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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Hi Jewish wife's name is Jemima Goldsmith or Jemima Khan. They had a divorce. Secondly, his third wife Bushra is a Sunni Muslim with Mystical pretences as a Peer. Thirdly, Imran is not a Shia but rumored to be a Qadiani/Ahmadi. (An Indian sect which claims that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed was a Mehdi or Christ and that Jihad is no longer permissible against the colonialists.)

Was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk a Donme as some say?

Jemima Goldsmith was raised as a Christian.

Imran Khan is not a Qadiani/Ahmadi but the chief of the British Indian Army Asim Munir Whiskey is a Qadiani.

I personally don’t have anything against Qadianis except that they believe that in the future Pakistan and India will be united and the capital will be the town of Qadian, India. This is something I was told by a Qadiani person I used to know.

Asim Munir Whiskey and his generals need to be asked if they believe in an independent Pakistan or one united with India.

But this is not the thread for that discussion.
Whats your third question its not clear
I think you understand the question therefore you said this:
1. Read: and your Lord is Most Generous, Who taught knowledge by the pen, taught man what he did not know."

This was the first revelation however first chapter/verses in the Quran is Al-Fatiha

Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem
Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil ‘aalameen
Maaliki Yawmid-Deen
Iyyaaka na’budu wa lyyaaka nasta’een
Siraatal-lazeena an’amta ‘alaihim ghayril-maghdoobi ‘alaihim wa lad-daaalleen

3. So you believe the Quran is incomplete or has been changed?

If so this is kufr you're committing kufr
So my question is simple.
Why the first verses revealed are not he same verses as first chapter? I'm just asking a question to get your point of view.
I may not or may know the answer to the question.. I'm just curious to get your share of knowledge if you have any in this regard?
Please... Thanks
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It is the liquidations like this one that forced Netanyahu's hand. His top military commanders were getting wiped out by the heroic defenders in Gaza. No matter how much he put up a brave face, his forces were hit hard.

آمين يا رب العالمين
If small (but apparently mighty) Gaza is wiping out so many top IDF commanders, which commanders will the IDF have/use when the next phase of the war involves Israel fighting Hezbollah???? Merkavas- destroyed, top IDF commanders- destroyed, ammunition - lacking!

You see why Israel probably can't make good on its threat to "bomb Lebanon back to the stone ages"?? Israel cant bomb Lebanon the way it wants because it doesnt have the means to actually do so TODAY, plain and simple.
I think you understand the question therefore you said this:

So my question is simple.
Why the first verses revealed are not he same verses as first chapter? I'm just asking a question to get your point of view.
I may not or may know the answer to the question.. I'm just curious to get your share of knowledge if you have any in this regard?
Please... Thanks
Quran is complete, there is nothing added and nothing removed from it. It is perfect and protected by Allah swt. Do you agree or not? Yes or no?

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