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India trying to occupy Bangladesh territory

I think someone needs a wake up call. Sorry to burst your bubble buddy.

Bangladesh doesn't have any kind of defensive pact with either Pakistan or China. Neither country has any reason to intervene militarily on BD's behalf.

India can count on the US, Russia, France, UK and Israel for assistance, both material and diplomatic. The US alone has enough leverage with the Chinese and the Pakistanis to ensure that they exercise restraint.

India probably will face some terrorism, the Nazis bombed the bejesus out of London, they terrorized and killed thousands with their V2's, they had the strongest military in Europe. Yet the English prevailed. My point is that a few bombs and random shootings will not bring a nation of 1.2 billion to its knees.

Lastly, this is a very small piece of land we're talking about, not even a full square kilometer, yet people on here are flipping out like its the beginning of a world war or something.

Its a very small dispute, this is a small insignificant bump in our relationship, at the end of the day we have to live right next to each other, so we should focus on finding ways to work with each other.

Full scale war with BD is a remote possibility which will put India in odd with other players in the international arena also India will loose its credibility of being a regional super dog.
My question is why India lost 18 of its soldiers for this small piece of land in 1998? Its not only this small piece of land, India did sent its frigates to occopy our Talpotti which is also a very very small piece of land. Will India ever be able to act rationally? I guess not, that is why PK and China taken away half of its Kashmir, China is claiming huge amount of land in NE and India is still claiming China yet to return its territory.
Al Zakir the majority of BD'shis don't think like you. They are proud to be independent, they are proud to be Bangladeshi. The people of BD elected the Awami league into power, so you have your answer right there. pro-India is not anti-BD. BD would gain nothing by antagonizing India.

What ever makes you happy!!! Al-zakir isn't concern about what an Indian think as I already made my mind about Indian. :smokin:
How about you look at the Millions of illegal Bangladeshi citizens that India has been feeding and housing for the past god know how many decades.....
Yes there's migration but that doesn't justify the acts of certain Indian elements(meaning BSF).Two wrongs don't make a right as the saying goes I believe.

This thread is degenerating to bashing now.
Am I irrational to my comment? Do you not see what's being taking place in Bd right now by Awami and what's already been done by Paltu K*tta moin? Brother I am worried that bd is heading toward point of no way return.

I was talking to an older person other day and he said "either Allah directly can save us from these munafiq or Tauhidi people of Bangldesh can bring about the change with Allah's help".

I don't disagree with the wise man.
My observation is not linked to any of your comments here. It is just a random casual thought from looking at your avatar - and is meant in jest and humor.
Now give me a smile.
How about you look at the Millions of illegal Bangladeshi citizens that India has been feeding and housing for the past god know how many decades.....

This is irrelevant to this discussion of this thread and another desperate attempt to hide indian aggression against its neighbors.

Rather than trying to be smart Alec, own up to what your country india is doing.
So moral of the story my friends please don't stereotype a culture and a nation just because of some propaganda no one is saint in this world , but if we accept our shortcomings once in a while it will go a long way to make ourselves a better human being .
I have learnt my lesson and i hope you also get it soon.

Personal and human level lot of friendly interaction happens. But when a country like india committ agression against Bangladesh and killing its citizens every other day, grab its land and threat with military intervention, its no longer personal issue. Besides most indians show same indian aggressive attitude, bully and support indian hegemonic agenda using one excuse or another. So, your call for not to generalize india or indians do not have any supporting cause.

And the fact you did not recognize what india has been doing is worng, makes your call even more disingenuous.
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bangladesh desreves to be occupied by indians because bengalis was biggest supporters of india against pakistan history says it all and what BCB did in ICC meeting we know that too

Bangladesh doesnt deserve to be occupied by Indians, no one deserves to be occupied by Indians.

This generation of Pakistanis want good relations with Bangladesh.
Question:Were our Army formations involved in that border conflict back in '01?'Coz that's what wikipedia says.

Nothing more so far of this incident.Hope things have been settled amicably between the two forces.
BD is facing naked aggression from India. They are also facing threats from Myanmar but these are big problems with simple solution. BD needs to have better relations with Pakistan so that we can help them redefining their relationship with China and this will surely save them from the Myanmar threat. Whereas if BD gets the military and moral support from Pakistan and China than India will never ever dare to attack them.

To have a balanced South Asia we need checks.
Question:Were our Army formations involved in that border conflict back in '01?'Coz that's what wikipedia says.

Nothing more so far of this incident.Hope things have been settled amicably between the two forces.

It was the other way around.It was Indian army personnel dressed as BSF jawan along with BSF intruded Bangladeshi territory.
But India's superior media,systematically put the blame on us.And together with our appeasing AL govt. who accepted that it was all our fault.

Don't believe Wiki all the time.The author of the page is Indian.So expect a biased view.
BD is facing naked aggression from India. They are also facing threats from Myanmar but these are big problems with simple solution. BD needs to have better relations with Pakistan so that we can help them redefining their relationship with China and this will surely save them from the Myanmar threat. Whereas if BD gets the military and moral support from Pakistan and China than India will never ever dare to attack them.

To have a balanced South Asia we need checks.

Disagreeing with you would be foolish!!! Unfortunately we are :tsk:

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