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Back when the USA treated Pakistan with respect and dignity!


Dec 28, 2009
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PLEASE don't debate over whether Ayub Khan was a good leader or not!
The thread is not about him, but PAKISTAN in general.
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Gone were the days when there was an apparent friendship with Muslims and the West

I blame the Zionist-Saudi friendship for destroying the image of Muslims globally
today's pakistan worth nothing to this world,after 2014 pakistan's worthlessness will increase even more (no need of pakistan to supply stuff to Afghanistan.)

You have to earn respect.
Did the Pakistan in those clips stab the U.S. in the back like the Pakistan of today does ? Kennedy would be bombing Pakistan if they harbored people like Bin Laden from him.:usflag:
Kennedy... a peace loving President was murdered later by the hawks.
Did the Pakistan in those clips stab the U.S. in the back like the Pakistan of today does ? Kennedy would be bombing Pakistan if they harbored people like Bin Laden from him.:usflag:
yes, because the only rational conclusion is to bomb millions of innocent people who have no connection with this so-called Bin Laden, just because he was found in their territory. Surely that will solve any problems you have and fears of terrorism.

Seriously, some of your posts are outrageous. Oh well, I blame the American education system and media for feeding you crap all day long.
Did the Pakistan in those clips stab the U.S. in the back like the Pakistan of today does ? Kennedy would be bombing Pakistan if they harbored people like Bin Laden from him.:usflag:

Kennedy bombing us seriously???
Give me a break kiddo. Where was your leader when President Ayub Khan started the Nuke program and brought a Noblel Prize winner like Abdus Salaam? Shouldn't he have bombed us back then? Get yourself educated, there is something called DIPLOMACY... :rofl:
Those who deserve respect shall always receive it. As far as I know, the modern day Pakistani government isn't respected by most Pakistanis either. I am certain even the USA knows how bad our leaders are. It is the leaders that represent a nation, it is because of them that Pakistan has lost its respect in the eyes of the world.

Of course the leaders can't be blamed solely. There are many corrupt people spread all across our society. All of us have to change & present a more positive image of ourselves to the world.
Kennedy... a peace loving President was murdered later by the hawks.

I USED to be into the whole Kennedy conspiracy thing till I looked at ALL the FACTS and came to the realization that Oswald DID kill Kennedy. Anyway... Kennedy, a peace-loving president almost triggered WW3 in 1962. He was MORE THAN READY to kick @ss if need be.

Kennedy bombing us seriously???...... :rofl:

Kennedy wouldn't hesitate to 'drone' Pakistan the way Obama is now.

yes, because the only rational conclusion is to bomb millions of innocent people who have no connection with this so-called Bin Laden, just because he was found in their territory.

I DIDN'T mean all-out city bombing, I meant the drone strike bombing that we're doing now in Pakistan. GEEZ !!:disagree:

Seriously, some of your posts are outrageous...

I just call 'em the way I see 'em, dude.:taz:
In a sense pakistan was lucky that CIA found osama early,if they capture osama post 2014 USA would have bombed pakistan back to stone age as a punishment for such a treason.
@ Rod of God:

ROFL you can't control a city like Kabul and you think you can bomb a whole country like Pakistan? At your attempt of bombing, you are likely seeing more new militas, U.S soldiers getting killed, embassies being destroyed, supply lines being blocked. Use your head. Pakistan is a Nuclear Power and they can have ICBM Balastic Missiles capable of reaching Washington. Not only are you showing hatred, but also helping the Pak Government/Military expanding its ties with China, Iran, and with Russia...
Rod of God is Indian... Mark my words, hawx, if Pakistan goes down, India's going doown with us... Pakistan is loyal to it's mothership! ;)
@ Rod of God:

ROFL you can't control a city like Kabul and you think you can bomb a whole country like Pakistan? ...

It was A JOKE. Geez, man, grow a sense of humor.

Rod of God is Indian... Mark my words, ...

NOPE !! All AMERICAN, dude. Suburb of Philadelphia.:usflag:

...helping the Pak Government/Military expanding its ties with China, Iran, and with Russia...

Do you think that's a GOOD thing ? Do you think those guys want to be your 'pals' because they think you're cool ? Wait till there's an Islamic uprising in Russia and China, then you'll see how 'friendly' they are towards your peeps. And Iran ? HAHAHAHAHA !!!.
Rod of God is Indian... Mark my words, hawx, if Pakistan goes down, India's going doown with us... Pakistan is loyal to it's mothership! ;)

it will take 2000 nukes to destroy India,what made you think that India will allow pakistan to fire second nuke ?
and we are talking about senario in which USA is already attacking pakistan and you want to take down India with you.

You mark my words India is not going anywhere if pakistan is going down.
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