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China forced abortion photo sparks outrage

As i said, and as gambit pointed out, forced abortions are extremely common in China. I'm not sure why Chinese citizens would be outraged at this particular case unless they aren't aware that it is common due to media censorship.

That's the best source you can find? From now on, you can appoint your highly respected Mr. Gambit, to be the Unofficial chief of Birth and Control department of ROC .

Yes boss, we were also angry as per your command, but please do replace your soiled diaper (it STINKS!). LOLOL...
Some Indians may disagree with me, but sometimes strong handed measures like this is needed to control population growth. Some people just cannot be convinced to have less children.
Some Indians may disagree with me, but sometimes strong handed measures like this is needed to control population growth. Some people just cannot be convinced to have less children.
The best way for that is to control sexual behaviors and access to each other. China did experimented with that idea back in the 'commune' living days where even though husbands and wives were formally married, they could not share the same bed. Each night the men would sleep in one area of the commune and the women sleep in another area. China should return to this and there would be no forced abortions at all.
Regarding the OP, it's disgusting and a despicable policy, but my own country is little better. It's a different situation in that the government stays out of it but killing unborn children in the womb, is legal and common if the mother decides to do so. Over 1.2 million babies are murdered in the womb, each and every year in my country. It's a disgrace.
The best way for that is to control sexual behaviors and access to each other. China did experimented with that idea back in the 'commune' living days where even though husbands and wives were formally married, they could not share the same bed. Each night the men would sleep in one area of the commune and the women sleep in another area. China should return to this and there would be no forced abortions at all.

I was talking about my country India in particular. As popularly said there are 2 Indias....one India where the couples wait for 2-3 years after marriage to get settled, own their apartment, get their promotions, be financially stable and then decides to have children that too 2 at the most so that their kids can enjoy the best things in life and the other India where you may not have nothing to eat but go on producing children as a factory. Strict control is needed for the latter.
World News: Family in forced abortion case in China beaten, labelled traitors by neighbours - thestar.com

Family in forced abortion case in China beaten, labelled traitors by neighbours
Published On Tue Jun 26 2012Email Print

The Associated Press

BEIJING- The Chinese father of a forcibly aborted baby whose case prompted an international outcry has been beaten and forced into hiding, while his wife and other family members have been labeled traitors by fellow townspeople, the man's sister said Tuesday.

Photos of the mother and dead baby had been circulated online, embarrassing the government and prompting the suspension of three local officials in Shaanxi province. The officials had forcibly aborted the late-term pregnancy earlier this month because it violated the country's tough one-child policy.

Apparently angered over the family's contacts with journalists, the local government has since organized a backlash against the family members, calling them traitors and keeping them under surveillance, Deng Jicai, a sister of the 30-year-old father Deng Jiyuan, said.

“We are already heartbroken from losing the baby. How did we become traitors?” Deng Jicai said.
this is a sad case but as the aging of the population in China weakens competitiveness, it will be good for the Government to relax on this policy.

China has been taking up the case hard and painfully throughout the years considering conscientiously how a population explosion will cause serious problems to herself and to the world!

It sounds real amusing when the Indians call it 'Disgusting' who themselves have customs of burning women alive if his husband died of some reasons and have separate nurseries for the widows which are scuttled from their society. :lol: way to go Indians.

absolutely. indians are in the worse case scenario when you compare it with other countries on many social issues
The husband of a Chinese woman whose forced abortion seven months into her pregnancy caused uproar has disappeared, a relative said on Tuesday, adding her family is being harassed on a daily basis.Feng Jianmei had to go through the termination earlier this month in the northern province of Shaanxi because she failed to pay a hefty fine for exceeding China's strict "one-child" population control policy.

The case caused an outcry when photos emerged online of Feng lying in a hospital bed in Zhenping county next to her baby's bloody corpse, prompting an official probe that concluded action should be taken against the perpetrators.

"The last time I saw him, he was with all of us and he said that some leader wanted to speak to him, so he left," the relative, who refused to be named or otherwise identified, said.

"We haven't seen him again since, and we can't get through to his mobile."

Calls made to police and government in Zhenping, and to the higher-level Ankang city government, went unanswered.
State news agency Xinhua reported late on Tuesday that several government officials in Zhenping had been "punished" for involvement in the forced abortion.

Xinhua said that an investigation had concluded that the termination had "violated her (Feng's) rights late in her pregnancy" and that the head of the family planning bureau had been removed from his post.

The relative added that since Sunday, scores of unidentified people had been harassing the family.

"On Sunday evening we decided to go home (from hospital) and a lot of people had gathered outside," the relative said. "They hung banners on a bridge and many people came and shouted that we were traitors. Now wherever we go people follow us."

Feng's family members have spoken to foreign media and the relative said the protest could be linked to these interviews. It was unclear who the protesters were, but online reports suggested they had been hired by local authorities.

"If this is not organised by the powers-that-be, how can people make banners on their own and carry them out to the street?" one web user wrote on Sina's popular microblog service.

China's family planning policy aims to control the world's largest national population, now swollen to 1.3 billion people.

Under the measure, urban families are generally allowed to have one child, while rural families can give birth to two children if the first is a girl. Parents have to pay a fine if they contravene the rules.

Rights groups say that as a result of the policy thousands of women have been forced by authorities to terminate their pregnancies.

Husband in China forced abortion 'missing': family
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