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IAF plans to hit targets in 24 hours

I think its been 240 hours since this threat and today the threat of 26th December has also arrived, so lets see... Today's the day.
I think its been 240 hours since this threat and today the threat of 26th December has also arrived, so lets see... Today's the day.

Asim bhai from military point of view indians would like to attack with element of surprise not by giving us deadline. PAF has on HIGH ALERT..you think they will attack in these circumstances.

To all indians...HEAR UP CLEARLY that if you think you can bury obama's proposal to solve kashmir solution by these foolish activities than that's your mistake. Kashmir is on verge of independence all it needs is a push from pakistan and that's it for india. Once kashmir goes from india the naxalite states,punjab,andra pradesh,south,orissa and assam will follow suit. We will liberate all those ethnic minorities you are suffering under the rotten zealots, INSHALLAH.

Any misadventure by india beyond 26/12 will be the CONFIRMATION OF IT'S DEATH CERTIFICATE.

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I heard the number of targets is close to 500? Is that correct?

Sound like a long term plan, not sure if it's do-able in one quick sling.
26th has come... So where is india? first they give us a deadline, and then they dont show up to their own deadlines.... LOL...

Mullen is a jurk. When their own twin towers fell, they ran out in the world and started bombings. Who the hell are they to tell us to not retaliate against indian aggression.

We should by now have marked out 100 cities in india and known military holds, where 1 warheads should land if india makes any attempts of any kind.

They make surgical strikes sound like its all good. Lol... On next intrusion of an indian
to do exactly that, they should know --- War is declared.

And Pakistan should not keep anything in the museum. Its the inability to show that we will use A.bombs that has lead to make them believe that they will get away with surgical strikes..

I still feel that indian will not go to this stupidity and do exactly that. But if they do, they should know, this will not be just a conventional war no more as loss is no option for Pakistan and perhaps also not india...

If there is a war, i am sure, A-bombs will be considered, unless the international community comes as stops the war, then they will be used...

These are dangerous times. But nobody should live in a dream. In an ideal situation no A-bombs would be used, but then again in an ideal situation there will be no war.
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Come to think of it is now 72 hours since this threat started!!
I wonder who keeps time at IAF
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In retaliation Surely India will Use ......else No First use Policy firmly In place

Retaliation? Ha! You think our 100% precision tested Missiles would give India a chance to Retaliate? If you REALLY believe that, i'd suggest you start making clay pots and arm yourself with a club. Before doomsday knocks on your door.
The indian polititions are probably losing cool by now. They got them selves trapped, they only got 1 option to do surgical strikes inside pakistan, or they lose support from the local population.

this is what you get when you :blah::blah::blah:
"1963 chinese design should rightfully belong in Museum i guess.:azn:"

Srry to disappoint you, but pakistan got their nukes later then 1963 and they were more sucessful then the indian nukes.
It not him thts underestimating, its your own people, admit that too much money has been put toward your nuclear program and missles and the results were really poor.
@ Hyederabadi

M8 just to save you time, there is a quote button right nxt to the thanks button.
Democray gives right to air any opinion.....every or rathermost of the countries in the world has thier lists of failures in space,missile or other fields .,India is no different:agree:

Money spent is too less compared to Similar devlopment costs of other countries in every way .:coffee:

Pakistan spent less money and theirs was better and more reliable.:cheers:
1963 chinese design should rightfully belong in Museum i guess.:azn:

Again, speculation and off topic. There are several threads on Pakistan's nuclear program with information from Pakistani scientists that contradicts the fairytale of '1963 Chinese design'. Pakistan has moved well beyond that.

If you wish to pursue this discussion, do so in the relevant thread, after reading the existing posts.
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