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North Eastern students prepared to leave Karnataka

Every one behind votebank politics.

Only RSS to the Rescue.


But Karnataka is Ruled by BJP...................why can they ensure the safety of NE people ....................Its Shame on Entire India that it can't Protect her citizens be it in Pune,Mumbai etc.............NE have been already discriminated all over India...........Remember NE states Joined India Union in 1947 without much resistance..............

Nice to see you Blaming BJP.:lol:

Time to Break NE from India.As a Indipendant country they can Handle it like the chinese and the burmese.If they are with India,then All NE will become Bangladesh due to votebank politics..
They have genuine concerns and fear for her life. This cannot be compared to a nuke threat.

Concers for life is genuine as well but no one is threatning their lifes.........& Indian muslims are not monsters.

Every one behind votebank politics.

Only RSS to the Rescue.


RSS fools are rescueing them like what somebody is chasing NE peoples on Bikes & Cars :D
These are just rumours in banglore,,NE students should not leave banglore........
Year's ago i have heard a rumour that "pakistan will nuke India" but today i feel that rumour's are just rumour's :D

Irony of the situation is all these vandalism and attacks on north east folks started on the basis of rumors that Muslims are killed in thousands and the religion of peace is under threat..

btw it seems some attacks on NE folks have already happened and reported in media so all these are not exactly some kind of rumors..
no doubt but india is going towards civil war all the groups and ethnics are going for... If Modi comes expect more.
Concers for life is genuine as well but no one is threatning their lifes.........& Indian muslims are not monsters.

RSS fools are rescueing them like what somebody is chasing NE peoples on Bikes & Cars :D

i know mate you are not among radicals, but at the same time radicals are not like you. religious intolerance is factored in islam . it is only people like you who have gotten above it , but that still leaves a lot of muslim who would behave foolishly and agressively . i understand if somebody question ur background and it hurts , but you have to realize that you are no radical and so do not need to defend those who are !
This is ridiculous...seriously.

Kare koi, bhare koi.

no doubt but india is going towards civil war all the groups and ethnics are going for... If Modi comes expect more.

Modi will do nothing.

He is just behaving that way to get to Delhi. Once in power, he too will become like others.
Shame Shame .............

Shame on us we cant protect our own citizens be it Northeast people or be it muslims, every Indian life is important and it should be saved at utmost priority.
hmmm another Good sign by muslim community.. what they have given to India till now ?
causing too many rioys against every religion, crying like lady and blaming others for their own mistake..
Is their any religion or country where these people can live peacefully..
Some thousands muslims are destroying relationship with every one, most of muslims supports them because of muslims brotherhood and rest good muslims don't even try to come forward and teach good lesson to these people. If India have to over from such religious brainwashed marons, good muslims have to come forward to live as example to rest community,or else every thing has reaction, because nobody can tolerate for long time.

This is ridiculous...seriously.

Modi will do nothing.

He is just behaving that way to get to Delhi. Once in power, he too will become like others.

He is in Gujrat from last 10 year and see is their any CM who is even close to him ? and at least he ll thousands time better then this MMS or congress. have you seen any NDA leader in jail for any scams ? on other side every 2nd day we wait for another scam/vote bank love affairs.
What a shame.

I don't have any word express my feeling. Its better to get independence if GoI can't protect us. At least, we can kick out those illegal bangladeshis like Myanmar.

Bangladeshis must be very proud of this since they manage to increase tension and mistrust between us by using tactics like demographic invasion and then dragging religion to protect their immigrant.
Irony of the situation is all these vandalism and attacks on north east folks started on the basis of rumors that Muslims are killed in thousands and the religion of peace is under threat..

btw it seems some attacks on NE folks have already happened and reported in media so all these are not exactly some kind of rumors..

But bro there is not a even single incident happened in Karnataka............if happened then links plz.

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