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Indian PM & Chinese PM - Back-to-back visits to boost India-China ties

The Taliban are no more than terrorists, they even blew up those Buddha statues for no reason at all.

No sane person wants the Taliban back in power in Afghanistan.

You think they won't blow up Chinese investments too? We aren't even "people of the book" like Christians and Jews are, we are either atheists or polytheists (idol worshippers).

And we all know how much they like Buddhist idols and statues. "Idolators" is the word they use for us I believe.

You sir, are a ******* idiot. Your bhudda statues actually mean nothing if you were a true practitioner of Bhudhism at all.
In fact the taliban follow the bhudda more than you or your Indian accomplices.

Well... Let's have you hear why the taliban destroyed the statues before you make more mental diarrhea.

I'm sure people in Pakistan will be following this visit with their ears open though this visit is not going to change things much overnight.

People of Pakistan could honestly care less.

We did not come into being because of China or even India. LOL
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We want more of this!

Sino-indian 21st centuary friendship,FTW.
I'm sure people in Pakistan will be following this visit with their ears open

Not at all.

Everyone knows the real situation on the ground between the three countries.

The real Indian feeling towards China can be gauged, not by comments on a Pakistani forum ;) , but by the Indian media, Indian literature, and the mass of online comments by Indians.

After all, the Indian media produces what sells best.
self delete

Ya but Pakistan controls Taliban and China has great leverage over Pakistan, so wouldn't China be able to get Pak to protect its interests even if the Taliban comes to power?

I would not worry much about Pakistan in India China equation. More the trade and better the relationship between India and China, the less will be the Pakistan’s significance. Moreover, everything between Pakistan and China is not roses as portrayed by Pakistan because of the Islamic extremism that is emanating from Pakistan into Chinese territory. More or less China has to deal with Pakistan on terrorism in future.
You sir, are a ******* idiot. Your bhudda statues actually mean nothing if you were a true practitioner of Bhudhism at all.
In fact the taliban follow the bhudda more than you or your Indian accomplices.

Well... Let's have you hear why the taliban destroyed the statues before you make more mental diarrhea.

Wow, I didn't think that me insulting the Taliban would have caused such a crazy defensive reaction.

Oh wait. I kind of did. :P
Not at all.

Everyone knows the real situation on the ground between the three countries.

The real Indian feeling towards China can be gauged, not by comments on a Pakistani forum ;) , but by the Indian media, Indian literature, and the mass of online comments by Indians.

After all, the Indian media produces what sells best.

China and India doesn't have ideological differences as India and Pakistan have. Hence changing people preciption on China would not take long.
True enough. :tup:

Don't we both have enough of our own problems anyway? And there is a lot to be gained from cooperation, not only on Economy but on more strategic issues like Afghanistan.

Going into the future, we will see more Sino-Indian co-operation.
One major area where that is slated to happen will be Afghanistan. China has no interest in seeing a destabilised "continually boiling" Afghanistan on its doorstep. And China now recognises that the earlier "so-called guarantors" of Afghan stability have very little control on Afghan matters. Hence China is willing to co-operate with anybody who will make sincere efforts to re-stabilise and help to re-construct Afghanistan. Even though the present prognosis is not too bright.
as i said theres not going to be china and india..:azn:

guess somebody is hurt...:omghaha:
Not at all.

Everyone knows the real situation on the ground between the three countries.

The real Indian feeling towards China can be gauged, not by comments on a Pakistani forum ;) , but by the Indian media, Indian literature, and the mass of online comments by Indians.

After all, the Indian media produces what sells best.

The Indian Media is no real reflection of GoI thinking. Just as what the media may want to sell is totally irrelevant; the media can sell Soap and Tooth-paste but not National Policy. :lol:
Remember that prediction by some bald fool in India that China will attack India in 2012? @Chinese Dragon; I'm sure you do! ;)
What happened? Did a single round get fired?

So @Developereo; if you do some thinking, you'll understand that Indian Policies are not made in TV Studios but in Govt bodies after considerable cogitation. Hafizzz Sayeed analogues have still not been given the ability to decide State Policy.
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China and India doesn't have ideological differences as India and Pakistan have. Hence changing people preciption on China would not take long.

It has nothing to do with ideological differences, but how India sees itself in the new world order.

India itself seems confused; the Indian narrative oscillates between
- "India and China together for an Asian century"
- "India is Asia's bulwark against Chinese hegemony"

So @Developereo; if you do some thinking, you'll understand that Indian Policies are not made in TV Studios but in Govt bodies after considerable cogitation. Hafizzz Sayeed analogues have still not been given the ability to decide State Policy.

Indian media reflects the Indian public's mood: the media produces what the public wants to buy.

Are you saying Indian democracy is a sham and doesn't reflect the public's view?
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Talks and CBMs are good but we should not lower our guard and boost our military modernization to avoid any surprise. :angel:
It has nothing to do with ideological differences, but how India sees itself in the new world order.

India itself seems confused; the Indian narrative oscillates between
- "India and China together for an Asian century"
- "India is Asia's bulwark against Chinese hegemony"

Indian media reflects the Indian public's mood: the media produces what the public wants to buy.

Are you saying Indian democracy is a sham and doesn't reflect the public's view?

When in a democracy, foreign realtions are taken by the mood respresented by the media?
I do not see Public demonstrating on roads and rasing anti-China slogans.. You are really not thinking this one through.
One thing is for sure....India and its people never have any problem ideological issues with China...So if China at least show a genuine gesture of friendship as it has been shown now...There is definitely a huge potential of improvement between India and China relation....
Remember that prediction by some bald fool in India that China will attack India in 2012? @Chinese Dragon; I'm sure you do! ;)
What happened? Did a single round get fired?

Oh yeah, I remember that one.

NDTV - China could attack India before 2012

New Delhi:
A leading defence expert has projected that China will attack India by 2012 to divert the attention of its own people from "unprecedented" internal dissent, growing unemployment and financial problems that are threatening the hold of Communists in that country.

"China will launch an attack on India before 2012. There are multiple reasons for a desperate Beijing to teach India the final lesson, thereby ensuring Chinese supremacy in Asia in this century," Bharat Verma, editor of the Indian Defence Review, has said.
Verma said the recession has "shut the Chinese exports shop", creating an "unprecedented internal social unrest" which in turn, was severely threatening the grip of the Communists over the society.

Before 2012, as in by the end of 2011.

Hell, I remember loads of people saying that Hu Jintao's peaceful rise was a load sh*t and that China under him was going to attack everyone and start WW3.

But did Hu Jintao start any wars? No, his term ended peacefully. And now we have a new Xi-Li Administration, who seem even more determined to maintain peace and stability.
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