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Support for secularism grows in Pakistan

sunnah is the explanation of quran and nothing more, is confirrms quranic laws, if u have anything to support ur point, u must be the first muslim!!!

doesnt secularism violate quranic rules???

secularism was made by christians of europe, bcoz, seeing the "dark ages" of bible ruling them(actually the priests were continuously plagiarizing bible to support thier deeds), which completely went inhumane in its closing chapters!!!, u can read the bible, as i have and realize how insane it is!!

Salam Hammad, actually the Arab philosopher Ibn Rushd created secularism and taught the Europeans their founding living principle today known as Secularism. Ibn Rushd is regarded as "The father of Secularism"
my friend, the first righteous calif system was not dictator ship or is it???

it is later, when some ppl took power in their own hands and become dictators??, muslims supported their leadership. man-made communism failed, and i think the tym is very near when secular system will eventually also fail!!, see the rising no of muslims in america!!!, can u believe thousands of americans r impressed by wht islam has to offer, living in such a free environment??

and the most interseting thing is tht, these american born muslims dont think the limited aspects of islamis system!!! as most of ppl in the east have started to believe in!!
my friend, the first righteous calif system was not dictator ship or is it???

it is later, when some ppl took power in their own hands and become dictators??, muslims supported their leadership. man-made communism failed, and i think the tym is very near when secular system will eventually also fail!!, see the rising no of muslims in america!!!, can u believe thousands of americans r impressed by wht islam has to offer, living in such a free environment??

and the most interseting thing is tht, these american born muslims dont think the limited aspects of islamis system!!! as most of ppl in the east have started to believe in!!

The only righteous Caliphs in Islam are those who lived during the lifetime of the Prophet S.A.W. The rest are dictatorships yes, they have abused and in fact ruined Islam down the road. Islam must never put it's faith in Man, only Man has to put their faith in Islam.
Salam Hammad, actually the Arab philosopher Ibn Rushd created secularism and taught the Europeans their founding living principle today known as Secularism. Ibn Rushd is regarded as "The father of Secularism"

please post a link which tells tht, as wikipedia doesnt offer this information!!!, read article abt secularism from wiki
The only righteous Caliphs in Islam are those who lived during the lifetime of the Prophet S.A.W. The rest are dictatorships yes, they have abused and in fact ruined Islam down the road. Islam must never put it's faith in Man, only Man has to put their faith in Islam.

??????, u repeat the same point!!
Point is my son I don't want a religious police beating me for missing prayer like they have in Iran and Saudi Arabia, the current pinnacles of "Islamic" governance.
Point is my son I don't want a religious police beating me for missing prayer like they have in Iran and Saudi Arabia, the current pinnacles of "Islamic" governance.

LOL, this is not in islam, want to add, in talibans regime, it was strictly ordered to grow beard, man without beard was punished!!, now this is not in islam, growing beard is sunnah, highly regarded, but never ordained!!
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The use of the word "secular" is confusing. To some it means "godless". The main point of the US approach is to guarantee freedom to practice your religion without interference by the Government. The way this is done is to have in the US Constitution a prohibition of the Government from passing any laws with respect to the establishment of a state religion (the first amendment). My state of Virginia refused to ratify the US Constitution until this amendment was added to the original document in 1788. In practice this religious freedom is not absolute. Laws have been written and upheld by US Courts prohibiting plural marriage, human sacrifice and the use of opiates in religious ceremonies. However, within the bounds that religious practices do not infringe on the rights of others, or are harmful to others, the US Constitution forbids the Government from interfering. Instead of calling our society "secular" we say we have "freedom of religion".
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‘I am shocked to learn that half of Pakistan is in support of secularism! This is great news!

if u look at the literacy rate of pakistan which is shockingly not even 25%, saying tht half of pakistan in favour of secularism shocks me:rofl:

turks r becoming increasingly islamic, as they have experienced secularism in past more than 70 yrs!!!

the need is to educate pakistanis abt islam, the real islam, no body knows a bit abt real islam in pakistan honestly!!, most of the paistanis r fake muslims!!
sunnah is the explanation of quran and nothing more, is confirrms quranic laws, if u have anything to support ur point, u must be the first muslim!!!

doesnt secularism violate quranic rules???

secularism was made by christians of europe, bcoz, seeing the "dark ages" of bible ruling them(actually the priests were continuously plagiarizing bible to support thier deeds), which completely went inhumane in its closing chapters!!!, u can read the bible, as i have and realize how insane it is!!

how can sunnah explain the quran while it says right in the quran that quran is perfect, fully detailed and complete and should be the only source of religious guidence? that just violates the quran and god's word interely
ur statement can be justified when there r more than one quran, but till now quran has remained one, with no changes!!!, actually, wht really is, these mullahs, who argue abt silly matters!!, and they start fighting over it and then form sects(how foolish), but wht v have to do is to stick to the main msg of quran and sunnah which islam has to offer!!, ppl who started secularism were the christians, look at the bible, read the bible, which version u shuld follow!!!, european revolution was partially result of the enlightenment, for temporary islamic system which prevailed in muslim spain, and partially bcoz the priests(mullahs of christianity) and churches had become so homos, so currupt. so seeing the enlightening sights of human equality in spain and their dark homelands, they decided, they kik priests away and form their own system, by which they prosper, i really doubt, islam influenced the secular thought to develop!!

i remember a dramabaz mullah from a mosque near our home, his habit is, he never prays behind any imam!!!, when ever another imam leads jummah prayers, he never appears in the jamaat, but later after completing my jummah sallaah, i see him sitting in hujra, so he misses his jummah prayers!!

now tell me where does the quran and sunnah teach tht???

all im saying is that people should follow only the quran because thats what basically the quran says; quran states that it should be your only source of religious guidance and nothing else. I mean even our prophet only followed the quran because sunnah and hadith werent around during his time, that just states that sunnah and hadith were man-made rules that were made after the death of our prophet and corrupt the real message of the quran.
The use of the word "secular" is confusing. To some it means "godless". The main point of the US approach is to guarantee freedom to practice your religion without interference by the Government. The way this is done is to have in the US Constitution a prohibition of the Government from passing any laws with respect to the establishment of a state religion (the first amendment). My state of Virginia refused to ratify the US Constitution until this amendment was added to the original document in 1788. In practice this religious freedom is not absolute. Laws have been written and upheld by US Courts prohibiting plural marriage, human sacrifice and the use of opiates in religious ceremonies. However, within the bounds that religious practices do not infringe on the rights of others, or are harmful to others, the US Constitution forbids the Government from interfering. Instead of calling our society "secular" we say we have "freedom of religion".

Slight correction. Secular means "Freedom of Religion" and "Freedom from Religion". Problem arises when people quote only one without the other.

US founders have generally understood it correctly. Other societies trying to implement/understand it have understood any one of the two parts to their own detriment.
secularism was made by christians of europe, bcoz, seeing the "dark ages" of bible ruling them(actually the priests were continuously plagiarizing bible to support thier deeds), which completely went inhumane in its closing chapters!!!, u can read the bible, as i have and realize how insane it is!!

I do not have the bible in front of me, but i believe you are talking about the book of revelations. These are weird chapter leading to armagaddon, and christ coming back to earth, but your analsys that because of plagiarizime it became insane, is false. Also there is reference point you can look up if it was plagarise.
if u look at the literacy rate of pakistan which is shockingly not even 25%, saying tht half of pakistan in favour of secularism shocks me:rofl:
Where did you get that figure from?? :disagree:
Literacy rate in Pakistan is 58% and rising!
I do not have the bible in front of me, but i believe you are talking about the book of revelations. These are weird chapter leading to armagaddon, and christ coming back to earth, but your analsys that because of plagiarizime it became insane, is false. Also there is reference point you can look up if it was plagarise.

well by closing chapters i mean "closing chapters of dark europe not the bible", bible is very insane when it comes to its teachings, be it the old testament or the new one!!!

George Bernard Shaw said that “THE MOST DANGEROUS BOOK (the Bible) ON EARTH, KEEP IT UNDER LOCK AND KEY Keep the Bible out of your children’s reach".:rofl::rofl:

whts the today bible edition u ppl use today, i dont remember, i think its called new world edition???, or the bible of 20st century, changes r going on even now!!!, old verse extracted and new verse added, even now, bible cant be applied fully!!, its simply impossible!!!

btw, ur profile pic, looks like a homo flag:rofl:
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