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RAW implanting New CIA’ Strategy - Lahore Strikes



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Nov 1, 2005
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Monday March 30, 2009

On March 30, 2009, the RAW’s trained terrorists again hit Lahore and killed 26 under training police personnel of Police Training Centre, Manawan Lahore. One terrorist apparently afghan nationality has been apprehended. It is doubted that terrorist has been given training at Jaisilmir (India) adjacent to Pakistan border. The terrorist was probably trying to flee away with the intentions of crossing border which is hardly 3 kilometers away from Sean of incidents. It is quite possible that assailants are same Indian black cats those attacked Sri Lankan team a month ago and yet to be arrested.

RAW believes in Extremism and elimination of Muslims from India and now supporting indirectly BJP in her election Campaign. BJP is strongly has faith on Hindu Vatism which refers to Hindu extremism and domination. For a long time, the concept of Hindu Extremism and domination has ruled the Indian politics. Thus the achievement of this goal led New Delhi to adopt coercive diplomacy and concept of limited war. As the judicial movement succeeded in Pakistan and being a frontline state against terrorism, Islamabad became a throne in the eyes of India. It is impossible for her to confront Pakistan directly but at the same time, she wants to destabilize and deescalate Pakistan. Thus India started playing its cards in the form of covert operations inside Pakistan.

The attack on mosque in Khyber, the attack on Sri Lankan team in liberty and recently the attack on Pakistan police training center is evident upon fact that the impetus was provided by a foreign hand i.e. RAW. All these efforts of India are directed towards proving Pakistan an irresponsible nation and a failed state. RAW backed by CIA is continuously spreading terrorism and sending well-planned terrorists in Pakistan. Any common man cannot plan such an extensive act and implement it alone without any foreign hand. It is without any doubt the outcome of the malicious planning of New Delhi to pave the way to malign the name of Pakistan and making excuses valid for drone attacks inside Pakistan. However, India should not forget that Pakistan is a responsible nation and will go to any extent to meet external threats.

CIA is using RAW and RAAM as her tools to implement her agenda of pushing Pakistan into anarchy and in political turmoil. American and Indian agencies never liked to see Pakistan a successful South Asian country. They are backing terrorism to victimize lonely Islamic Nuclear Power. The blaming ISI and Pakistan Security agencies and damaging Pakistan sovereignty is on the top their agenda. Pakistan political top brass must realize the facts and read the underlines of new strategy of CIA, which probably totally different to the Obama” announced policy.
Monday March 30, 2009

On March 30, 2009, the RAW’s trained terrorists again hit Lahore and killed 26 under training police personnel of Police Training Centre, Manawan Lahore. One terrorist apparently afghan nationality has been apprehended. It is doubted that terrorist has been given training at Jaisilmir (India) adjacent to Pakistan border. The terrorist was probably trying to flee away with the intentions of crossing border which is hardly 3 kilometers away from Sean of incidents. It is quite possible that assailants are same Indian black cats those attacked Sri Lankan team a month ago and yet to be arrested.

RAW believes in Extremism and elimination of Muslims from India and now supporting indirectly BJP in her election Campaign. BJP is strongly has faith on Hindu Vatism which refers to Hindu extremism and domination. For a long time, the concept of Hindu Extremism and domination has ruled the Indian politics. Thus the achievement of this goal led New Delhi to adopt coercive diplomacy and concept of limited war. As the judicial movement succeeded in Pakistan and being a frontline state against terrorism, Islamabad became a throne in the eyes of India. It is impossible for her to confront Pakistan directly but at the same time, she wants to destabilize and deescalate Pakistan. Thus India started playing its cards in the form of covert operations inside Pakistan.

The attack on mosque in Khyber, the attack on Sri Lankan team in liberty and recently the attack on Pakistan police training center is evident upon fact that the impetus was provided by a foreign hand i.e. RAW. All these efforts of India are directed towards proving Pakistan an irresponsible nation and a failed state. RAW backed by CIA is continuously spreading terrorism and sending well-planned terrorists in Pakistan. Any common man cannot plan such an extensive act and implement it alone without any foreign hand. It is without any doubt the outcome of the malicious planning of New Delhi to pave the way to malign the name of Pakistan and making excuses valid for drone attacks inside Pakistan. However, India should not forget that Pakistan is a responsible nation and will go to any extent to meet external threats.

CIA is using RAW and RAAM as her tools to implement her agenda of pushing Pakistan into anarchy and in political turmoil. American and Indian agencies never liked to see Pakistan a successful South Asian country. They are backing terrorism to victimize lonely Islamic Nuclear Power. The blaming ISI and Pakistan Security agencies and damaging Pakistan sovereignty is on the top their agenda. Pakistan political top brass must realize the facts and read the underlines of new strategy of CIA, which probably totally different to the Obama” announced policy.

just a think peice with no justification of charges ... and anyways black cats is name given for NSG ... not for RAW agents ... poorly researched .....!
apart from Pakistan no one believes RAW to be involved in either attack on SL team or on the police academy recently ...... and the story merits the bins ...... even GoP has not pointed fingers at RAW .....
Many Bangladeshis believe that RAW was involved in the Lahore attacks because of what happened in Dhaka with the BDR. RAW seems to be using the same MO for all its operations now.
apart from Pakistan no one believes RAW to be involved in either attack on SL team or on the police academy recently ...... and the story merits the bins ...... even GoP has not pointed fingers at RAW .....

Look at the date -this article was written before Mehsud claimed his "credits". After that not even all Pakistanis blame India for this. There are still some, I guess.

Anyway, CIA atleast has a $5M bounty on Mehsud's head. I don't understand how CIA is attacking Pakistan using him while already having announced a bounty on his head. Anyway the article has some great lines like "Islamabad became a throne in the eyes of India" and "top brass must realize the facts and read the underlines".

Neo, is Pak Tribune a mainstream news source ? They seem to have no claim verification, attribution and it seems even editing.
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This is an opinion from a Bangladeshi newspaper -

Commentary: Attacks on Pak mosques by the Taliban or others in disguise?

The latest suicide bomb attacks on mosques in Pakistan have perplexed right thinking people. While the western media as well as a section of Pakistani government officials have tried to implicate the Taliban in the attacks, questions remain as to whether as practicing Muslims they can target mosques and religious devotees.

A bomber blew himself up inside a mosque at Jamrud town, 16 kilometres (10 miles) west of Peshawar, Pakistan on March 27 when as many as 300 people were saying Friday prayers. The two-story mosque collapsed.

The attack was part of a series of terrorist incidents in Pakistan's tribal areas bordering Afghanistan and in major cities. At least 4,000 people have died in terrorist attacks in Pakistan in the past two years, according to the government.

Pakistani troops have been fighting pro-Taliban militants in its tribal areas since 2003. The government blames attacks on these militants, who are angered by military operations. The region has suffered dozens of attacks on mosques in recent decades.

Bangladesh yesterday condemned the suicide bombing at the northwestern Pakistan mosque, with premier Sheikh Hasina dubbing the perpetrators as enemies of "peace, democracy and Islam" and favouring coordinated action to combat terrorism in the region.

According to international wire services, north-west Pakistan has witnessed a number of suicide attacks linked to the Taliban insurgency and also to the Shia-Sunni sectarian divide.

The area has been plagued by an insurgency led by Al Qaeda and Taliban militants who have continuously fought Pakistan's military for the past few years. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Friday's attack, but Pakistani investigators were looking for any possible links to the Taliban - at least 15 of those killed in the blast were Pakistani government employees.

On Monday, the main police intelligence headquarters in Islamabad was hit in a suicide attack in which only the bomber and one guard at the front gate were killed.

Pakistani intelligence officials then revealed they had picked up information which suggested the bomber may have been one of as many as ten dispatched some weeks ago by the Taliban in the group's latest move to destabilise the country.

On Monday a group of gunmen, some in police uniforms, attacked a police academy and held it for hours, seizing hostages, throwing grenades and killing at least 11 people before being overpowered by Pakistani commandos.

Six militants were arrested and eight died in the eight-hour battle to retake the compound on the outskirts of this city in eastern Pakistan, said Rao Iftikhar, a top government official in Punjab province.

Earlier, the Sri Lankan cricket team came under gun attack during its tour of Pakistan. As a result of the attack not only a cricket series between the two nations was called off but doubts were also cast as to whether Pakistan could co-host the next cricket world cup.

There is no doubt that the Pakistani troops are fighting Taliban fighters as part of the US-led war on terror. The same groups which under US support and Pakistan's active participation had fought back erstwhile Soviet invaders from Afghanistan are now the targets of both. But it is difficult to believe that the attacks on mosques killing innocent devotees would be undertaken even by religious fanatics. Pakistanis would do well in finding out whether certain extraneous forces - especially those who cannot come to terms with Pakistan's being a nuclear power - are more active in destabilising the counrtry by operating under the guise of Talibans.

The New Nation - Internet Edition
This is an opinion from a Bangladeshi newspaper -

Commentary: Attacks on Pak mosques by the Taliban or others in disguise?

A much better article, much less Vitriol. States facts, gives background, states Bangladeshi govt. position, states international opinion and finally at the end wonders if Muslims can really kill Muslims or whether India did it. The query should have been answered by TTP's announcement yesterday, I hope.
Many Bangladeshis believe that RAW was involved in the Lahore attacks because of what happened in Dhaka with the BDR. RAW seems to be using the same MO for all its operations now.

RAW paranoia haunts some even in dreams.

Editorial: At last, Pakistan zeroes in on Baitullah Mehsud

After a successful operation at Manawan, Pakistani security forces cleared out the terrorists, capturing five terrorists alive, who will no doubt prove useful in the investigations that follow. The interior adviser, Mr Rehman Malik, has named Baitullah Mehsud, “amir” of the Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan, (TTP) as the planner and executioner of the terrorist operation, although the speculative reference to a “foreign hand” stays on the table “to be on the safe side”. Mehsud has claimed responsibility for the Manawan attack, and threatened to carry out similar operations in the future. The fact is that Pakistan’s enemy number one is the TTP, which commands the chaos-making activities of the Taliban in the tribal areas and Swat and is now expanding its activity to Punjab and the southern region, including Karachi.

A measure of confusion has thus been removed and Pakistan will now be more determined to act in an organised manner against the spread of terrorist activity in the country. The United States too has only recently recognised that TTP is a part of the Al Qaeda and Taliban threat by putting a price on Baitullah Mehsud’s head. Earlier, it made a distinction between Afghan Taliban and Pakistani Taliban and complained that Pakistan was concentrating on the latter while winking at (or even helping in) the terrorist activity of the former in Afghanistan. What Pakistan has to do now is to complete the mental revision on some aspects of terrorism to bring cohesion to its anti-terrorist response.

Talking to the TV channels on Monday, Brigadier (Retd) Mehmood Shah, an expert on terrorism in the tribal areas, said clearly that the official Pakistani mind was still reluctant to connect the TTP and the country’s various jihadi organisations with Al Qaeda, and thus gave itself room to speculate about such matters as terrorist funding through which it usually arrived at the “guesstimate” about the “foreign hand” which usually implies India and even the United States. For good measure, at times even Israel is named by experts on TV, adding to more confusion than objective analysis. This in turn has resulted in the local authorities ignoring warnings that a terrorist attack is imminent, as happened twice in one month in Lahore, in respect of the attacks on the Sri Lankan cricket team and the raid at Manawan. In the first attack, the TTP had only to plant the “information” that the terrorists were going to come from India.

A misanalysis of the source of terrorism has led to misunderstandings between Pakistan and the West which, led by the United States, is now expressing doubts about the handling of the situation by the ISI. From the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, down to the CENTCOM chief General Petraeus and Secretary of Defence Robert Gates, all have now expressed fears that the ISI could actually be supporting the Afghan Taliban in their terrorist attacks into Afghanistan. The trend, allegedly based on telephonic intercepts, actually began under the Bush Administration when, during President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to Washington, the “complaint” was made to the Pakistani delegation.

Pakistan’s military strategy is based on its threat perception from India, both from the eastern as well as the western border of the country. This perception compels Pakistan to look at the ongoing developments in Afghanistan as being against its national interest. Therefore there is need on both sides to make revisions and adjustments in the anti-terrorist strategy, failing which there will be adverse consequences for the region. On the other hand, Pakistan needs to realise that a regional consensus developing among Pakistan’s neighbours is bound to isolate and harm it in the coming days if it does not revisit its strategy and make adjustments.

The foremost threat is internal and it comes directly from the Taliban-Al Qaeda combine, as proved by the incident at Manawan. The Pakistani mind should now be concentrated on the removal of this internal threat. Crucial international economic assistance to Pakistan is growing in these days of global crisis in the anticipation that a common regional approach to terrorism will be evolved that will include Pakistan. Hopefully Pakistan will steer skilfully through this process to preserve its self-interest. *

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
RAW paranoia haunts some even in dreams.

Editorial: At last, Pakistan zeroes in on Baitullah Mehsud

After a successful operation at Manawan, Pakistani security forces cleared out the terrorists, capturing five terrorists alive, who will no doubt prove useful in the investigations that follow. The interior adviser, Mr Rehman Malik, has named Baitullah Mehsud, “amir” of the Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan, (TTP) as the planner and executioner of the terrorist operation, although the speculative reference to a “foreign hand” stays on the table “to be on the safe side”. Mehsud has claimed responsibility for the Manawan attack, and threatened to carry out similar operations in the future. The fact is that Pakistan’s enemy number one is the TTP, which commands the chaos-making activities of the Taliban in the tribal areas and Swat and is now expanding its activity to Punjab and the southern region, including Karachi.

A measure of confusion has thus been removed and Pakistan will now be more determined to act in an organised manner against the spread of terrorist activity in the country. The United States too has only recently recognised that TTP is a part of the Al Qaeda and Taliban threat by putting a price on Baitullah Mehsud’s head. Earlier, it made a distinction between Afghan Taliban and Pakistani Taliban and complained that Pakistan was concentrating on the latter while winking at (or even helping in) the terrorist activity of the former in Afghanistan. What Pakistan has to do now is to complete the mental revision on some aspects of terrorism to bring cohesion to its anti-terrorist response.

Talking to the TV channels on Monday, Brigadier (Retd) Mehmood Shah, an expert on terrorism in the tribal areas, said clearly that the official Pakistani mind was still reluctant to connect the TTP and the country’s various jihadi organisations with Al Qaeda, and thus gave itself room to speculate about such matters as terrorist funding through which it usually arrived at the “guesstimate” about the “foreign hand” which usually implies India and even the United States. For good measure, at times even Israel is named by experts on TV, adding to more confusion than objective analysis. This in turn has resulted in the local authorities ignoring warnings that a terrorist attack is imminent, as happened twice in one month in Lahore, in respect of the attacks on the Sri Lankan cricket team and the raid at Manawan. In the first attack, the TTP had only to plant the “information” that the terrorists were going to come from India.

A misanalysis of the source of terrorism has led to misunderstandings between Pakistan and the West which, led by the United States, is now expressing doubts about the handling of the situation by the ISI. From the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, down to the CENTCOM chief General Petraeus and Secretary of Defence Robert Gates, all have now expressed fears that the ISI could actually be supporting the Afghan Taliban in their terrorist attacks into Afghanistan. The trend, allegedly based on telephonic intercepts, actually began under the Bush Administration when, during President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to Washington, the “complaint” was made to the Pakistani delegation.

Pakistan’s military strategy is based on its threat perception from India, both from the eastern as well as the western border of the country. This perception compels Pakistan to look at the ongoing developments in Afghanistan as being against its national interest. Therefore there is need on both sides to make revisions and adjustments in the anti-terrorist strategy, failing which there will be adverse consequences for the region. On the other hand, Pakistan needs to realise that a regional consensus developing among Pakistan’s neighbours is bound to isolate and harm it in the coming days if it does not revisit its strategy and make adjustments.

The foremost threat is internal and it comes directly from the Taliban-Al Qaeda combine, as proved by the incident at Manawan. The Pakistani mind should now be concentrated on the removal of this internal threat. Crucial international economic assistance to Pakistan is growing in these days of global crisis in the anticipation that a common regional approach to terrorism will be evolved that will include Pakistan. Hopefully Pakistan will steer skilfully through this process to preserve its self-interest. *

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

We also have newspapers who underplay the RAW connection when incidents such as the BDR mutiny occur. The public, however, generally make up their own minds and are overwhelmingly of the opinion that India is behind most of the attacks. In the case of the Pilkhana massacre evidence seems to be piling up of Indian involvement. In the Pakistan scenario identification is made complicated by the number of players involved so India is able to hide its involvement far better. What we do in Bangladesh is to calculate who has more to gain from these attacks. A weak Bangladesh only serves Indian interests and to some extent Myanmar but the latter's capability are minimal. A weak Pakistan makes the US and Israel nervous because of all those nuclear weapons and Jihadis but makes India jump with glee since it would weaken its arch foe in the region and the only real obstacle to Indian hegemony over South Asia. In Bangladesh we are seeing a conflict in objectives between the US and Israel on the one side and India on the other. I do not know if similar scenario is operating in Pakistan but it might be worthwhile to consider.
We also have newspapers who underplay the RAW connection when incidents such as the BDR mutiny occur. The public, however, generally make up their own minds and are overwhelmingly of the opinion that India is behind most of the attacks. In the case of the Pilkhana massacre evidence seems to be piling up of Indian involvement. In the Pakistan scenario identification is made complicated by the number of players involved so India is able to hide its involvement far better. What we do in Bangladesh is to calculate who has more to gain from these attacks. A weak Bangladesh only serves Indian interests and to some extent Myanmar but the latter's capability are minimal. A weak Pakistan makes the US and Israel nervous because of all those nuclear weapons and Jihadis but makes India jump with glee since it would weaken its arch foe in the region and the only real obstacle to Indian hegemony over South Asia. In Bangladesh we are seeing a conflict in objectives between the US and Israel on the one side and India on the other. I do not know if similar scenario is operating in Pakistan but it might be worthwhile to consider.

Who is talking about your fantasies about RAW on Bangladesh here ? :blah::crazy:
What we do in Bangladesh is to calculate who has more to gain from these attacks. A weak Bangladesh only serves Indian interests and to some extent Myanmar but the latter's capability are minimal.

That is exactly what seems to be causing the problem. A and B have fought in the past. If A loses, B gains. If B loses, A gains. This gives a perfect opportunity for C to Z to attack A or B. By the sort of logic you are using A & B will keep blaming each other while C can alternately strike A & B.

Exactly what is happening here. LeT attacks India -> some in India blame Pakistan govt. . TTP attacks Pakistan , you and Neo blame India. Luckily this time Pakistan arrested Mumbai attackers and also Lahore attackers - there is some evidence coming out that this is not a 2-way fight.

Your logic is a reasonable strategy when you have no other evidence to go by. Now you have the culprits who are provably Afghan, a handler who claims the attack and giving his reason to attack Pakistan/US . Even when you have the perpetrator and motive blaming a third party is kinda strange.

Nowadays a weak/destabilized country is not in the neighbours interest. It actually helps those that thrive on chaos. An unstable Pakistan would be hell for India too - We have a very long border. Same with Bangladesh and India - Unstable Bangladesh = more ULFA movement across borders and hence more danger to India. At least the current govt. in Bangladesh has promised to control ULFA.
If the much alleged Indian terror infrastructure exists in Pakistan, then Baitullah Mehsud cannot be disconnected from it. Taking out Baitullah Mehsud should have the same impact on Indian operatives in Pakistan as did taking out Bugti.

But its best that Baitullah Mehsud is taken in alive. He will be a treasure chest of information for Pakistan.
If the much alleged Indian terror infrastructure exists in Pakistan, then Baitullah Mehsud cannot be disconnected from it. Taking out Baitullah Mehsud should have the same impact on Indian operatives in Pakistan as did taking out Bugti.

But its best that Baitullah Mehsud is taken in alive. He will be a treasure chest of information for Pakistan.

Apparently there will be no end to your speculation on India's hand in the recent attacks inside Pak. One after another new conspiracy theories are surfacing. And now Baitullah Mehsud, an Indian/ US pony??? How pathetic your claims can be.... Initially Indian help to the Northern Alliances (way back in 80s) were responsible, now Indian's are helping Talibans against Pak??

I have only one word to say on this: BS

First provide some proof to the world rather then speculating on endless conspiracy theories. Wake up and realize once and for all that you need to bring your house to order; first and foremost.. If you cannot do it yourself, ask for help. People ought to change focus if you really want a peaceful and developed future for South Asea. Let the kashmir issue be tagged for peaceful dialog in the near future and concentrate on cleaning our respective houses first. There are border disputes amongst India/China, US/Canada also, are they resorting to same violent approach India/Pakistan has been pursuing since 60 years. Are the sufferings of both the nations worth this violence?
Many Bangladeshis believe that RAW was involved in the Lahore attacks because of what happened in Dhaka with the BDR. RAW seems to be using the same MO for all its operations now.

You have been ranting your "RAW trying to weaken BD" fantasies way too much on every opportunity. You should keep in mind that,

BD has to first become strong enough to be worth weakening. At least for us Indian RAW/ Indian Army here are as headstrong as their Pakistani or BD counterparts. That is precisely why there have been no coups/ mutinies in India against so many in BD and Pak. They are fully under control by our constitution and Ruling Govt.

Also, baring the religious fanatics of BD, your Govts/ Diplomats, Army, BDR, even any other world community also does not share the same view on India. Perhaps you are one of the fanatic propagandist who has been assigned to speak against the popular democratic govt in BD. If you are here for a logical and fruitful debate. discussion, but not some absurd propaganda, provide some sort of proof to substantiate your fantasies, otherwise don't even mention your "RAW trying to weaken BD" fantasies on other important threads. Open a new thread based on your fantasy and see who all apart from the other BD fanatics takes part on the discussion.
Perhaps you are one of the fanatic propagandist who has been assigned to speak against the popular democratic govt in BD. If you are here for a logical and fruitful debate. discussion, but not some absurd propaganda, provide some sort of proof to substantiate your fantasies, otherwise don't even mention your "RAW trying to weaken BD" fantasies on other important threads. Open a new thread based on your fantasy and see who all apart from the other BD fanatics takes part on the discussion.

Read The India Doctrine (1947-2007) and you will choke on the proof contained in that book.

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