Saterday 7 of October massacre , a date all Israelis will remeber , same as every American remembers 9/11.

If in the Past we thought we can somehow endure to live next door to those nuters , it became clear that after all the read lines have been crossed , We can't.

Hamas terrorist left out no human crime possible : , murder , mutilation , rape.

The pychopaths even filmed theselves doing it. Makiing it one of the most brutal and documented Massacres in human history.

What they did is not only a stain on Hamas , but on all Muslims who supported them.

I can discuss with people on alternatives to voilence to solve this conflict , but seems some here want to deny this sick stuff happened altogether.

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Ironically, all Anglo-Saxon can find their roots to Germanic tribes. English is a Germanic language.

There is no strong Germanic identity connection between them, but there is an modern European identity - where Russia is the bad guy.

Germany has a Holocaust problem. They cannot speak against Israel even when the Israelis are wrong.

Many in the world don't have a Holocaust problem and can freely speak against Israeli genocide.
Indeed it did not start today.

We have endured from Hamas everything from suicide attacks inside buse , when he wanted to stop the peace process , to thousands of rockets he fired on our civilian for years ,

But nothing like what we have seen on Saterday 7 of October massacre , a date all Israelis will remember remeber , same as every American remember 9/11.

If in the Past we thought we can somehow endure to live next door to those nuters , it became clear that after all the read lines have been crossed , We can't.

Hamas terrorist left out no human crime possible : , murder , mutilation , rape. The pychopath even filmed theselves doing it , makiing it one of the most brutal and documented Massacres in human history.

I can discuss with people on alternatives to voilence to solve this conflict , but seems some here wnat to deny this sick stuff happened altogether.

Forget the systematic rape of a whole country - the illegal settlements - the stolen land - the breaking of every international law created by the UN - let’s forget all the children locked up for no reason - let’s forget the prison camp you have made out of Gaza.
You are international bandit. You have even funded and assisted Hamas - now that’s a scum thing to do then co
You really are the lowest form of human my dear fellow - you proud to be selective with your history knowledge?
Tzachi Hanegbi, Israel's national security advisor: "If there is an epidemic, the fighting will be stopped. If there is a humanitarian crisis and an international outcry, we will not be able to continue the fighting under those conditions,"

These BASTARDS know full well there is an epidemic of URTI(respiratory infections), UTI(bladder infection), Cholera and associated GI (diarrheal infection) and leptospirosis(contact with infected water), tetanus(bacterial infection of wounds) and cutaneous mucormycosis(wounds contaminated with infected fungal matter).

Israeli army checkpoint only allows women to flee to south Gaza: Journalist

Speaking to Al Jazeera, journalist Jihad Abu Shanab said Israeli forces instructed those leaving al-Shifa Hospital to leave through Salah al-Din Street.
“However, we received accounts from eyewitnesses that Israeli soldiers are deployed along Salah al-Din [Street]. This is the road separating the northern part of Gaza from the south. The Israeli occupying forces set up a checkpoint where men are denied access to the south, while women are allowed to leave.”

Israeli air raid hits inhabited house in Nuseirat refugee camp​

An Al Jazeera correspondent reports that Israeli forces have launched an air raid on an inhabited house in Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza.
The reporter said four bodies have so far been recovered from under the rubble of the collapsed house.

Israeli forces strike Al-Fakhoora School in northern Gaza​

Israeli air raids have hit the Al-Fakhoora School, run by the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza.
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Forget the systematic rape of a whole country - the illegal settlements - the stolen land - the breaking of every international law created by the UN - let’s forget all the children locked up for no reason - let’s forget the prison camp you have made out of Gaza.
You are international bandit. You have even funded and assisted Hamas - now that’s a scum thing to do then co
You really are the lowest form of human my dear fellow - you proud to be selective with your history knowledge?
Some people suffer from selective amnesia:
Indeed it did not start today.

We have endured from Hamas everything from suicide attacks inside buse , when he wanted to stop the peace process , to thousands of rockets he fired on our civilian for years ,

But nothing like what we have seen on Saterday 7 of October massacre , a date all Israelis will remeber , same as every American remembers 9/11.

If in the Past we thought we can somehow endure to live next door to those nuters , it became clear that after all the read lines have been crossed , We can't.

Hamas terrorist left out no human crime possible : , murder , mutilation , rape.

The pychopaths even filmed theselves doing it. Makiing it one of the most brutal and documented Massacres in human history.

What they did is not only a stain on Hamas , but on all Muslims who supported them.

I can discuss with people on alternatives to voilence to solve this conflict , but seems some here want to deny this sick stuff happened altogether.


An occupying power has no right of self defense from those occupied.

When you are cornered, you always act like a Hindu parrot manipulatively and say "doesn't Isthllin have the right to defend itself" or use these antisemitic games.
CEO of Diamond Paints donated 5Million PKR to Al-Khidmat Foundation Palestine appeal:
View attachment 999695
I know I sound like a broken record but please consider donating to registered and regulated charities doing good work in Gaza. If you live in Pakistan, the charity of choice is Al Khidmat Foundation who are on ground working in Gaza:
View attachment 999693

View attachment 999690
Ways you can donate:
Bank Transfer:
View attachment 999691
Company name: ALKHIDMAT

View attachment 999696
Just did! Thanks for sharing the information.

24 dead at Gaza’s Al-Shifa hospital as ‘hideout’ claim falters

Israeli military "found nothing" during searches of hospital complex, doctor says; Gaza City’s last functioning hospital also closes surgery.


RAFAH: A man evacuates a wounded girl after Israeli bombardment in the southern Gaza Strip on Friday. According to Al Jazeera, at least nine people were killed in the strike near the Egyptian border.—AFP

• Israeli military ‘found nothing’ during searches of hospital complex, doctor says
• Gaza City’s last functioning hospital also closes surgery
• WHO wants patients in enclave moved to Egypt

GAZA STRIP: The Gaza health ministry said on Friday that 24 patients at a hospital in the war-torn enclave had died within 48 hours due to power outages, as Israeli forces searched the complex for Hamas hideouts.

The situation was dire at the Al-Shifa hospital, the largest in Gaza, which Israel’s army said it was searching for a third day for suspected hideouts of fighters from the Hamas’ armed wing.

The Israeli military claimed on Thursday it had uncovered a Hamas tunnel shaft and a vehicle with weapons at the Al Shifa hospital complex.

Hamas rejects an Israeli charge that it has a command centre at the hospital, packed with patients and displaced people and struggling to keep operating, has become a focus of global concern. The hospital also denies the claim.

“Twenty-four patients… have died over the last 48 hours” at Al-Shifa hospital “as vital medical equipment has stopped functioning because of the power outage”, Gaza health ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said.

A doctor at Al Shifa also said on Friday Israeli forces had “found nothing” during searches of the hospital complex, and that food and water were running out.

Doctor Ahmed El Mokhallalati told Reuters by telephone that despite the “difficult” conditions at the hospital, no babies had died there since Israeli troops entered it on Wednesday.

“It’s a totally terrifying situation, here the Israeli tanks and the Israeli troops have been moving within the hospital area, all over the hospital,” said Mr Mokhallalati, a surgeon born in Ireland who trained in Cairo and practiced in London.

“The situation is totally difficult. They are shooting all the time, all the areas,” he said. “They have found nothing. They have found no single resistance. No single gunshot, against them within the hospital area.”

He added, “What happened is that the people, we run out of food, we ran out of drinking water.”

 Palestinians wounded in Israeli strikes lie on the floor at the Indonesian Hospital after the Al Shifa facility went out of service amid the Israeli ground invasion of Gaza Strip.—Reuters

Palestinians wounded in Israeli strikes lie on the floor at the Indonesian Hospital after the Al Shifa facility went out of service amid the Israeli ground invasion of Gaza Strip.—Reuters

WHO seeks flow of patients to Egypt

Meanwhile, the World Health Organisation called on Friday for a regular flow of patients to be allowed out of Gaza for treatment in Egypt, to relieve the pressure on overwhelmed hospitals.

The WHO said a system needed to be set up to get priority cases out of the besieged Palestinian territory.

Twenty-five out of 36 hospitals in the Gaza Strip are not functioning and the remainder are struggling to provide services. “This is clearly not enough to support the endless needs arising due to the hostilities,” said Richard Peeperkorn, the WHO representative in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Addressing a press briefing in Geneva, he called for daily sustained, orderly, unimpeded and safe medical evacuations of critically injured and sick patients into neighbouring Egypt.

Speaking via a video link from Jerusalem, Mr Peeperkorn said 50 to 60 patients a day ought to be transferred into Egypt, “where they will get — and they deserve — the right treatment and care”.

Moving priority patients to Egypt “will also relieve part of the overwhelmed current health sector so that we can address the other needs in a better way”, he said.

“We are, as WHO, extremely worried for the safety of patients, health and workers, not just at Al-Shifa but other hospitals as well,” he said. “Health facilities, health workers, ambulances and patients must be safeguarded.”

Mr Peeperkorn said that prior to the conflict, there were around 3,500 hospital beds across Gaza, and now there are an estimated 1,400. “Based on our plans, the needs at the moment would be 5,000 beds,” he said.

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) earlier said its aid trucks were unable to enter Gaza from Egypt for a second straight day due to the lack of fuel and a near-total communications blackout.

UNRWA said it would be unable to “manage or coordinate humanitarian convoys” from Friday because of the telecommunications outage.

The last hospital fully functioning in the northern half of Gaza, Ahli Arab, just over three kilometres away from Al Shifa, was forced to close its surgery department after it ran out of anaesthetics.

British-Palestinian surgeon Ghassan Abu Sitta, who escaped on foot to the south, told Reuters he had decided to leave because he was now powerless to help patients.

“It has been a living nightmare — leaving 500 wounded knowing that there’s nothing left for you to be able to do for them, it’s just the most heartbreaking thing I ever had to do,” Mr Abu Sitta said by phone.

In a post on X, he wrote: “No longer able to provide surgeries at Ahli Hosp. The hospital is now effectively a first aid station. Hundreds of wounded now at hospital with no access to surgery. They will die from their wounds.”

Israel under pressure

Israel has come under increasing pressure to back up its allegations that Hamas is using hospitals as command centres.

The United States has stood behind its ally, however, with President Joe Biden this week saying he had asked Israel to be “incredibly careful” in its military moves around Gaza hospitals.

More than half of Gaza’s hospitals are no longer functional due to combat, damage or shortages.

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