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Is Israel really Pakistan’s enemy?

Israel's independence is a joke , it is independence from Europeans and hitler's concentration camps

I actually sympathize with the Jewish people and their cause. I just don't agree with the way Israel's creation was handled. There was a lot of subterfuge, a lot of behind-the-scenes wrangling, a lot of exploiting racism, and a lot of terrorism.

All in all, not the best way to set up house in a new land.
because israel is a jew state and in arab island and we all know that .hum par jihad farz ha jab tak arab k jazeera pe yahood oo nasara han....so that is a big reason i think

because israel is a jew state and in arab island and we all know that .hum par jihad farz ha jab tak arab k jazeera pe yahood oo nasara han....so that is a big reason i think
It doesn't matter what you, personally, believe, but how the laws of the State of Israel are formulated and how your Declaration of Independence is worded.

The Law of Return stipulates Judaism as the person's religion or in direct ancestry. The German law is not based on religion. See the difference?
You answered yourself.

Yes, non Jewish converts to Judaism have also right to migrate, but thats only a speck of total migration to Israel which is after Jewish ancestry.

Also in Israel's documents "Jew" considered a "nationality" (leom in Hebrew) not a religion (dat).
That's the crux of our objection. Why should Palestinians pay the price for the Europeans' sins against the Jews?

This is a very important issue you raised , I think infact the so called resurgence of islam in middle east is only due to Israel and their deportation from Europe; that's why iran's authorities always call Israel a cancerous tumor that has to be removed , they simply don't know why they're so angry with Israel ...

500 is gonna snipe you developer , she's got a mars sight on her tavor
=Aktavist;4218698]Attempt to dismiss the citizenship law as not an apartheid law and then we can move on to others.

so basically you have nothing

lol. Is this an argument? Israel is built on the Zionist ideology which is a union of Jewish and Christian Zionists. Christians have historically persecuted Jews but now Zionism has bought the two together. This new outpost is just disguised as the Jewish state. The Jewish religion forbids Jews from returning to the holy land until the Messiah returns, have you seen him?

Yes its a argument and should be answered not laughed at why do u ask Pakistanis to live in stone ages while you enjoy all the modern necessities available to sustain a descent Life .What Israel is or why it was build and what Jews are suppose to do and not do is not my concern.

Pakistan says we dont recognize Israel cause of Arabs funny Arabs recognize Israel decades ago yet you completely ignored that and just go on to bash Jews this and Jews that typical Rant nothing conclusive.

Arabs and Turks recognize Israel trade with her and yet we are told Jews are bad Christians will kill you. Do as we say not as we do same Arabs go on to finance terrorist in Pakistan yet Pakistanis blame Israel.(Not 1 evidence so far supporting Mossad Involvement in Pakistan.Arab financing terrorist in pakistan clear as a blue sky.yet you sy dont look at that look at what i am telling you. )

More ignorance. Israel has become a very close ally of India against Pakistan ever since the butcher Ariel Sharon visited the then BJP government. The US on behalf of Israel along with India are supporting the terrorists in Pakistan.

Yeah thats why they are close cause Ariel Sharon visited India yet i bet you dont no or will ignore the fact General zia on behalf of Jordanians also butchered Palestinian plus not to mention cause of him wanting to please his Arab masters 10000s of Pakistanis have fell victim to sectarian terrorism.

Zionist Israel is fueling the wars against Muslim nations, Pakistan having nukes isn't something which makes them smile. Pakistan made it's position very clear since Jinnah refused to accept this entity, this will never change now.

Fine they are But its Arabs that are financing it.Pakistan nukes is no threat to any nation on the planet they are for our defense.Not to mention behind closed doors pakistani military has relations with Israel.

Jinnah also wanted freedom of religion and protection to all minorities what happened to that?
You answered yourself.

Yes, non Jewish converts to Judaism have also right to migrate, but thats only a speck of total migration to Israel which is after Jewish ancestry.

Also in Israel's documents "Jew" considered a "nationality" (leom in Hebrew) not a religion (dat).

It's a complex issue where Jew is used both as a race and a religion.

I am sure you are well aware of the internal controversies regarding converts to Judaism.

In either case, the important point is not who is let in, but who is excluded -- i.e. the displaced Arabs who are not "Jewish" by either definition.

I think infact the so called resurgence of islam in middle east is only due to Israel

I wouldn't go so far as to put Israel at the center of that phenomenon.

The Iranian government uses the Palestinian issue to capitalize on the ineptness of the Arab governments to handle the matter.
You should see my posts in different threads which give my stance on Arabs. Make no mistake, I am not too cuddly with them either.

As for Israel, it is clear you and I have different ways to see Israel, so we'll just agree to disagree. Israel doesn't offer us anything that we need so badly and are desperate for.

USA is our biggest trading partner Afghanistan is our second yet our foreign policy is designed to please Arabs.Our foreign policy should be free of external influence specially of the dictators here today gone soon.
It's a complex issue where Jew is used both as a race and a religion.

I am sure you are well aware of the internal controversies regarding converts to Judaism.

In either case, the important point is not who is let in, but who is excluded -- i.e. the displaced Arabs who are not "Jewish" by either definition.
Yes there is duality, but when Zionism was first and foremost a national movement and not religious. Israel was considered a home for Jewish people, not Jewish religion. Religious Jews strongly opposed Zionism in the beginning.

In Israel's declaration of independence for example the only mention of word "religion" is where it says that people of all religions should be equal.

When it comes to immigration to Israel 99.9% migrate for their ancestry, just as Germans migrate to Germany.
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