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Why is everyone on the Internet so angry?


Sep 29, 2010
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United States
This news story should make for an interesting discussion here:

Excerpts from: Why is everyone on the Internet so angry? - The Body Odd

These days, online comments "are extraordinarily aggressive, without resolving anything," said Art Markman, a professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. "At the end of it you can't possibly feel like anybody heard you. Having a strong emotional experience that doesn't resolve itself in any healthy way can't be a good thing."

If it's so unsatisfying and unhealthy, why do we do it?

A perfect storm of factors come together to engender the rudeness and aggression seen in the comments' sections of Web pages, Markman said. First, commenters are often virtually anonymous, and thus, unaccountable for their rudeness. Second, they are at a distance from the target of their anger — be it the article they're commenting on or another comment on that article — and people tend to antagonize distant abstractions more easily than living, breathing interlocutors. Third, it's easier to be nasty in writing than in speech, hence the now somewhat outmoded practice of leaving angry notes (back when people used paper), Markman said.

And because comment-section discourses don't happen in real time, commenters can write lengthy monologues, which tend to entrench them in their extreme viewpoint. "When you're having a conversation in person, who actually gets to deliver a monologue except people in the movies? Even if you get angry, people are talking back and forth and so eventually you have to calm down and listen so you can have a conversation," Markman told Life's Little Mysteries.

Chiming in on comment threads may even give one a feeling of accomplishment, albeit a false one. "There is so much going on in our lives that it is hard to find time to get out and physically help a cause, which makes 'armchair activism' an enticing [proposition]," a blogger at Daily Kos opined in a July 23 article.


Communication, the scholars say, is really about taking someone else's perspective, understanding it, and responding. "Tone of voice and gesture can have a large influence on your ability to understand what someone is saying," Markman said. "The further away from face-to-face, real-time dialogue you get, the harder it is to communicate."

In his opinion, media outlets should cut down on the anger and hatred that have become the norm in reader exchanges. "It's valuable to allow all sides of an argument to be heard. But it's not valuable for there to be personal attacks, or to have messages with an extremely angry tone. Even someone who is making a legitimate point but with an angry tone is hurting the nature of the argument, because they are promoting people to respond in kind," he said. "If on a website comments are left up that are making personal attacks in the nastiest way, you're sending the message that this is acceptable human behavior."


For their part, people should seek out actual human beings to converse with, Markman said — and we should make a point of including a few people in our social circles who think differently from us. "You'll develop a healthy respect for people whose opinions differ from your own," he said.

Working out solutions to the kinds of hard problems that tend to garner the most comments online requires lengthy discussion and compromise. "The back-and-forth negotiation that goes on in having a conversation with someone you don't agree with is a skill," Markman said. And this skill is languishing, both among members of the public and our leaders.
of course it's the anonymity. People say whatever the f that comes in their mind on the internet and know they are untouchable for it. They would think a million time before saying anything remotely close to that level of nastyness to a person's face directly.
"Tone of voice and gesture can have a large influence on your ability to understand what someone is saying," Markman said. "The further away from face-to-face, real-time dialogue you get, the harder it is to communicate."

well that's very valid point :)
Im always good to others but sometimes on this forum indians start stupid discussion and if i say something there will be replaying me with quoting again and again just for TROlling and i get angry/:devil:
Im always good to others but sometimes on this forum indians start stupid discussion and if i say something there will be replaying me with quoting again and again just for TROlling and i get angry/:devil:

these are internet Indians warrior. You should not take them seriously :P :D

well no point of wasting energy in getting angry or making your blood pressure high on internet :D
Not all of us are angry but many of us make it a tool to vent out a medium of anger with a concealed identity. Afterall, we can't say anything to our boss, Cant run from family duties, Cant come out of social issues around finally very important, Cant run from Spouse's fight :D hence it becomes necessary to spit on internet :P

these are internet Indians warrior. You should not take them seriously :P :D

well no point of wasting energy in getting angry or making your blood pressure high on internet :D

@ Raja: Dude, Seriously I dont know what happened to you in this six months but now rather than being calm and fair, which you were earlier suddenly become a biased and anti-India. Get well soon Bro.. I still remember video of you singing Md Rafi's Song :D
@ Raja: Dude, Seriously I dont know what happened to you in this six months but now rather than being calm and fair, which you were earlier suddenly become a biased and anti-India. Get well soon Bro.. I still remember video of you singing Md Rafi's Song :D

well dude i am still calm and fair although i am not as positive about Indians as i was before because of some very insulting remarks came from them for Pakistan/Pakistani but still i keep that personal experience to my virtual world only and it don't affect my personal relationship with Indians in real life. Well read my introduction thread in defence forum India :P it was entertaining


read my last message there but i know this positive message got ruined as well :D

It's not specific to the internet. Incidents of road rage are also rising across the globe. It's part of the general coarsening of culture that many people have been decrying for a long time.

The bottom line is that the media has attached a certain "coolness" to being rude and anti-social. The media does it because it gets high ratings, so it's a vicious circle and a downward spiral.
Not all of us are angry but many of us make it a tool to vent out a medium of anger with a concealed identity. Afterall, we can't say anything to our boss, Cant run from family duties, Cant come out of social issues around finally very important, Cant run from Spouse's fight :D hence it becomes necessary to spit on internet :P

@ Raja: Dude, Seriously I dont know what happened to you in this six months but now rather than being calm and fair, which you were earlier suddenly become a biased and anti-India. Get well soon Bro.. I still remember video of you singing Md Rafi's Song :D

I see that change in myself, most Indians do get under your skin
@xyxmt and Raja : Friends Dont forget the golden rule, This internet is still a false world what people feel they say and what they dont feel they definitely say so why to take these things personally? Chill, Relax. Here It doesn't matter, we talk, we discuss, we drink beer, play cricket etc and then finally we become internet warrior.

As a friendly gesture, Beer on me this weekend guys :D
There's also the fun factor of enticing an angry reaction by trolling. Acting angry, being rude and using personal attacks helps one to troll
The reason people tend to be more aggressive on the Internet is due to anonymity. This is especially true for forums & a couple of other social networking websites. Since their identity remains hidden & the risk of repercussions is extremely low, people tend to post foolish comments & get in to pointless arguments. Thus in real life, people usually tend to be a lot more respectful. I could get in to a lot more details discussing human interactions & the requirements for a healthy debate or discussion, but I don't feel that it's necessary.

Besides, the article in the original post makes some good points like encouraging people to interact with diverse view points. Personally, I try to stay formal & respectful online unless I get provoked. Unfortunately I have come across disrespectful members, & that has led to me being disrespectful in return. In any case, I think this forum is cool. It has managed to create a good balance between healthy debates & pure entertainment.

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