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China's 5G Fighter 'a showoff'


Feb 1, 2011
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China's fifth-generation fighter program is more for effect than substance, Russia's leading aircraft maker said on Monday.

China carried out its first test-flight of a fifth-generation stealth fighter in January.

"It was more a demonstration than a real program," Mikhail Pogosyan, head of United Aircraft Corporation, said.

The Chinese aircraft industry is developing successfully but it lacks what is required for a breakthrough, he said.

"There will be no breakthroughs here. Great scale and great experience are needed to carry out such programs," Pogosyan said.

Russia is testing its own fifth-generation aircraft T-50 PAK FA developed by the Sukhoi design bureau. The aircraft is expected to become operational in 2015.
China's prototype Black Silk J-20 stealth fighter is thought to be similar to the U.S. F-22 Raptor and the Russo-Indian T-50 jets, although imagery and video footage appearing on the internet suggested the Chinese model is larger. This means it could be capable of flying a longer range and carrying a heavier load.

China has been working on a future fighter program since the mid-1990s, and the J-20 is notionally anticipated to enter service around 2018-2020.

Saying stuff like this only lowers the chance of China buying more Sukhois.
Maybe the Russians feel bad about the potential chances of losing market in the near future(?) Who knows :what:

Both the J-20 and PAK-FA are in prototype stages. Too early to say which one is better.
let me just say something a worked on jet aircraft my whole life.I live in Long Island Ny..nhtse you have to be kidding me the J-20 is nothing more then a copy of the canceled Mig.1.42 and middle Fuselage of Su-47 do you know its almost impossible to build a stealth design with Canards sticking out the side you know what that does to the RCS and clearly the J-20 needs it for stabilty reasons.Su-50 im sorry to tell you is a far superior stealth design.You know your country is going to depend heavily on Russian Technology your dont even have your own engine for your aircraft,its Russian and your composites are years behind Russia which the Tu-160 blackjack has better composites then the J-20 anyone to even compare is going by a wikipedia Globalsecurity info that site is Run by Chinese Sympotizers

MIG 1.44:



I don't see too much resemblance to conclude it is just a cheap copy. It is still in prototype stages, so its too early to jump into conclusions.
Please don't tell me, THIS IS MY PROFESSION...

Alot of our engineers are convinced the j-20 is simply incapable of providing steallth and many speculate that it also has limited manuverbility with such an awkward design... the uncessary curtaling of the delate wing adds too much reliance on the canards which will simply not deliver in terms of stealth and manuverbilty
In the 20 years since I'm been using the Internet starting with newsgroups, I have never had someone present his credentials as "listen to me, I live on Long Island". You would be the first.

How do I put this guy on ignore from my phone??

let me just say something a worked on jet aircraft my whole life.I live in Long Island Ny..nhtse you have to be kidding me the J-20 is nothing more then a copy of the canceled Mig.1.42 and middle Fuselage of Su-47 do you know its almost impossible to build a stealth design with Canards sticking out the side you know what that does to the RCS and clearly the J-20 needs it for stabilty reasons.Su-50 im sorry to tell you is a far superior stealth design.You know your country is going to depend heavily on Russian Technology your dont even have your own engine for your aircraft,its Russian and your composites are years behind Russia which the Tu-160 blackjack has better composites then the J-20 anyone to even compare is going by a wikipedia Globalsecurity info that site is Run by Chinese Sympotizers
Please don't tell me, THIS IS MY PROFESSION...

Alot of our engineers are convinced the j-20 is simply incapable of providing steallth and many speculate that it also has limited manuverbility with such an awkward design... the uncessary curtaling of the delate wing adds too much reliance on the canards which will simply not deliver in terms of stealth and manuverbilty

Do you know what a prototype is? From your profession, you should know well of what it is.

Well, the canards are questionable. There has been a lot of debate over this, including something called "plasma stealth".

China is still a developing country. Developing a fifth generation aircraft takes time until it is considered 'appropriate' for service.

The same for F-22. It took time to develop.

At this point, its hard to say much about the J-20.
In the 20 years since I'm been using the Internet starting with newsgroups, I have never had someone present his credentials as "listen to me, I live on Long Island". You would be the first.

How do I put this guy on ignore from my phone??

Reeks of low esteem don't it lol, I get em too proclaiming certification etc. Some people just don't get that its the internet. :disagree:

^^ clearr rip off of mig 1.44


thats going to how finished render after complex ram rcs reducing minute structural changes...


We know Russia is very capable and it incorportating many new feature into it's pak fa and it yet to come final prototype before production
flast nozzles will make t-50 ultimate stelath machine
let me just say something a worked on jet aircraft my whole life.I live in Long Island Ny..nhtse you have to be kidding me the J-20 is nothing more then a copy of the canceled Mig.1.42 and middle Fuselage of Su-47 do you know its almost impossible to build a stealth design with Canards sticking out the side you know what that does to the RCS and clearly the J-20 needs it for stabilty reasons.Su-50 im sorry to tell you is a far superior stealth design.You know your country is going to depend heavily on Russian Technology your dont even have your own engine for your aircraft,its Russian and your composites are years behind Russia which the Tu-160 blackjack has better composites then the J-20 anyone to even compare is going by a wikipedia Globalsecurity info that site is Run by Chinese Sympotizers

Firstly, please learn to write better as it is difficult to understand what you are trying to say.

China has the 132KN indigenous WS-10A installed on the J-11B. The Russian supplied AL-31F that it uses on it's J-10s currently produce only 125KN.

The J-11B also makes use of extensive composites that were first used on the J-10 fighter. Russian composite technology is not ahead of that of the Chinese.

J-20 when it finally is in production will make extensive use of composites, will have a complex fbw(pioneered in the J-10) system, AESA radar and very high thrust WS-15 engine. It may not be as good as the F-22 but it will be sufficient for China's need.

After (maybe):

Both the J-20 and PAK-FA are in prototype stages. Who knows, the J-20 might look different afterwards. Wish both China and Russia best of luck :tup:

^^ clearr rip off of mig 1.44


thats going to how finished render after complex ram rcs reducing minute structural changes...


We know Russia is very capable and it incorportating many new feature into it's pak fa and it yet to come final prototype before production
flast nozzles will make t-50 ultimate stelath machine

these photos showed you the level of your 'professionism' lol``so to sum-up its joke`

how can you compare a plane which conducted 50+ times flights to the 'most-advanced' on paper plane? drawing pictures is one thing, and making a machine that can be tested in intensive flights test is another thing, if you can differenciate these two, we can safely assume you are a door keep in that whatever areo company you worked for`:D

there are threads like Chinese J-xx and J-20 here, so you can spend some time to educate yourself, maybe you will benefit from them to your day time jobe``lol
We know Russia is very capable and it incorportating many new feature into it's pak fa and it yet to come final prototype before production
flast nozzles will make t-50 ultimate stelath machine

Here is front shot of real T-50.

Small structural changes? They would need to change whole fuselage to make it look like that fantasy art you posted.

It's just russians being angry again. I remember last year (before J-20 was seen first time) in difrent forums russian were joking that soon chinese will come and beg to get few T-50's... You think that's going to happen? I think it's very unlikely.

They also offered SU-35 to chinese, but we haven't hear anything about that lately.
Here is front shot of real T-50.

Small structural changes? They would need to change whole fuselage to make it look like that fantasy art you posted.

It's just russians being angry again. I remember last year (before J-20 was seen first time) in difrent forums russian were joking that soon chinese will come and beg to get few T-50's... You think that's going to happen? I think it's very unlikely.

They also offered SU-35 to chinese, but we haven't hear anything about that lately.

i think he is been too flattered by the russians generous offer for them to join PAK-FA, they are taking whatever craps coming out of those desperated russian 'professor' :D`` Rafale and EF is way much stealther than the current T-50 if im exaggerating`
"It was more a demonstration than a real program," Mikhail Pogosyan, head of United Aircraft Corporation, said.
China's 5G fighter 'a showoff' | World | RIA Novosti

I find this statement to be odd from a guy like this.

He or we don't know if chinese have build demonstrator/experimental planes before they build this current J-20. Chinese could have build something like Have Blue (this would make lot of sense) before they build full sized plane....

Lockheed Have Blue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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