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Taiwan plans to buy four warships from US: report

Taiwanese see it differently. China is nothing more than a poor 3rd world bully in the eyes of Taiwanese, and the Taiwan resident's self identification was "Taiwanese" has never been stronger.

Taiwan has no real interest in connecting with the mainland politically, at least not until the mainland becomes a multi-party democracy.

according to Chen Shuibien and his corrupt demoralising clan!

ALL Chinese see india as the dirtiest uncivilised nation and for those Taiwanese with a bit more knowledge on india, it is the most brutal race on earth with lots of weird cultures !

Dissentients can freely leave Taiwan forever to go to japan - the place where politicians keep refreshing their war crime nostalgia by visiting the class A war criminals' shrine every now and then or to swear allegiance with the mafia boss of the world who forced them to buy their toxic beef !
You foolishly ill-educated!

Taiwan claims the whole South China Sea as its territory. The nine-segmant line over South China Sea was set by Taiwan.

Taiwan now has no reasons to go conflict with mainland. It may rather join mainland against Viet and Pinoy claims.

Republic of China (Taiwan) claims more territory than the People’s Republic of China (mainland), both on land and sea.

Do you see your stupidity for your foolish gleefulness now?


Recent Taiwan/Vietnam military conflict/stand-off over Taiwan controlled Taiping Island in South China Sea against Vietnam warships has further proven my claim ridiculed Original Poster and other gleeful and foolish, history-less members on that topic.

Want a link from Taiwan? Here it is:





Some Taiwan scholars believe this is good time to militarily unite with mainland to go against Vietnam and the Philippines to protect SCS. The only concern is that USA may against these efforts for fear of leaking some secrets as most Taiwan weaponry is made-in-USA. This is precisely a concern on US side that it doesn’t want to sell high-end stuff to Taiwan – it may finally end up in mainland’s hands.

So many fools from Vietnam and India attempting to pitch Taiwan against mainland over SCS! It’s all a result of their brainwashing education system and false mass media. :tdown:

What a joke! :lol:
Recent Taiwan/Vietnam military conflict/stand-off over Taiwan controlled Taiping Island in South China Sea against Vietnam warships has further proven my claim ridiculed Original Poster and other gleeful and foolish, history-less members on that topic.

Want a link from Taiwan? Here it is:

Some Taiwan scholars believe this is good time to militarily unite with mainland to go against Vietnam and the Philippines to protect SCS. The only concern is that USA may against these efforts for fear of leaking some secrets as most Taiwan weaponry is made-in-USA. This is precisely a concern on US side that it doesn’t want to sell high-end stuff to Taiwan – it may finally end up in mainland’s hands.

So many fools from Vietnam and India attempting to pitch Taiwan against mainland over SCS! It’s all a result of their brainwashing education system and false mass media. :tdown:

What a joke! :lol:

Taiwanese are more wiser than what mainlanders making illusions about them. They will regain his independence. In fact Taiwan was independent from China from ancient time up to 1700 year AC.
My Vietnamese friends, I think Taiwan is a lost cause. I have a very good friend from Taiwan and had hours and hours of conversation on this issue over the years. His opinion is that Taiwan will eventually unify with PRC, some day, it is a matter of when, not if. It is because most Taiwanese are migrants from mainland China, except for small percentage of indigenous population. As soon as PRC become more democratic and prosperous, then it will be in the mutual interest of PRC and Taiwan to create some kind of union, like it happened in case of Hong Kong and Macau.

This is just my honest opinion and I could be wrong about that. This is why I excluded Taiwan in the ASEAN+ regional union road map.
I find it hilarious that Taiwan claims mongolia

Read up on Chinese history, would you. Mongolia was under the direct rule of Qing Dynasty since 1691 and ROC, who rules Taiwan now, was the continuation of Qing Dynasty. PRC recognized the the independent of Mongolia but not ROC, thus Taiwan is still officially claiming Mongolia.
My Vietnamese friends, I think Taiwan is a lost cause. I have a very good friend from Taiwan and had hours and hours of conversation on this issue over the years. His opinion is that Taiwan will eventually unify with PRC, some day, it is a matter of when, not if. It is because most Taiwanese are migrants from mainland China, except for small percentage of indigenous population. As soon as PRC become more democratic and prosperous, then it will be in the mutual interest of PRC and Taiwan to create some kind of union, like it happened in case of Hong Kong and Macau.

This is just my honest opinion and I could be wrong about that. This is why I excluded Taiwan in the ASEAN+ regional union road map.

Yes Taiwan is special case of Asia.
I had same discussion with my friend, he is Taiwanese, but came from Fujian province. He said that today Taiwanese controlled economy of Mainland. It's interest of both side. Policy of Taiwan is base on two groups leading by Jiangnan ren who came from Shanghai, Jiejiang, jiangto... and other is leading by Hakka, Fujian and others. In long term Join to Mainland is mistake, then try them best to keep the situation to be unchange.
Your idea may correct
You foolishly ill-educated!

Taiwan claims the whole South China Sea as its territory. The nine-segmant line over South China Sea was set by Taiwan.

The extravagant nine-dotted line claim made ​​first by the KMT, when KMT was ruling over whole China. But even when KMT was ruling whole China, the nine-dotted line claim of it was not recognized by any country because it is too greedy, unreasonable and unwarranted. It's only a dream of the KMT.
It's just an arbitrary line drawing haphazardly of the KMT, but CCP has inherited it as a property of their ancestors!?

Taiwan now has no reasons to go conflict with mainland. It may rather join mainland against Viet and Pinoy claims.

Republic of China (Taiwan) claims more territory than the People’s Republic of China (mainland), both on land and sea.

Do you see your stupidity for your foolish gleefulness now?


Taiwan has no reason to go to conflict with CCP mainland, Right. But the CCP on the mainland don't think so. Right now, CCP is targeting thousands of missiles on Taiwan and often threatening to use force against the island. Protect Taiwan Island is ROC's survival, before it can think about the remote island in Spratlys.

Please use your brain to think before criticizing others, My chinese-American friend!
I dont think so:

1. sovereignty of China in the territory over EEZ
2. there is no irony here as Taiwan which is a part of China also claims sovereignty over the islands in the area and occupies Taiping Island.

Taiwan's purchase of the warships are deployable when war breaks out against Vietnam and/or the Philippines!

What basis do you rely to say that the East Sea as "sovereignty" of China?

If Taiwan buys weapons to fight against Vietnam and the Philippines, so, What are reasons Beijing often jumping up and down like monkeys when Taipei intends to buy weapons from the US?
Recent Taiwan/Vietnam military conflict/stand-off over Taiwan controlled Taiping Island in South China Sea against Vietnam warships has further proven my claim ridiculed Original Poster and other gleeful and foolish, history-less members on that topic.

Want a link from Taiwan? Here it is:

南沙群島緊張情勢一觸即發。本刊掌握重要獨家內幕,越南武裝巡邏艇,在三月二十二日及二十六日,兩度接近南 沙太平島,我方海巡警艇驅離時,遭對方鳴槍挑釁,我方也開槍示警,太平島守軍立刻進入緊急狀態準備開火還擊 。這起衝突撼動總統府方及國安高層,國安會召開跨部會緊急會議,要求守軍不得動武,同時也透過外交途徑向越 南表達最嚴重抗議,這不但是我、越雙方首次武裝部隊正面衝突,更讓詭譎多變的南沙衝突,升溫到有史以來最高 點。

據了解,這起衝突事件發生後,海巡署長王進旺先急電國安會祕書長胡為真,報告事件經過及處理狀況,國安會為 求保密,還將現場拍攝影像列為機密。胡為真也立刻召集外交、國防、國安、海巡等單位重要首長,在總統府召開 秘密會議,擬定因應之道。

會議中做出結論,一方面要求各單位對外全面封鎖消息,也要求海巡署及國防部、國安局,密切監控越南軍方及南 海周邊各國軍事及商業活動;最後責成外交部,立刻透過外交途徑,向越南政府提出最嚴厲的抗議。會後,胡為真 也立刻向總統馬英九報告後續發展狀況。

這次衝突事件,是我國在民國三十五年重新接收南沙太平島,四十五年派駐海軍陸戰隊駐守以來,首次與外國發生 的駁火事件,引起府院高層震驚。


Conflict between Vietnam and Taiwan? Take out any source in English, instead of your chinese language?

Some Taiwan scholars believe this is good time to militarily unite with mainland to go against Vietnam and the Philippines to protect SCS. The only concern is that USA may against these efforts for fear of leaking some secrets as most Taiwan weaponry is made-in-USA. This is precisely a concern on US side that it doesn’t want to sell high-end stuff to Taiwan – it may finally end up in mainland’s hands.

So many fools from Vietnam and India attempting to pitch Taiwan against mainland over SCS! It’s all a result of their brainwashing education system and false mass media. :tdown:

What a joke! :lol:

Relation between Taiwan and China is the problem of the two countries, it is not relevant to us. Do you understand that, a fool?
My Vietnamese friends, I think Taiwan is a lost cause. I have a very good friend from Taiwan and had hours and hours of conversation on this issue over the years. His opinion is that Taiwan will eventually unify with PRC, some day, it is a matter of when, not if. It is because most Taiwanese are migrants from mainland China, except for small percentage of indigenous population. As soon as PRC become more democratic and prosperous, then it will be in the mutual interest of PRC and Taiwan to create some kind of union, like it happened in case of Hong Kong and Macau.

This is just my honest opinion and I could be wrong about that. This is why I excluded Taiwan in the ASEAN+ regional union road map.

You can exclude us Singaporean as well. Because when it really come into full conflict, we want not to be other people cannon fodders. Yeah, not for US, not for Asean, and especially not for India.
My Vietnamese friends, I think Taiwan is a lost cause. I have a very good friend from Taiwan and had hours and hours of conversation on this issue over the years. His opinion is that Taiwan will eventually unify with PRC, some day, it is a matter of when, not if. It is because most Taiwanese are migrants from mainland China, except for small percentage of indigenous population. As soon as PRC become more democratic and prosperous, then it will be in the mutual interest of PRC and Taiwan to create some kind of union, like it happened in case of Hong Kong and Macau.

This is just my honest opinion and I could be wrong about that. This is why I excluded Taiwan in the ASEAN+ regional union road map.

It's internal affairs of Taiwan. Choose independence or union with China, is the problem of the Taiwanese, not Vietnamese. But I think that if it happens, it will be Taiwan liberate China mainland.
If Viets dare to fight with Taiwan, China will definitely join the war and help taiwan.

Taiwan occupied with force 1956 when south Viets in trouble with gov changed, it's illegal action. We will solve it peaceful base on international laws. Taiwan should fight with CCP first for his existence.
You can exclude us Singaporean as well. Because when it really come into full conflict, we want not to be other people cannon fodders. Yeah, not for US, not for Asean, and especially not for India.

But I heard the U.S is planning to deploy four warships in Singapore?

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