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Pakistan Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud killed in drone strike.

Rot in hell bastard !!!

An sad that Pakistanis are so stupid... Instead of applauding this they are condemning this

Depends on the motives for condemnation. Those that are condemning it for the love of their "undeclared" fallen hero deserve to be shot and buried next to him.

But those that are condemning it for the destabilization it will bring due to the rather confused and mixed political and social environment that was prevailing in Pakistan are possibly justified in doing so.
I wonder how many more civilians would have to pay the price for the killing of this one man. They would certainly increase their activities tenfold now and all claims about how they are cornered are far from the truth.

Had state surrendered and accepted the demands of TTP the very next moment of it's emergence thousands of lives of innocent Pakistanis would have been saved, what say you?

TTP would have continued it's terrible violence even if this scum bag had not been attack. Peace process was as fake as engineer waqar's car.
It's simple. PA should go on the offensive immediately. What makes it not so simple is Chaudhry Nisar/Nawaz govt., and Imran Khan.
Had state surrendered and accepted the demands of TTP the very next moment of it's emergence thousands of lives of innocent Pakistanis would have been saved, what say you?

TTP would have continued it's terrible violence even if this scum bag had not been attack. Peace process was as fake as engineer waqar's car.

I am not saying they would have done nothing but still each time something like this happens the reaction is too horrible and it depends on from where one's looking at it. I am not saying they should be left to do whatever they want to but at least in my opinion this image that is projected by a lot of people that they are under pressure now doesn't seem apt to me.
Rather than being demoralized this might be a rallying point for them and any splinter groups will join up. They might decide to open multiple fronts up with their Punjabi offshoot as well. Perhaps even Karachi would erupt since the Rangers were too busy in cleaning criminals they forgot terrorists. So as such, this strike does not bode well for us by any normal analysis. Perhaps in some hopeful land beyond the burqa trees there is a chance that they are in utter disarray after this strike and end up throwing down arms and saying sorry.
At this point, we have no idea of their response other than speculation but in all certainty it will be bad. The Afghan Taliban might end up tolerating the Karzai government and they'll handle their troubles as they always do on their own. What we will be left with is a possibly 100000+ strong force of well trained militants throughout Pakistan along with 3-4 million more "Almost willing" supporters who will gladly ruin any chance of an economic recovery.

Isn't it bit exaggerated? With cited strength they would have breasted Rawalpindi by now.
Had state surrendered and accepted the demands of TTP the very next moment of it's emergence thousands of lives of innocent Pakistanis would have been saved, what say you?

TTP would have continued it's terrible violence even if this scum bag had not been attack. Peace process was as fake as engineer waqar's car.

I wonder, with the majority of Pakistanis calling themselves Muslims and claiming to be the true righteous; this must be greatest display of forgiveness shown to mass murderers since the time of the Prophet by Muslims. Even in common human morality, I have yet to hear of a display in the region where people from all walks of life are ready to forgive thousands of deaths of their kith and kin(unless the claim of fellow Pakistanis is null and void and we are all essentially millions of individuals just stuck with each other on account of being born in the same state) so they may have a non-guaranteed but supposed respite from a conflict with people that WILL impose themselves on everyone else through barbarism. It is a tacit acknowledgement that the TTP and their supporters are as much Pakistani as anyone else AND justified in their actions. Hence we must accommodate them and their well recorded barbarism as part of Pakistani culture and identity and accept that we are people who are okay with crushing heads under pickups and Child suicide bombers.

That being said, if you are truly implying that the peace process deal was fake and essentially a lure to get Hakimullah and other TTP terrorists with help from the Americans then it was a brilliant idea. But it does not cater for what next once you did have a peace process drama going and a large section of Pakistan dying to hug and kiss the TTP in an effort to end their own suffering(justified) . Is there not going to be a vacuum right now which is open to any unknown whose value as a variable we know not? Will it not spike another round of pious Pakistanis to declare Hakimullah as Ghazi Shaheed as they did with the Lal Masjid cleric and essentially begin the proper talibanzatiion of this country?
Isn't it bit exaggerated? With cited strength they would have breasted Rawalpindi by now.

On purpose.. since they behave with the same impunity as the said number. What difference does it make?
I wonder, with the majority of Pakistanis calling themselves Muslims and claiming to be the true righteous; this must be greatest display of forgiveness shown to mass murderers since the time of the Prophet by Muslims. Even in common human morality, I have yet to hear of a display in the region where people from all walks of life are ready to forgive thousands of deaths of their kith and kin(unless the claim of fellow Pakistanis is null and void and we are all essentially millions of individuals just stuck with each other on account of being born in the same state) so they may have a non-guaranteed but supposed respite from a conflict with people that WILL impose themselves on everyone else through barbarism. It is a tacit acknowledgement that the TTP and their supporters are as much Pakistani as anyone else AND justified in their actions. Hence we must accommodate them and their well recorded barbarism as part of Pakistani culture and identity and accept that we are people who are okay with crushing heads under pickups and Child suicide bombers.

That being said, if you are truly implying that the peace process deal was fake and essentially a lure to get Hakimullah and other TTP terrorists with help from the Americans then it was a brilliant idea. But it does not cater for what next once you did have a peace process drama going and a large section of Pakistan dying to hug and kiss the TTP in an effort to end their own suffering(justified) . Is there not going to be a vacuum right now which is open to any unknown whose value as a variable we know not? Will it not spike another round of pious Pakistanis to declare Hakimullah as Ghazi Shaheed as they did with the Lal Masjid cleric and essentially begin the proper talibanzatiion of this country?

This all started with Lal Masjid operation.

The religious segment of our society must be closely observed, but left alone. If you dare to challenge them, you are ripping the fabrics of our nation.

You just can't expect to waltz in and start giving the Mullahs, orders.
You just can't expect to waltz in and start giving the Mullahs, orders.

Quite right, but if you are to challenge them in any way it must also be on religious grounds. Otherwise they will continue to use their trump card: religion.
I am not saying they would have done nothing but still each time something like this happens the reaction is too horrible and it depends on from where one's looking at it. I am not saying they should be left to do whatever they want to but at least in my opinion this image that is projected by a lot of people that they are under pressure now doesn't seem apt to me.

They will retaliate and that is for sure but that's not the point, the point is TTP is meant to cause harm. They had harmed us, they are harming us and they will continue to harm us, no peace process can halt this devilry. The war has been always upon us, evading it is useless. The damage that we have sustained during peacetime is not at all less than the damage one suffers during a wartime. Better to die in a war.
*Pak Armed forces knew about the TTP Markaz and had reports Hakeemullah often visit this Markz which located in a village 4 KM away from Miranshah.

(One might wonder, 30 thousand soldiers stationed in North waziristan, yet they couldn't touch TTP who were only 6-7 KM away from them, but had the audacity to fire mortars on civilian population when militants attacked a checkpost of PA yesterday and killed innocents in collateral damage (around 7-8, children and women included) as per dawn news. Someone should ask higher ups of military authorities why didn't they directed mortar fire against this Markaz which was destroyed by "AMERICANS")

*Hafiz Gul bahadur has given ultimatum of one week to people in and around Miranshah (Mir ali, datta khel and dozen or so villages and small districts) to leave area within one week and go to other agencies or safe places due to deteriorating conditions and retriated they honored the agreement with GOP and would continue to honor it but they can not guarantee the save passage of convoys moving on roads now!


*Pak Armed forces knew about the TTP Markaz and had reports Hakeemullah often visit this Markz which located in a village 4 KM away from Miranshah.

(One might wonder, 30 thousand soldiers stationed in North waziristan, yet they couldn't touch TTP who were only 6-7 KM away from them, but had the audacity to fire mortars on civilian population when militants attacked a checkpost of PA yesterday and killed innocents in collateral damage (around 7-8, children and women included) as per dawn news. Someone should ask higher ups of military authorities why didn't they directed mortar fire against this Markaz which was destroyed by "AMERICANS")

A benefit of the doubt could be given on the plausible theory that the establishment wanted the Americans to take the major fall for this.
quick question, are the surnames like Mehsud common among pashtuns and tajiks alike or are there any differences in names.... because this mehsud as taliban seems to be pashtun where as ahmed shah mehsud (massoud) had similar last name was tajik.

Mashood is a Tribe ..... Historically one of the most ferocious fighter tribe of Pashtoons ....

Is it just me or anyone else on this forum find is extremely odd that the drone attack that killed one of the top TTP leader came at a perfect time when the Pakistani government was about to initiate talks with TTP.

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