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A free and fair election is impossible for them to win. But yes,IF they can stay beyond 2014, this country will cease to exist. I don't think they are clam or confident but rather lost their senses with arrogance and may be depending on the dadas a bit too much. They don't have any other way but to try & stream roll any opposition to their facist doctrine. Don't U think these dalal fagots could have avoided the blood bath today but they initiated and even revoked BNP's 48 hr ultimatum. These lunnys are wet dreaming about officially going bakshal.

What I'm surprised about is the AL's uncompromising nature of extremist proportions! On every subject!

Have they ever wondered about their safety in case they fall from power? Committing a crime is easy, but getting away with it is a another matter. And that requires an escape strategy.

I don't know. It's either they have a brilliant escape strategy or have sub-human level intelligence.

Being dependent on their backers too much is also a possibility. And they have very strong backing from there too!

Why stay put? why not break some police heads? :hitwall: would be more productive and helpful to the nation

A man with a stick versus a man with a gun?
Seeing AL calm is indeed serious matter.I heard the story so many times from my father.I can imagine it clearly.When Shiraj Shikdar challenged Sheikh Mujib he was also very calm and controlled. Not his usual banter passed his lips.Next day when when asked he told the press-KOTHAE SHIRAJ SHIKDAR?by that time he was already kidnapped and killed.
Seeing AL calm is indeed serious matter.I heard the story so many times from my father.I can imagine it clearly.When Shiraj Shikdar challenged Sheikh Mujib he was also very calm and controlled. Not his usual banter passed his lips.Next day when when asked he told the press-KOTHAE SHIRAJ SHIKDAR?by that time he was already kidnapped and killed.

Awami League has always been cold blooded killing machine. Awami history shows and tells us they can kill in genocidal proportion yet be clam and lie about it. Look at how Awami League ministers are so clamly saying it is not that serious that over thousand garments workers died. It is not surprising to see Awami clam at all for people who knowns Awami League through out history.

One important part will be to make sure none of Awami League leaders and MP can escape or get shelter in any other country. All Awami League leaders are guilty of genocide in Bangladesh.
Riot police battle Islamists in Dhaka Bangladesh


Clashes between police and Islamist protesters in the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka have left at least three people dead and 60 injured.

Up to half a million protesters gathered in the city, where rioters set fire to shops and vehicles as police fought to contain them.

The activists are calling for those who insult Islam to face the death penalty.

Police have moved in to expel thousands of Hefazat-e Islam members who earlier occupied the main business district.

Witnesses say hundreds of policemen, supported by paramilitaries, were seen marching towards the Motijheel area early on Monday to remove the activists who they said had occupied the area illegally.

Earlier, throngs of protesters blocked main roads, isolating Dhaka from other parts of the country.

Chanting "Allahu Akbar!" ("God is greatest!") and "One point! One demand! Atheists must be hanged", the activists marched down at least six main roads as they headed for Motijheel, AFP news agency reported.

The area around the city centre's largest mosque turned into a battleground as police reacted to stone-throwing rioters with tear gas, rubber bullets and truncheons.

Three people were killed, the BBC Bengali service reported, with at least one dying of gunshot wounds. Other agencies reported the death toll had risen to at least 10, with several casualties sustaining gunshot wounds to the head.

Reports spoke of some 60 people being injured, including two local TV journalists.

'Hang atheists'

Hefazat-e Islam wants greater segregation of men and women, as well as the imposition of stricter Islamic education.

The group's opposition to a national development policy for women has angered women's groups.

Hefajat-e-Islam draws its strength from the country's madrassahs, or religious schools.

But the government, which describes Bangladesh as a secular democracy, has rejected the group's demand for a new law on blasphemy.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said current legislation was adequate.

A Hefajat-e-Islam activist, Hossain Soliman Abdullah, said the main aim of the protest was to press for the implementation of a 13-point demand inspired by the Koran.

Dhaka's Daily Star newspaper reports that the group hired at least 3,000 vehicles, including buses, lorries and minibuses to bring demonstrators into the capital, while others travelled there by train.

On Friday, Sheikh Hasina said the government had already met many of the group's demands.

"Many of these have already been implemented while some are in the process," she was quoted as telling the Daily Star.

She said the government had already arrested four bloggers for making "derogatory comments" against the Prophet Muhammad and they would be punished if found guilty.

Muslims make up nearly 90% of the country's population with the rest mostly Hindus.
Awami League committed another genocide in the dark of night by attacking and killing many in the Chapla chattar. Before the Awami League massacre Awami League cut the electricity in the area and banned all tv from live broadcasting. From eyewitness in the area and journalists, scores of dead bodies from Awami Leage massacre are being removed by Awami League forces and are hiding evidance of their crime against humanity.
I see some known Jamat supporters are spreading false rumors. Were you not the one who declared war against the government? Koto kichhu jeno korben?

Anyway, Hefajot e Jamat is seriously getting some ***-kicking. Seems like our Prime Minister is not as brittle as you bunch thought. You people always miscaculate the strength of Bangladesh Awami League.


P.S. : No one got killed in that operation. Thats a good news. But the bad news is that Shibir probably will kill few of their own men in order to vindicate Awami League.
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