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India wants Narendra Modi & not Rahul Gandhi as PM


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
Bangalore, Jul 3: The BJP mascot and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi seems to have garnered more support and popularity than Rahul Gandhi in the race to become the next Prime Minister of India.

Well-known writer and socialite Chetan Bhagat in an article in The Economic Times claimed that Modi received more votes than Rahul Gandhi when he put a poll question in his Facebook page.

According to Mr Bhagat, total 10,000 people responded and cast their votes. While Rahul Gandhi received only 5 percent votes, 82 percent people showed their support to the Gujarat CM.

"Last week, just for fun, i ran a simple poll on my public Facebook page. The question i asked was simple. Who should be India's PM? The choices were simple too - Rahul Gandhi, Narendra Modi and none of the above," wrote Mr Bhagat.

Clarifying his own stand over the issue, the author of the bestseller Five Point Someone and many other novels added, "There was no intention to imply any bias. Over 10,000 votes were polled. Rahul Gandhi received 5% of the votes. Narendra Modi had 82%, beating the crown prince an astonishing waku doki 16 times; 13% of the voters wanted neither."

However, it would not be too easy for Mr Modi to become the PM as he has to cross several hurdles which are creating ruckus in his way to become the prime ministerial candidate for NDA ahead of the Lok Sabha election in 2014.

Bihar CM and JD(U) leader Nitish Kumar is one of them who oppose Modi. The Bihar CM felt the NDA should announce its prime ministerial candidate as early as possible for the 2014 polls although gave hint that he would not support BJP leader and Gujarat CM Narendra Modi, considered a front-runner for the post by various quarters.

Kumar, who stressed an earlier projection of the prime ministerial candidate, said during an interview that the desired candidate should be one who believed in secular and democratic values and did not display rough personal traits in an extreme diverse country like India. Kumar, however, ruled himself out of any reckoning to become the future PM of India. "I can not even dream of the high office," he was heard saying.

Despite all such hurdles for Modi, the result of the poll (posted by Mr Bhagat) may become a nightmare for Rahul Gandhi. Despite his charm and popularity among youth, the general secretary of All India Congress Committee (AICC) failed in the recently held Uttar Pradesh assembly elections. Critics also claim that people are losing faith on Rahul Gandhi.

Citing the present scenario, Mr Bhagat too raised few questions - "Rahul Gandhi is a far better known national brand, and is younger, better looking, suave and aspirational in some ways. Then why are the youth of this country not rooting for him? And if Modi is as much of a demon as some say, why do people vote for him? What has led to his rise? And more importantly, can he make the switch from ruling Gujarat and Cyber Pradesh to ruling the 28 states?"

India wants Narendra Modi & not Rahul Gandhi as PM
I don't understand how people can rally behind RG. He still have to lead his party to victory in any election. He has not proved his worth as an administrator or mass leader. Why he is not given a cabinet portfolio?

India wants Modi as PM hope Indians understand it.......

The problem is those who wishes for it will be termed as Internet Hindu.
I don't understand how people can rally behind RG. He still have to lead his party to victory in any election. He has not proved his worth as an administrator or mass leader. Why he is not given a cabinet portfolio?

The problem is those who wishes for it will be termed as Internet Hindu.
So what's wrong in being Hindu ??? I never know being Hindu is against anything .... Everybody is proud of his religion.
I don't know how RG can even claim the top job:

1. He has never been a CM of any state.

2. He is shying away from becoming a cabinet minister also.

3. He has no record of leading congress to victory in any state or in general elections.

4. His record as an MP is pathetic.

5. He never takes responsibility for any loss of the party (under his leadership of Bihar & UP elections, party lost with a record margin).

or is it that he was born to directly become the PM of the country without having anything substantial to show for his record.

my point is that if NM cannot become the PM of this country than even RG does not deserve the top job.

So what's wrong in being Hindu ??? I never know being Hindu is against anything .... Everybody is proud of his religion.

the fact of this country is that if we demand something for Hindus or talk about rights of Hindus, we are communal or people from RSS or against secularism.
Narendra Modi is MASS MURDERER of 3000+ innocent Indian citizens. The question should not be how soon he can be HEAD of INDIAN STATE. The question should be how soon his HEAD should be severed by the INDIAN STATE ?

The man murdered 3000+ Innocent Indian Muslims and now all the bigoted Hindu fundamentalist want him to be the PM of India.

Muslim life has no value in India.

This is why my signature says:

India is not the World's biggest Democracy. India is the World's biggest HYPOCRISY.
Narendra Modi is MASS MURDERER of 3000+ innocent Indian citizens. The question should not be how soon he can be HEAD OF STATE OF INDIA. The question should be how soon his HEAD SHOULD BE SEVERED BY THE INDIAN STATE ?
Didn't you know the court judgement ???
If Modi is found to be involved in the riots ..he will be punished, but 10 years on still there is no proof against him.

Lol as if anybody is ever convicted...be it Samjhuta express burning,babri mosque demolition,rapes,burning people,murders etc... none convicted so far... indian judicial system is a joke.
Lol as if anybody is ever convicted...be it Samjhuta express burning,babri mosque demolition,rapes,burning people,murders etc... none convicted so far... indian judicial system is a joke.
Atleast we have a judicial system where party goons don't thrash CJ or Govt disobey it.
Get that I mean ???
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