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The number zero was invented in Ancient Pakistan

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I can see you're bactracking now srijeesh. Peer pressure makes one change views instantly, I guess.

Thell me, Where did the mahabharat take place, whence the name bharat is derived in literature?
Flint, first sort this problem out amongst yourselves. debate with srijeesh, and tell us which is correct.

When Bharatias themselves are not of one view concerning what constitutes India, then how can you lecture us?

The same thing can be said about Pakistanis. Resolve your own debate first.

Was Pakistan Ancient India or Ancient Pakistan?
I can see you're bactracking now srijeesh. Peer pressure makes one change views instantly, I guess.

Thell me, Where did the mahabharat take place, whence the name bharat is derived in literature?

mahabarat war took place in kurukshetra, near modern delhi. hastinapur was situated on the bank of ganga.
the war was fought among the indian kings from various states. from gandhar(afghanistan) to nagaland, and kashmir to tamilnadu, the kings participated on two sides.

backtrack from wat?
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Its not about labelling, but about substance. We're talking geography here.

Maybe you can answer the question i put to srijeesh.
Its not about labelling, but about substance. We're talking geography here.

Maybe you can answer the question i put to srijeesh.

What is that question again? AFAIK I've answered your question already.
Dear Vinod, Multan is in Pakistan. Therefore Brahmagupta would be an Ancient Pakistani.
Would that mean Manmohan Singh is a pakistani.

Anyway, Johnny Ball (of MSN) is a mathematician and a showman. James Propp (of University of Wisconsin) is also a mathematician. None of them are historian. They were simply referencing someone else's work. Therefore they don't count. Can't say about the french site, can't read french.
you got it wrong. kurkushetra is in Haryana, not near delhi. it is 160 km away from delhi. while hastinapur is closer to delhi.

It is basically teh region of doab and Bharat, derived from the name of the ancient king Bharata.

Even ancient Magadh, Pataliputra, is in Doab.

The kings (if you chose to call them that) were almost all small rulers of principalities from the ganga jamuna doab region.
you got it wrong. kurkushetra is in Haryana, not near delhi. it is 160 km away from delhi. while hastinapur is closer to delhi.

It is basically teh region of doab and Bharat, derived from the ancient king Bharata.

Even ancient Magadh, Pataliputra, is in Doab.

The kings (if you chose to call them that) were almost all small rulers of principalities from the ganga jamuna doab region.

I know about king bharata, I was just giving you approximate locations, I dont know the exact locations myself.

anyway, wats the point for asking that question?
Pakistanis had previously been followers of Budhism, Jainism, Sanatan Dharm, Popular HIndu Bhaktism, Brahmanism and Vedic/Aryan religion.
Dear Vinod, Multan is in Pakistan. Therefore Brahmagupta would be an Ancient Pakistani.

But your most eminent source didn't know that it seems.

Or are you missing something that he knows?
mahabarat war took place in kurukshetra, near modern delhi. hastinapur was situated on the bank of ganga.
the war was fought among the indian kings from various states. from gandhar(afghanistan) to nagaland, and kashmir to tamilnadu, the kings participated on two sides.

backtrack from wat?
Kurukshetra War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pandava army
A manuscript illustration of the Battle of Kurukshetra, fought between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, recorded in the Mahābhārata.

Seeing that there was now no hope for peace, Yudhisthira, the eldest of the Pandavas, asked his brothers to organize their army. The Pandavas accumilated seven Akshauhini army with the help of their allies.Each of these Akshohinis or divisions were led by Drupada, Virata, Dhristadyumna, Shikhandi, Satyaki, Chekitana and Bhima. After consulting his commanders, the Pandavas appointed Dhristadyumna as the supreme commander of the Pandava army. Mahābhārata says that kingdoms from all over ancient India supplied troops or provided logistic support on the Pandava side. Some of these were: Kekaya, Pandya, Cholas, Keralas, Magadha, and many more.

[edit] Kaurava army

The Kaurava army was consisted of eleven Akshauhinis or divisions. Duryodhana requested Bhishma to command the Kaurava army. Bhishma accepted on the condition that, while he would fight the battle sincerely, he would not harm the five Pandava brothers. In addition, Bhishma said that he would not fight alongside Karna. It is believed by many that Bhishma's decision not to let Karna fight under his command was due to his affection towards the Pandavas - the Kauravas would be overwhelmingly powerful if both he and Karna appeared in battle simultaneously. However the excuse he used to prevent their simultaneous fighting was that his guru (Parshurama) was insulted by Karna. But the real fact was that Bhisma knew that Karna was a Kaunteya(Son of Kunti) from the day he met him in Ranakshetra when Karna offered Arjuna to fight against him. Regardless, Duryodhana agreed to Bhishma's conditions and made him the supreme commander of the Kaurava army, while Karna was debarred from fighting. . Apart from the one hundred Kaurava brothers, headed by Duryodhana himself and his brother Dushasana, the second eldest son of Dhritarashtra, the Kauravas were assisted on the battlefield by Drona and his son Ashwathama, the Kaurava's brother-in-law Jayadratha, the brahmin Kripa, Kritavarma, Shalya, Sudakshina, Bhurisravas, Bahlika, the evil Shakuni, and many more who were bound by their loyalty towards either Hastinapura or Dhritarashtra.

Neutral parties

The kingdom of Vidarbha, with its King Rukmi, and Balarama were the only neutrals in this war. [4]

Only some of the kingdoms that participated are mentioned here.
Enough of the Pakistanis are Muslim and so can only claim Muslim history.
Faith can change, if Pakistan turns into a Christian nation in the future does that mean that now Pakistanis have to forget everything about both their Pre-Islamic and Islamic history? Of course not.

Absurd logic by some people here.

Pakistanis are descendants of the IVC people and the Aryans and other migrant peoples who came into the region and settled and intermarried. The accomplishments, civilizations, cultures and peoples in the land mass comprising Pakistan are therefore the history of Pakistanis.

Back to topic please - as I pointed out elsewhere, this discussion is already occurring on another thread. Keep it there.
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The main war was between the Kaurav and Pandav Princes. Both these families were based in the ganga jamuna doab region.

If other people, from different parts of the subcontinent came and helped some, that is neither here nor there.

Most of the people involved were local princes and chieftains who chose one side or other.

Of course this is all hypothetical, since the historicity of the war is a matter of debate among historians.

This does show, the extent of Bharat VArsha, though. Which is why it was called the Mahabharata.
Same old agenda of cramming the term "India" into everything Pakistan with an intent of misleading people, discrediting Pakistanis, and promoting India.
He was born in Multan, Indus Valley, Why use a colonial era term for the region?

indus valley pakistan was an area considered to create west pakistan
if it was created as one bigger pakistan on eastern side of India ,no one could have started this thread claiming about 60yr old pakistan inventing 1000 yr + old zero

name India was given by greeks referring to hindu civilization(etnicity) living east of indus continued to the extent of their lands,even name hindu was given henceforth,because India was divided into many states whose bordes always kept changing,somewhere in that anciet India those mathematicians were born

no one tries to defame or discredit pakistan, why dont u understand man

there was no pakistan when zero was invented, :angry:
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there was no pakistan when zero was invented, :angry:

There was no modern nation state of Pakistan, just as there was no contemporary nation of India - India is in fact a day younger than Pakistan.

However, the ancestors of the people of Pakistan did indeed exist then.
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