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China to step up 're-education' of Tibetans


Dec 22, 2007
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BEIJING (AFP) — China has warned it would step up a controversial "re-education" campaign for Tibetans after a fresh protest showed a huge security crackdown had failed to extinguish nearly one month of unrest.

The statement in the state-run Tibet Daily newspaper called for Buddhist monks to become Chinese patriots, but activist groups said the heavy-handed techniques already employed in the campaign were inflaming tensions.

Efforts by authorities to "re-educate" monks at a monastery in Sichuan province in southwest China led to protests there on Thursday in which at least eight Tibetans were killed, the activist groups said.

China's communist rulers have been deeply angered and embarrassed over the Tibetan unrest, as it has overshadowed its preparations for the Beijing Olympics and exposed other human rights issues.

Tibetans have been protesting in anger over what they say has been widespread repression under nearly six decades of Chinese rule.

In Xinjiang, a Muslim-populated region of northwest China which neighbours Tibet, there have also been protests in recent days to express similar sentiments, although not on nearly the same scale as the Tibetan unrest.

The jailing of prominent Chinese dissident Hu Jia on Thursday for subversion added to concerns around the world that the human rights situation in China was getting worse instead of better ahead of the Games.

Those concerns are expected to be magnified on Sunday when the Olympic torch passes through London, with Tibetan activists and other groups vowing to add further heat to the flame there.

In the Tibet Daily article, Tibet's deputy Communist Party chief was quoted as telling a group of influential monks that "reinforcing patriotic education" was now a top priority.

"Guide the monks so that they continue to foster the tradition of love of religion, love of the country and to hold high the banner of patriotic progress," the paper quoted Hao Peng as saying.

Hao was speaking on Thursday at the ancient Tashilumpo monastery in Shigatse, the seat of the Panchen Lama, who ranks number two in Tibetan Buddhist's hierarchy behind the Dalai Lama.

"Especially reinforce education of young monks about the legal system so that they become patriots who love religion and observe discipline and law," he said.

The International Campaign for Tibet said the re-education campaign, a tactic long used by the Communist Party, typically involved forcing Tibetans to denounce the Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama fled his homeland in 1959 and remains a revered figure for Tibetans, although China believes he is a dangerous figure bent on achieving independence for Tibet.

China says he is orchestrating the latest unrest, claims he denies.

Such orders to denounce the Dalai Lama helped trigger Thursday's protest in Garze county of Sichuan province, International Campaign for Tibet spokesman Kate Saunders said.

China's official Xinhua news agency reported the incident late Friday, saying police were forced to fire warning shots to quell a "riot" in which protesters attacked a government building and seriously wounded one official.

"Police were forced to fire warning shots and put down the violence, since local officials and people were in great danger," Xinhua said.

Xinhua did not give other key details in its brief dispatch, such as how many "rioters" were involved or why they had marched on the government office.

The International Campaign for Tibet, the Free Tibet Cam paign and Radio Free Asia reported that police had fired directly into the protesters, killing at least eight.

The attempted re-education campaign had taken place at Tongkor monastery, which the Free Tibet Campaign said had about 370 monks.

Independently verifying what happened, as with all the unrest, is extremely difficult because China has barred foreign reporters from travelling to Tibet and the other hotspot areas and blanketed them with security.

The protests began in Tibet's capital, Lhasa, last month to mark the anniversary of a failed 1959 uprising against Chinese rule, then spread to other areas of western China with Tibetan populations, including Sichuan.

China says Tibetan rioters have killed 18 civilians and two policemen. Before the latest unrest, Tibetan exiled leaders said 135-140 Tibetans had been killed in the Chinese crackdown.

An envoy of the Dalai Lama on Thursday urged Beijing to cancel plans to run the Olympic torch relay through Tibet, describing such a move as provocative and insulting, given the unrest.

AFP: China to step up 're-education' of Tibetans
Criminals have to be dealt according to Chinese laws (not Indian laws or Western laws), either labor camp, or jail, or capital punishment.
True, the Chinese law will prevail.

Indeed, if there is any humane and fair law in a Communist land steeped in the concept of 'Legalism', which in essence means the State knows best and remain the zombie that you are!

It is worse than thumb screws!
Instead of re-educating these criminals afterwards, police should shoot them on site from now on.
You are an Bigoted, casteist, Idiot around here.......... who along with malang raise a topic and play to & fro until someone came for bait.

But then again you asked for new. But for a shameless nothing is new.
You are an Bigoted, casteist, Idiot around here.......... who along with malang raise a topic and play to & fro until someone came for bait.

But then again you asked for new. But for a shameless nothing is new.

You take the cake.

Apart from being the village buffoon have you anything to contribute.

Discuss with facts and do not let your spleen burst due to your ignorance to comment.

Your moniker makes me wonder where is the Titanium lodged!

Let intellectual temper be the code and not crass illiteracy!
This coming from you is bit like hypocrisy........ don't you think?? All you do is publish your bigotary here....no matter how well you decorate.....those who see know it.

If you think you are being smart here...... you are no more than people of your generation before.

Hindus are haughty, foolishly vain, self-conceited, and stolid[/B]. They are by nature niggardly in communicating that which they know,
Said by the great man in 1000 years before.

If they traveled and mixed with other nations, they would soon change their mind, for their ancestors were not as narrow-minded as the present generation is

It seems the prejudice won't go away no matter how much they know of another culture or how much the time ealapsed, coz they are trapped still in the same Bigoted view..

Hindus believe that there is no country but theirs, no nation like theirs, no kings like theirs, no religion like theirs, no science like theirs
But the fact at that time as well as as this time is observed by Burini

"The Greeks, though impure, must be honored, since they were trained in sciences and therein excelled others. What, then, are we to say of a Brahmin, if he combines with his purity the height of science?"
tibet is just a part of China.our police want to make the society stable,and ppl can live well under the safe situation.
but so-called tibet freedom fighter burn the shops and beat the innocent ppl,some nice girls were dead,some were wounded,but western media say those criminals is good.why why pls give us reasons
tibet is just a part of China.our police want to make the society stable,and ppl can live well under the safe situation.
but so-called tibet freedom fighter burn the shops and beat the innocent ppl,some nice girls were dead,some were wounded,but western media say those criminals is good.why why pls give us reasons

The west doesnt give reasons. They just tell you whats right and whats wrong and you dare not ask them why.
We as Pakistanis are very grateful to the people and government of china, who over decades have helped and supported us. We will always support china on its sovereignty over Tibet and other regions even where Muslims reside.

Where is the justice for those Chinese who have been killed driven out and their business and homes burnt by the these criminals who blame china for repression. Where is the peaceful protest of dalai lama gone?

Anyone who breaks the law that governs all people regardless of colour ethnic group, if broken then it should deal severe punishment.
It is time for all to read Legalism of China.

It answers most of the issue that is on.

China is a great friend of Pakistan indeed. In wars against India, the Chinese has been ready to fight it to the last Pakistani!

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