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‘Moment of truth is near:’ Israeli Air Force set to attack Iran

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
Israel has once again demonstrated its readiness to launch a massive assault on Iran’s nuclear facilities. The Israeli Air Force is geared up and ready to strike as soon as the order is given, a major Israeli TV station reported.
A reporter from Israel's Channel 10 TV station has spent several weeks interviewing pilots and other military personnel at an Israeli air base. Dozens of pilots are inspired with the prospect of Israel’s first full-scale air campaign in 30 years. Most of the interviewees spoke openly about the “year's preparations” that are now almost over, as the country heads towards a hot and tense summer.
“Dozens if not more planes” are being prepared to carry out an attack on Iran’s nuclear sites, the reporter Alon Ben-David said. This includes F-15 fighter jets, escort planes and air tankers to refuel the squadron en route to its target.
Unmanned drones are also expected to play a role in the operation. The all-weather fully-automatic UAV Eitan was designed for strategic reconnaissance but reportedly has assault capabilities as well. “This plane can do all that is required of it when the order is given,” one of the pilots said as cited in the report.
When the order is given, the assault will be “short and professional,” pilots say.
Former Mossad chief Meir Dagan warned earlier that, although IAF has the capability to deliver a crushing blow to Iran’s nuclear facilities and wipe out years of research, such an attack would have serious repercussions. He said that such an operation would trigger a war in Gaza – and that in retaliation, Iran would launch hundreds of missiles at Israel.
One of major problem the IAF will be facing is the Russian-made advanced anti-aircraft systems deployed in many countries across the region, including Iran and Syria. Israel's military personnel are aware that by no means will all of them get home safe from the mission.
Moreover, the pilots had already been told where their families would be moved when the assault begins – proof that attack day is drawing close, as the report mentions.
Israel believes that a nuclear-equipped Iran would pose an existential threat to it. As a result, Israel has repeatedly reiterated its threats to deal with the issue militarily. Defense Minister Ehud Barak even spoke of a three-month deadline for Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions, which ends in mid-summer.
Iran insists that its nuclear program is fully civilian, and any enriched uranium it produces is for medical and research purposes. The Islamic Republic has even said it is ready to make concessions on its nuclear program if the West takes “confidence-building measures” and lifts the crippling sanctions. “We are ready to resolve all issues very quickly and simply,” Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said in an interview with the Iranian news agency ISNA.
“It can speed up the process of negotiations, reaching results,” Salehi said, "if there is goodwill.” Iran is currently under four sets of UN sanctions over its nuclear program. The US and EU have also slapped Tehran with their own sets of sanctions, targeting the country's financial markets and oil industry.
The nuclear talks between Iran and six major world powers resumed on April 14. The latest meeting in Turkey was described as generally successful by the majority of participants, and the next round is scheduled for May 23 in Baghdad. Many consider these talks to be the last chance for a peaceful solution.

‘Moment of truth is near:’ Israeli Air Force set to attack Iran — RT

So how will Israel get their planes over/to Iran? Lebanon, Syria, Iraq will not allow any plane to pass over their air space.
But, the red sea and the gulf is open, in addition the American bases in the gulf countries.
Iraq has no issues :)

Attack will be carried out from multiple directions from land and sea. Plus only air stick isn't going to make much difference.
So stratagic option is heay bombing and para dropping minimum 20000 soldiers. This war will be mess for both sides with Iran suffering most. This operation if come in reality will never be hit and run senario. It will be longer. Minimum 3 weeks to max 2 months. Israeli toll would also be high. This will be the First war for F22 rafter. Let's see does it really that stealth and can fool Russian air defence systems.
Many war doctorins will change after this war
Iraq has no issues :)

Attack will be carried out from multiple directions from land and sea. Plus only air stick isn't going to make much difference.
So stratagic option is heay bombing and para dropping minimum 20000 soldiers. This war will be mess for both sides with Iran suffering most. This operation if come in reality will never be hit and run senario. It will be longer. Minimum 3 weeks to max 2 months. Israeli toll would also be high. This will be the First war for F22 rafter. Let's see does it really that stealth and can fool Russian air defence systems.
Many war doctorins will change after this war

U seem excited about this war. Anyway, what do you mean Iraq has no problem? if Iraq has no problem, well Syria for sure will not let an Israeli planes just pass, and Iran for sure will send its fighters to meet the Israelis half way?
U seem excited about this war. Anyway, what do you mean Iraq has no problem? if Iraq has no problem, well Syria for sure will not let an Israeli planes just pass, and Iran for sure will send its fighters to meet the Israelis half way?
Well frankly I am not excited and not in favour of war. But fact is its going to happen sooner or later. Iraq probably keep out of this trouble. Plus after that much mess in there country I don't think the new regin will even consider to cross US line of interest for any reason. Syria sure will intervene but I don't think openly. Last thing Syria will want is US planes bombing its cities. It already have enough trouble with so called revolution. These guies will be high on moral if US attack Syria. An extra battle group for Syria will keep Syrian head down. So better option for Syria would be under cover support. I don't mean to offend you but it's fact
I explained rest of situation in above post. If the attack happens it will have 3 major objectives
1. Destroy Nuclear infrastructure
2. Take out opposing political leadership
3. Destroy Revolutionary guards

I didn't say it will be one sided match. But Iran has a lot bigger stake to lose
Iraq has no issues :)

Attack will be carried out from multiple directions from land and sea. Plus only air stick isn't going to make much difference.
So stratagic option is heay bombing and para dropping minimum 20000 soldiers. This war will be mess for both sides with Iran suffering most. This operation if come in reality will never be hit and run senario. It will be longer. Minimum 3 weeks to max 2 months. Israeli toll would also be high. This will be the First war for F22 rafter. Let's see does it really that stealth and can fool Russian air defence systems.
Many war doctorins will change after this war

I doubt there will be any para dropping(will be a suicide mission) or any full scale invasion. Surgical strikes at most, what happens next will all depend on Iran's reply.
You can't rule out turkey or Jordan granting them access to airspace just for this occasion, and a pretty penny ofcourse.
Yes that's true, Jordan will give Israel air access, same with the gulf countries, by allowing American carriers to base there, Israel will use those carriers

Well frankly I am not excited and not in favour of war. But fact is its going to happen sooner or later. Iraq probably keep out of this trouble. Plus after that much mess in there country I don't think the new regin will even consider to cross US line of interest for any reason. Syria sure will intervene but I don't think openly. Last thing Syria will want is US planes bombing its cities. It already have enough trouble with so called revolution. These guies will be high on moral if US attack Syria. An extra battle group for Syria will keep Syrian head down. So better option for Syria would be under cover support. I don't mean to offend you but it's fact
I explained rest of situation in above post. If the attack happens it will have 3 major objectives
1. Destroy Nuclear infrastructure
2. Take out opposing political leadership
3. Destroy Revolutionary guards

I didn't say it will be one sided match. But Iran has a lot bigger stake to lose

Also, Iran CAN and WILL damage Israel, it can erase Tel Aviv, Iran ballistic missiles can do the job. and the Israeli Iron Dome, failed against firecracker rockets from Hamas, so how will the Iron Dome do against the REAL MISSILES?
I doubt there will be any para dropping(will be a suicide mission) or any full scale invasion. Surgical strikes at most, what happens next will all depend on Iran's reply.
That's one interesting thing that hasn't gotten much talk. What WILL Iran do if such an attack should occur? Would they even be able to respond effectively?
I doubt there will be any para dropping(will be a suicide mission) or any full scale invasion. Surgical strikes at most, what happens next will all depend on Iran's reply.

It's different situation altogether now. Surgical strike can't be achieved at the location well below the hard rock mountain. Plus the air defence systems will minimum take down 50 % of 4 th generation planes down. So statigically air strick has 20 % of use but 50% loses. And Iran is prepared for air strick but not to invasion. Plus there are not any capable forcess besides Revolutionary Guards. So if USA and Israel ever consider the option of war then they will go for full result or minimum 70 % success. Which can't be achieved by mear airstrick

Missions like these are planed fro decades now. And never where suicide missions. In today's condition where supply and air support can be given to these type of missions. It's more of hard mission but not suicide mission
Israel wont attack, period. Its just mind games to get more sanctions on Iran: "if you wont sanction them, we'll attack, we promise!" :disagree:

However Israel is pushing US to attack, as usual. So if war happens, its because US is involved, Israel will try to keep as low profile in war as possible, to play victim card, also as usual.
Also, Iran CAN and WILL damage Israel, it can erase Tel Aviv, Iran ballistic missiles can do the job. and the Israeli Iron Dome, failed against firecracker rockets from Hamas, so how will the Iron Dome do against the REAL MISSILES?
Iran will damage Israel but not that much. Forget erasing something. And if Iran successfully erase anything then it will be under force occupation which will be even worst. I personally don't think Iranian missile will be of that quality unless they have some good source. Iron dome will take care of 70 % threats plus there will be patriot batteries well placed before war

Israel wont attack, period. Its just mind games to get more sanctions on Iran: "if you wont sanction them, we'll attack, we promise!" :disagree:

However Israel is pushing US to attack, as usual. So if war happens, its because US is involved, Israel will try to keep as low profile in war as possible, to play victim card, also as usual.

Looking at Israel's past reputation and measures it take against any possible threat I will not say Israel won't attack.

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