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Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

A few randomcases can be ignored as indian iternal issue, but unfortunately opressed indian women which are already targeted / murdered mercilessly just because of their gender right after birth are now systematically being subjected to rape and murder. This is not an internal issue anymore.there are more than half a billion females in india which are victims of state sponsored (the great indian prime minister indra gandhi started this genocide to control population) terrorism and genocide. I think its time UNO should step in to protect women in hindustan which is fast becoming a Rapistan. Shamefull thing is these incidents are happening back to back and silent indiann governemnt is merely watching thses crimes as spectator..........looks like this is state policy to force people to kill their female children themselves right after birth or else have themraped and killed by state sponsored terrorist hindu extremists.
Shame on you india, one of your daughter gang raped and beaten just died in Singapore.
Don't call my country by other names. I can call yours too. And people like you is the reason we don't discuss these crimes here on forum. Because you start using it as point scoring. STFU you dirty maniac. Stop your name calling.

Should I tell about your state.

@WebMaster I am really disgusted with your Moderation team right now. I asked you all to take care of this issue and you have failed to control these pathetic scums. Every day they make a new thread and call disgusting name for my country. This is a new low of this forum.
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@WebMaster I am really disgusted with your Moderation team right now. I asked you all to take care of this issue and you have failed to control these pathetic scums. Every day they make a new thread and call disgusting name for my country. This is a new low of this forum.

I think secretly the "report" button just lights up a solitary blinking light underneath a desk, in an abandoned shack at the edge of the world.
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Yeah we will see. Death sentence? Yeah you really think so? Will it take longer than Kasab?

Did you guys know that before demitting her office Partibha Patel gave Presedential Pardon to three /four Rape Convicts and saved them from hanging. Those were all rarerest of the rare cases where those culprits had killed the victims brutally.

I was shocked to learn this.
@Aeronaut, @Oscar @WebMaster

It's a request to give pink slips to anyone who takes any swipe fo this horible cime but don't close this thread.



SINGAPORE: The 23-year-old girl, who was gang-raped and severely beaten on a bus in New Delhi died early Saturday at a Singapore hospital, after her horrific ordeal galvanized Indians to demand greater protection from sexual violence that impacts thousands of women every day.

She "passed away peacefully" with her family and officials of the Indian embassy by her side," said Dr. Kevin Loh, the chief executive of Mount Elizabeth hospital where she had been treated since Thursday. "The Mount Elizabeth Hospital team of doctors, nurses and staff join her family in mourning her loss," he said in a statement.

He said the woman had remained in an extremely critical condition since Thursday when she was flown to Singapore from India. "Despite all efforts by a team of eight specialists in Mount Elizabeth Hospital to keep her stable, her condition continued to deteriorate over these two days. She had suffered from severe organ failure following serious injuries to her body and brain. She was courageous in fighting for her life for so long against the odds but the trauma to her body was too severe for her to overcome."

The woman and a male friend, who have not been identified, were traveling in a public bus after watching a film on the evening of Dec. 16 when they were attacked by six men who took turns to rape her. They also beat the couple and inserted an iron rod into her body resulting in severe organ damage. Both of them were then stripped and thrown off the bus, according to police.

Indian police have arrested six people in connection with the attack, which left the victim with severe internal injuries, a lung infection and brain damage. She also suffered from a heart attack while in hospital in India.

Indian High Commissioner, or ambassador, TCA Raghanvan told reporters that the scale of the injuries she suffered was "very grave" and in the end it "proved too much.

He said arrangements are being made to take her body back to India

The frightening nature of the crime shocked Indians, who have come out in their thousands for almost daily demonstrations, demanding stronger protection for women and death penalty for rape, which is now punishable by a maximum life imprisonment. Women face daily harassment across India, ranging from catcalls on the streets, groping and touching in public transport to rape.

But the tragedy has forced India to confront the reality that sexually assaulted women are often blamed for the crime, which forces them to keep quiet and not report it to authorities for fear of exposing their families to ridicule. Also, police often refuse to accept complaints from those who are courageous enough to report the rapes and the rare prosecutions that reach courts drag on for years.

After 10 days at a New Delhi hospital, the victim was brought to the Mount Elizabeth hospital, which specializes in multi-organ transplant. But by late Friday, the young woman's condition had "taken a turn for the worse" and her vital signs had deteriorated. It was clear then that she would not survive long.

Indian attitudes toward rape are so entrenched that even politicians and opinion makers have often suggested that women should not go out at night or wear clothes that might be seen provocative.

Other politicians have come under fire for comments insulting the protesters and diminishing the crime.

On Friday, Abhijit Mukherjee, a national lawmaker and the son of India's president, apologized for calling the protesters "highly dented and painted" women, who go from discos to demonstrations.

"I tender my unconditional apology to all the people whose sentiments got hurt," he told mediapersons.

Separately, authorities in Punjab took action Thursday when an 18-year-old woman killed herself by drinking poison a month after she told police she was gang-raped.

State authorities suspended one police officer and fired two others on accusations they delayed investigating and taking action in the case. The three accused in the rape were only arrested Thursday night, a month after the crime was reported.

"This is a very sensitive crime, I have taken it very seriously," said Paramjit Singh Gill, a top police officer in the city of Patiala.

The Press Trust of India reported that the woman was raped Nov. 13 and reported the attack to police Nov. 27. But police harassed the girl, asked her embarrassing questions and took no action against the accused, PTI reported, citing police sources.

Authorities in the eastern state of Chhattisgarh also suspended a police officer on accusations he refused to register a rape complaint from a woman who said she had been attacked by a driver.


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I think secretly the "report" button just lights up a solitary blinking light underneath a desk, in an abandoned shack at the edge of the world.
And few Pakistani posters said they want to discuss this issue with maturity. I have sent PM to moderators but still no action. Look at the language used by these posters. I wonder they get off on rape news.

They don't have no decency to talk. The day a thread was allowed on this rape incident in Delhi, I knew what will follow. Moderators say they have so much workload. Then why allow threads on banned topic. Any anti-Pakistan thread gets closed within 2 to 3 pages. The thread on demolition of 30 temples in last 20 years in Pakistan got DELETED within few pages discussion.

Now every other day a thread pops up on local news in India and they all start bashing India. Most pathetic ones are those who are deriving pleasures from these threads.
This is a social issue and no amount of policiy or actions by the GoI is going to change the social issues that cause such incidents like these. This is why the protests in Delhi/India are meaningless and nothing but public dsiplays of anger with 0 substance to them.
its now a murder case. mods, please move this to world affair.
@Andromache You wanted discussion on this subject. Look at the comment of your compatriot. Do you realize we can't have any meaningful discussion on these subjects because of pathetic people like this poster.

A few randomcases can be ignored as indian iternal issue, but unfortunately opressed indian women which are already targeted / murdered mercilessly just because of their gender right after birth are now systematically being subjected to rape and murder. This is not an internal issue anymore.there are more than half a billion females in india which are victims of state sponsored (the great indian prime minister indra gandhi started this genocide to control population) terrorism and genocide. I think its time UNO should step in to protect women in hindustan which is fast becoming a Rapistan.

Shamefull thing is these incidents are happening back to back and silent indiann governemnt is merely watching thses crimes as spectator..........looks like this is state policy to force people to kill their female children themselves right after birth or else have themraped and killed by state sponsored terrorist hindu extremists.

Shame on you india, one of your daughter gang raped and beaten just died in Singapore.
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Dude why do you have to open this thread ? Don't you know people really don't care as long as India is bashed. This might be the 10th thread on this topic and as day rises in our countries, there will be trolls all over. Expect no moderation.
Dude why do you have to open this thread ? Don't you know people really don't care as long as India is bashed. This might be the 10th thread on this topic and as day rises in our countries, there will be trolls all over. Expect no moderation.

This is the 2nd thread after her death !!
these fellas bringing shame to entire mankind... i pity for this kinda attacks... I thought and hoped she will recover... RIP... i don't have words to express more than it...:hitwall:
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