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Nuke Iran will destabilise W.Asia, not in India's interest

India is corner by China, Pakistan, SL,BD...if we add Iran in...than India is checkmate...kaput...Enventhough Chinese weapons are not up to western standard...if we provide Iran with some appropriate weapons such DF-21D, J-10...Indian Ocean will be renamed it as Pakistano-Iranian ocean:rofl:.

India will have to behave and be peaceful like all the other countries in the neighbourhood. For example China has settled it's borders with several neighbours peacefully with a give and take approach, But India.......

many posters here are unable to understand what india tried to convey. As of now Israel, U.S & western world is not sure if iran is working on nuclear weapons but if iran in future decides to work on nuclear weapons then Israel, U.S & whole western world will pounce on iran, also there is a possibility that saudi Arabia & other arab countries will ask for nukes. with situations such as these even a child can understand that west asia will face instability.
So just don't read the headline try to get the logic in it.

Aww India the paragon of reason. Why did India get nukes then??

If you really cared about a nuclear arms race,why did you make a bomb at first place.This is the new version of three-faced Indian hypocrisy.

I used to think it was two faced but I think you make a valid point. I am pleased Iranian brothers are learning what Chinese, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Sri Lankans have known about India for some time

The race started already
Now get it.

Oh so when its Iran's turn you think it's not a good idea?:rofl: duplicity if I ever so it

That's an good excuse to prevent others to get similar TOY..but when come to India, the excuse is that China has NUKE, India must have too....so much for Indian logic...if Indian is silence in Iran affaire, nobody call you mute.

India is not silent. Hindutava and Zionism same coin different sides

If it comes to the showdown there should be no doubt that we will be tilted towards american side .. That is pure business keeping in mind the welfare of billion people .. Our future lies in extracting knowledge out of science than importing oil-gas..

We appreciate some Indians are honest. I have always said when push comes to shove India will side with Israel
Iran is not in position to make nukes.But once they reach at that stage,next day they will be bombed.
Although iran can deal with U.S under table and have time before U.S elections.
With western support, Indians are feeling like king in that region...LMAO...If not because of western countries that is putting the stick into Iran's wheel...India is not Iran's league in term of economy, military progress.

We do not need American proxies in Israel and India coming to steal third world resources

@ Era_923 & Kiss of dragon.

india was not facing any threat of attack from several nations when india was developing nukes but this is not the case with iran. i never said that iran should not have nukes instead i think any country possessing nukes has no right to stop other country from having it. but u ppl didn't got my point. i was just saying that israel, U.S, western world & some arab countries are just waiting for an excuse to attack iran & iran should keep it in mind before opting for nukes.

the fact that Israel assisted against Pakistan and provided drones etc and acted as Indian ally has nothing to do with it I presume?

Iran is not in position to make nukes.But once they reach at that stage,next day they will be bombed.
Although iran can deal with U.S under table and have time before U.S elections.

And if they dont develop nukes or give up their nuclear program and do what west say like Libya they can then have freedom and democracy like Libya lol
And if they dont develop nukes or give up their nuclear program and do what west say like Libya they can then have freedom and democracy like Libya lol

U.S will never attack iran atleast till november.I think iran is capable to have under table deal with U.S.
Case of libya is different as they were trying to get the deal in gold rather than dollars with different countries and iran have important position in gulf from where oil passes.

With western support, Indians are feeling like king in that region...LMAO...If not because of western countries that is putting the stick into Iran's wheel...India is not Iran's league in term of economy, military progress.

india dont need western help to deal with neighbors.You are quite delusional to the core.
Atleast compare the military of pakistan with iran:laugh:,you will self laugh :rofl: with iran's military and economy progress:rofl:
U.S will never attack iran atleast till november.I think iran is capable to have under table deal with U.S.
Case of libya is different as they were trying to get the deal in gold rather than dollars with different countries and iran have important position in gulf from where oil passes.

Iranians wish not to use US dollar for their oil just like Gadaffi

india dont need western help to deal with neighbors.You are quite delusional to the core.
Atleast compare the military of pakistan with iran:laugh:,you will self laugh :rofl: with iran's military and economy progress:rofl:

Unless you had forgotten even west accepts that Pakistani nukes arsenal is growing faster than anyone else. I think we should gift some to Iran lol
Not in India's interests?Who the hell cares about Indian interests?:coffee:

-India is purchasing your oil despite of western sanctions and pressure
-India will invest in your infrastructure in exchange of oil.
-China was first in asia to drop the oil purchase to half but later on they took it back and china is ready to deal with U.S while not poking nose in iran case.
-India is providing bank to deal with iran and dealing with u in rupees.

if india leaves you now then whole pressure will be on china :laugh: and even russia left you and dint give military hardware.

So you are ignorant and i think your govt knows our value;)

Iranians wish not to use US dollar for their oil just like Gadaffi
Unless you had forgotten even west accepts that Pakistani nukes arsenal is growing faster than anyone else. I think we should gift some to Iran lol

There are no figures and perfect sources of nukes of any country. and no body tells how many nukes a country have.
even in 2000,a report showed that india have enough fissile material to make 1000+ nukes..so do we have 1000 nukes now??
use ur brain and read my post again.I told you perfectly last day too:rofl:
I for one fail to understand why the West is so paranoid with Iran's nuclear program. Let some time pass and then see where it goes. They can still go for the shooting game after they are fully confirmed that Iran has nukes, or after Iran comes out in the open and says that it has nukes. Why risk another Iraq especially when the Economy is going through such a tough phase.

so in simple words you re asking west to wait for now until iran declare nukes and then attack him. My question to you is doesnt iran has the right for nukes when they are facing threat from israel and west as you faced from china?
Iran is not in position to make nukes.But once they reach at that stage,next day they will be bombed.
Although iran can deal with U.S under table and have time before U.S elections.

Iran is fully aware of Western intention...they will never same mistake as Irak or Libya...as for India, you better support Iran if you want to have long term peace...otherwise...it's your nightmare for short time gain..long term lost.
Iran is fully aware of Western intention...they will never same mistake as Irak or Libya...as for India, you better support Iran if you want to have long term peace...otherwise...it's your nightmare for short time gain..long term lost.

we dont give damn to other countries.we care for our interst.
and presently,stable iran is in indian interst and we can just purchase their oil.
look at these iranian hypocrates we import 11 billion $ worth of crude oil from them second highest i guess when lot of countries abandon them we continue to trade with themwe did not accept saudi arabia's offer and yet they do not miss any chance to bad mouth India and Indians now i think its time to support western sanctions against Iran,let there brotherly and bankrupt countries like pakistan buy there whole oil.
look at these iranian hypocrates we import 11 billion $ worth of crude oil from them second highest i guess when lot of countries abandon them we continue to trade with themwe did not accept saudi arabia's offer and yet they do not miss any chance to bad mouth India and Indians now i think its time to support western sanctions against Iran,let there brotherly and bankrupt countries like pakistan buy there whole oil.

leave the trolls here.They are ultra nationalist and blown in air by pakistnis here :lol:
pakistanis wants smbody here in region which share their stand so they try to soothe their self with iran.
once iran issue is solved ,next target is pakistan:laugh:

anyway,iran govt knows our stand and they appreciate it ;)
india dont need western help to deal with neighbors.You are quite delusional to the core.
Atleast compare the military of pakistan with iran:laugh:,you will self laugh :rofl: with iran's military and economy progress:rofl:

As I said without Western intervention into Iranian affaire and slow them down..India has nothing that Iran envie for beside 1 meal per day story. I remember the time where western countries cozy with Iran, they got most sophisticate weapons such F-14 tomcat...you Indians still living with WWII weapon...LMAO

I'm not delusional, if I bet I will put all my money on Iran instead of losers of 1962. for economy progress and military enhancement race...if no western intervene.
look at these iranian hypocrates we import 11 billion $ worth of crude oil from them second highest i guess when lot of countries abandon them we continue to trade with themwe did not accept saudi arabia's offer and yet they do not miss any chance to bad mouth India and Indians now i think its time to support western sanctions against Iran,let there brotherly and bankrupt countries like pakistan buy there whole oil.

Iranians hypocrites? what are you talking about mate?

leave the trolls here.They are ultra nationalist and blown in air by pakistnis here :lol:
pakistanis wants smbody here in region which share their stand so they try to soothe their self with iran.
once iran issue is solved ,next target is pakistan:laugh:

anyway,iran govt knows our stand and they appreciate it ;)

the opening thread was Israelis are saying this not Pakistanis.

...you Indians still living with WWII weapon...LMAO

No brother I think that Indian's have mig 21's aka flying coffins I am not an expert but I think that is 1960 technology. Sorry to correct you a bit Sir
look at these iranian hypocrates we import 11 billion $ worth of crude oil from them second highest i guess when lot of countries abandon them we continue to trade with themwe did not accept saudi arabia's offer and yet they do not miss any chance to bad mouth India and Indians now i think its time to support western sanctions against Iran,let there brotherly and bankrupt countries like pakistan buy there whole oil.

LMAO..we evil chinese is more than happy to buy all Iranian oil and left nothing for India...dont flatter yourself, you are so desperated as us and thirsty for its to fuel your economy...Iran has nothing to lose.
As I said without Western intervention into Iranian affaire and slow them down..India has nothing that Iran envie for beside 1 meal per day story. I remember the time where western countries cozy with Iran, they got most sophisticate weapons such F-14 tomcat...you Indians still living with WWII weapon...LMAO

I'm not delusional, if I bet I will put all my money on Iran instead of losers of 1962. for economy progress and military enhancement race...if no western intervene.

you are free to bet on any country and india have been cut from west since 47 most of the time.
Only we got interaction with west after 2000 and still have doubtful relations with west.
WE had relations with soviets and have their weapons.

now m completely sure that you are delusional and living in 62 era. i know perfectly the loss which our political class gave in 62.
but anyway,loss is loss.

i told you to compare the military of pakistan with iran.i think pakistan can take over in 3-4 day :laugh:

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