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India fears sudden change in Bangladesh


awesome discovery!!

What insight indeed!

It does prove that you have a greater insight into issues that your intelligence agencies, politicians and all Bangladeshis all around the world don't have.

But then one would not be surprised, since I believe you are a recorder of events and reports.

The International Crisis Group a few years ago linked the JMB with India and the Shnati Bahini was widely known to be sponsored by RAW. There is no secret here. This is all public knowledge.
Ah yes, the International Crisis Group.

People like Zbigniew Brzezinski are the Senior advisers.

A very neutral person indeed!

What a great pacifist!

He did so marvellously against Iran with his Op Eagle Claw.

and in Afghanistan which now the world regrets.

Very very neutral and a positive person indeed!
yup its logical i agree......is it in the same logic that illegal immigrants travel in to increasingly becoming ENEMY state.....?????:what:

I don't think you would last very long on this forum.
When the puppet AL government falls it will definitely be a change...especially if the new government put priorities of national interests first and awarding India second!


Gut reaction?

What makes you feel that the Bangladesh govt gives India the first priority?

Since you talk of puppet govts, it would be worth your having taken hold of facts before loosely using fanciful terms. Guess where the puppet Govt is really is?

You, yourself answer that guess I suppose with your signature:
Zardari ik azab!
The fastest way to enslave a country is to install puppet leaders in the name of democracy!
JI never got more 5-7% vote, BJP, RSS and Shive sena gets more vote. Indians are communal, we are not, thats the fact. This guy is spreading lies so any agitation they would pin on JI.

MMS is not a moron, he is backing up Hasina with lies. Unless she steals the next election, she will never win. Its painful to see subservient nature of this mentally and physically thick woman.

They way she is going, something will happen. I don't want to see military doing anything, but I would like to see BNP taking the lead.
Bottom line - AL with its rush abolition of the CTG, its only digging its own grave. A government can't just simply 'delete' a CONSTITUTION.

This editorial summarizes it pretty well:
Bulldozing constitutional amendments
Such unilateral action is self-defeating
The PM's statement in Parliament on Tuesday and the placement of the report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on law ministry before the House last evening make it abundantly clear that the AL government is hell-bent on abolishing the caretaker system.

We feel that the speed with which the whole thing is being done trivialises both the Constitution and its amendment process. The PM's claim that she has waited 11 months for the opposition's response cannot hold good for the CTG issue surfaced only after the SC verdict on May 10 making it less than a two-month old issue.

What surprises us even more is that the full verdict of Supreme Court is not yet out and the nation does not know the full extent of the ruling given by the SC. The very fact that an issue of such national importance as a constitutional amendment on CTG is being implemented without the full verdict makes the process extremely questionable, especially when it is being done by showing the SC judgment as its main justification.

The PM's positioning is that with the ruling party's two-thirds majority in parliament the constitution maybe re-amended to accommodate the opposition viewpoint on the CTG issue, if need be. This is doublespeak; only very recently she had invited the opposition to talks but now she is bent upon abolishing the CTG system unilaterally.

The ruling party's hasty handling of the caretaker issue is patently inexplicable when it has more than two years to go before the next general election.

By fast-tracking the amendment process, the ruling party is making a blunder. The prime minister cited instance of an autocratic regime carrying out amendments at a breakneck speed. Actually, that has been the bane of the constitution leaving it distorted beyond recognition, which it is now the prime responsibility of a democratic government to set right -- through a consensus.

We think the ruling party is using its brute and overwhelming majority to bulldoze a whole set of constitutional amendments which have far-reaching implication both for democracy and the country.

We feel the government is underestimating BNP whose strength should not be merely judged by its number of seats in the JS but rather by the size of its voter support.

Indian members, please understand that no one can just 'delete' a constitution. And please, understand what the word 'constitution' actually means. I am pretty sure you guys are educated enough to know that.
Hasina has screwed up the judiciary. Even she doesn't know where/what is the BD constitution? Americans have bid her farewell after she misbehaved with Dr Yunus. Therefore, MMS knows what he is saying. And is he going to ball for Hasina? No way. He himself is an American proxy. If anything he will like Hasina to fall faster, but at the same time, he must be looking for a replacement acceptable to India. That may not happen in the near future. India has pressurized BD so much under AL that people totally loath India.
Bottom line - AL with its rush abolition of the CTG, its only digging its own grave. A government can't just simply 'delete' a CONSTITUTION.

This editorial summarizes it pretty well:

Indian members, please understand that no one can just 'delete' a constitution. And please, understand what the word 'constitution' actually means. I am pretty sure you guys are educated enough to know that.

One the one hand, you want the CTG to go and on the other hand, you say none can delete the constitution.

Very confusing.
JI never got more 5-7% vote, BJP, RSS and Shive sena gets more vote. Indians are communal, we are not, thats the fact. This guy is spreading lies so any agitation they would pin on JI.

MMS is not a moron, he is backing up Hasina with lies. Unless she steals the next election, she will never win. Its painful to see subservient nature of this mentally and physically thick woman.

They way she is going, something will happen. I don't want to see military doing anything, but I would like to see BNP taking the lead.

You want to force your way with fantasies that India is communal.

If we were we would not have been the second largest Muslim population country or now, maybe third.

Indeed, MMS is not a moron.


What you want to see, you may not see, since dreams do not always come true.

Do you possess ESP?

Bangladesh is made of so many people beyond you that none can tell what will happen,

For all you know you may rejoin Pakistan!

or the Biharis and Razaakars and the Jammaait take over the country by force!

Who knows?

wonders never cease!
One the one hand, you want the CTG to go and on the other hand, you say none can delete the constitution.

Very confusing.

No one is deleting the entire constitution. Several Articles of the Constitution have been amended or added. The changes, however, are significant and change the entire complexion of the Constitution. Apart from the CTG and Islam there are several other matters that have been ignored in these changes.

The Constitution (Fifteenth Amendment) Bill, 2011 is anti-Bangladesh and is against the independence struggle of Bangladesh

The Constitution (Fifteenth Amendment) Bill, 2011 as it presently stands, is anti-Bangladesh in outlook and detrimental to the continuing sovereignty and independence of the country and must therefore be vehemently and firmly opposed. That the country’s sovereignty and independence is being sacrificed to Indian interests and strategic requirements (i.e. Akhand Bharat) appears to find support in the recommendation to replace the words, ‘historic war for national independence’ now contained in the Preamble to the Constitution, with the euphemistic and vapid words, ‘historic struggle for national freedom.’ Similarly the suggested inclusion of the words in the Preamble, ‘We are pledging that the ideals - nationalism, socialism, democracy and secularism- which inspired our heroic people to dedicate themselves to, and our brave martyrs to sacrifice their lives in the struggle of national freedom, shall be fundamental principles of the Constitution’ radically distorts and perverts the meaning of the 1971 war to fit an Indian secularist perspective and interpretation. The objective to assimilate Bangladesh into the Indian cultural and ethnic milieu is given substance and voice to in the proposal to amend Article 6(2) which will now read, ‘The people of Bangladesh shall be known as Bangalee as a nation and citizens of Bangladesh shall be known as Bangladeshis.’ This leaves the door open to future amalgamation with West Bengal and ultimately India. Apparently Bangladeshis only fought for freedom in 1971 and not full independence which is a logical outcome of the words of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on March 7, 1971 at the Dhaka Racecourse (now Suhrawardy Udyan) which according to most records did not actually call for independence from Pakistan. A declaration of independence was made much later and only after the crackdown on March 25- 26 1971 when no other option was available. Unfortunately, the Constitution (Fifteenth Amendment) Bill, 2011 completely ignores the declaration of independence made by then Major Ziaur Rahman on behalf of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on March 27, 1971 from Kalurghat Radio Station in Chittagong. How ironic.

DeshCalling: The Constitution (Fifteenth Amendment) Bill, 2011 is anti-Bangladesh and against the country's independence struggle
Hasina has screwed up the judiciary. Even she doesn't know where/what is the BD constitution? Americans have bid her farewell after she misbehaved with Dr Yunus. Therefore, MMS knows what he is saying. And is he going to ball for Hasina? No way. He himself is an American proxy. If anything he will like Hasina to fall faster, but at the same time, he must be looking for a replacement acceptable to India. That may not happen in the near future. India has pressurized BD so much under AL that people totally loath India.

Yunus is that much a favourite of the US that he makes such a difference?

are you being a trifle dramatic?
No one is deleting the entire constitution. Several Articles of the Constitution have been amended or added. The changes, however, are significant and change the entire complexion of the Constitution. Apart from the CTG and Islam there are several other matters that have been ignored in these changes.

The Constitution (Fifteenth Amendment) Bill, 2011 is anti-Bangladesh and is against the independence struggle of Bangladesh

The Constitution (Fifteenth Amendment) Bill, 2011 as it presently stands, is anti-Bangladesh in outlook and detrimental to the continuing sovereignty and independence of the country and must therefore be vehemently and firmly opposed. That the country’s sovereignty and independence is being sacrificed to Indian interests and strategic requirements (i.e. Akhand Bharat) appears to find support in the recommendation to replace the words, ‘historic war for national independence’ now contained in the Preamble to the Constitution, with the euphemistic and vapid words, ‘historic struggle for national freedom.’ Similarly the suggested inclusion of the words in the Preamble, ‘We are pledging that the ideals - nationalism, socialism, democracy and secularism- which inspired our heroic people to dedicate themselves to, and our brave martyrs to sacrifice their lives in the struggle of national freedom, shall be fundamental principles of the Constitution’ radically distorts and perverts the meaning of the 1971 war to fit an Indian secularist perspective and interpretation. The objective to assimilate Bangladesh into the Indian cultural and ethnic milieu is given substance and voice to in the proposal to amend Article 6(2) which will now read, ‘The people of Bangladesh shall be known as Bangalee as a nation and citizens of Bangladesh shall be known as Bangladeshis.’ This leaves the door open to future amalgamation with West Bengal and ultimately India. Apparently Bangladeshis only fought for freedom in 1971 and not full independence which is a logical outcome of the words of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on March 7, 1971 at the Dhaka Racecourse (now Suhrawardy Udyan) which according to most records did not actually call for independence from Pakistan. A declaration of independence was made much later and only after the crackdown on March 25- 26 1971 when no other option was available. Unfortunately, the Constitution (Fifteenth Amendment) Bill, 2011 completely ignores the declaration of independence made by then Major Ziaur Rahman on behalf of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on March 27, 1971 from Kalurghat Radio Station in Chittagong. How ironic.

DeshCalling: The Constitution (Fifteenth Amendment) Bill, 2011 is anti-Bangladesh and against the country's independence struggle

Don't jump in half coc.ked as the say in English.

Zabnanya spoke of deleting the constitution and I merely used his words.

You have a tendency to reproduced repeatedly what you write or post.

I have seen this thread of yours!

It is a cut and paste and all you could have done is post the link to your thread instead of wasting bandwidth!
JI never got more 5-7% vote, BJP, RSS and Shive sena gets more vote. Indians are communal, we are not, thats the fact. This guy is spreading lies so any agitation they would pin on JI.

MMS is not a moron, he is backing up Hasina with lies. Unless she steals the next election, she will never win. Its painful to see subservient nature of this mentally and physically thick woman.

They way she is going, something will happen. I don't want to see military doing anything, but I would like to see BNP taking the lead.

That makes complete sense....

Since it was India that wanted to form a new country for muslims.....It was us who could not live with Hindus ......It all speaks for the communal mindedness of Indians....

If the bell hasnt rung for you already......It is India which has the 3rd largest Muslim population in the world with a healthy set of other minority groups that keep increasing in numbers Y.O.Y
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