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One in four Americans 'doesn't know the Earth orbits the Sun' and only half believe in evolution

I agree with many things you said, but NOT that atheism is a religion.

A - I think religion X is right (no proof)
B - I think religion Z is right (no proof)
C - I don't believe in (existing) religions because there is no proof

A & B - C is following a religion called ''I want proof before I believe in religion''!

well I guess our disagreement roots in the fact we consider different definition for religion . I guess what I define as religion is a little wider so it also contain atheism and many more of the philosophical teaching around the world.
l say why when we can have religion like church of Kopimism why we can't consider atheism as a religion after all to me they look like a religion without a supreme deity.
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I did not read the entire article so i missed out on that BS

You could have made your point across in a less offending tone....Bro...do you really expect people to accept your viewpoints when you are insulting them and their believes non stop .. this is pretty much the fault with Atheists like yourself who has a sense of a superiority complex over the believers .. Get of the high horse first... you want people to listen you you..learn to be polite rather than being an imbecile ...

What do you think of Dr. Emoto's water experiment ....

I can sit here and debate rationally with you if you have something to offer, in form of substantial knowledge or logic, your links did none. I haven't gone through the videos, but have bookmarked them for tomorrow, it's 5:20 am and i'm out of sleep. Need some rest now.

As i have mentioned in previous posts, i do lack some basic human interaction skills. Sorry if i offended you.
I can sit here and debate rationally with you if you have something to offer, in form of substantial knowledge or logic, your links did none. I haven't gone through the videos, but have bookmarked them for tomorrow, it's 5:20 am and i'm out of sleep. Need some rest now.

As i have mentioned in previous posts, i do lack some basic human interaction skills. Sorry if i offended you.

you pointed out 1 link and i accepted , point out the fault in the others because others are commonly known scientific/medical facts
you pointed out 1 link and i accepted , point out the fault in the others because others are commonly known scientific/medical facts

I have searched a backtrack on the prelims of the experiments, and that one factor that has been questioned, the controlled environment. You must have heard about super cooling of water, where it stays liquefied even under subzero temperature and solidifies rapidly on even slightest disturbance.

In another news, James Randi Educational Foundation offered Emoto $1,000,000 (one million) to replicate the same results under standard test conditions, and he declined. Later Dean Radin, a co-author of the paper with Emoto failed to get desired results. Has he tried publishing his research in any reputed journal yet, like Nature, American Physics Journal or Royal Chemistry Society?

And the formation of crystal depends on the rate of their formation. If a supercooled water is disturbed abruptly, the crystal formation will be asymmetrical. And if the water is cooled gradually, then symmetric crystal formation will take place.

Here's a take back science note, every molecules and atoms responds to frequencies, and the frequency where it absorbs the maximum energy is the resonance frequency. But those frequencies are way higher than your vocal cord to generate or your eardrum to translate to a audible signal.

Another effect what Dr. Deepak Chopra terms as quantum healing is infact known as placebo effect in general terms, where you believe in a medicine to work and it improves your condition over time. Even Dr Chopra said it's success rate is below 5%, hence cannot be termed as a proper medical process.
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I have searched a backtrack on the prelims of the experiments, and that one factor that has been questioned, the controlled environment. You must have heard about super cooling of water, where it stays liquefied even under subzero temperature and solidifies rapidly on even slightest disturbance.

In another news, James Randi Educational Foundation offered Emoto $1,000,000 (one million) to replicate the same results under standard test conditions, and he declined. Later Dean Radin, a co-author of the paper with Emoto failed to get desired results. Has he tried publishing his research in any reputed journal yet, like Nature, American Physics Journal or Royal Chemistry Society?

And the formation of crystal depends on the rate of their formation. If a supercooled water is disturbed abruptly, the crystal formation will be asymmetrical. And if the water is cooled gradually, then symmetric crystal formation will take place.

Here's a take back science note, every molecules and atoms responds to frequencies, and the frequency where it absorbs the maximum energy is the resonance frequency. But those frequencies are way higher than your vocal cord to generate or your eardrum to translate to a audible signal.

Another effect what Dr. Deepak Chopra terms as quantum healing is infact known as placebo effect in general terms, where you believe in a medicine to work and it improves your condition over time. Even Dr Chopra said it's success rate is below 5%, hence cannot be termed as a proper medical process.

Heck, our Cancer treatment therapy has a success rate of 98.7%, still we are having hard time from FDA to get our experiments approved for Human tests.

In 2003, James Randi publicly offered Emoto one million dollars if his results can be reproduced in a double-blind study.

In 2006, Emoto published a paper together with Dean Radin and others in the peer-reviewed Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing

Dean Radin wrote:

The double-blind paper we published in 2006 was indeed peer-reviewed, and it showed a statistically significant difference between water that was "exposed" to intention vs. identical water set aside as a control. The magnitude of the observed effect was smaller than is implied in Emoto's books, but the direction of the effect was consistent with his claim.

The poor chap has not received his million Dollars yet :lol:

Effects of Distant Intention on Water Crystal Formation: A Triple-Blind Replication

An experiment tested the hypothesis that water exposed to distant intentions affects the aesthetic rating of ice crystals formed from that water. Over three days, 1,900 people in Austria and Germany focused their intentions towards water samples located inside an electromagnetically shielded room in California. Water samples located near the target water, but unknown to the people providing intentions, acted as “proximal” controls. Other samples located outside the shielded room acted as distant controls.
Ice drops formed from samples of water in the different treatment conditions were photographed by a technician, each image was assessed for aesthetic beauty by over 2,500 independent judges, and the resulting data were analyzed, all by individuals blind with respect to the underlying treatment conditions.
Results suggested that crystal images in the intentionally treated condition were rated as aesthetically more beautiful than proximal control crystals (p = 0.03, one-tailed). This outcome replicates the results of an earlier pilot test.



The hypothesis that water “treated” with intention can affect
ice crystals formed from that water was pilot tested under double-
blind conditions. A group of approximately 2,000 people in
Tokyo focused positive intentions toward water samples located
inside an electromagnetically shielded room in California. That
group was unaware of similar water samples set aside in a different
location as controls. Ice crystals formed from both sets of
water samples were blindly identified and photographed by an
analyst, and the resulting images were blindly assessed for aesthetic
appeal by 100 independent judges. Results indicated that
crystals from the treated water were given higher scores for aesthetic
appeal than those from the control water
(P = .001, onetailed),
lending support to the hypothesis.

besides i have done this myself i found it to be true ..why don't you try this yourself ?
"Explore 2006; 2:408-411."

Explore is a Pseudoscience journal.

Has the presence of supercooling being evaluated?
Some of it is that Americans are anti-authority and like to play games with tests and polls that are thrust upon them by a$$holes ......

For example, whenever the Government sends me a form that asks me my "race", among other things, I always lie and make up stupid answers to the other questions.

Or it could be that the American people aren't interested in some topics, while they like another topics. Think of it like the whole world linking to play football, and the Americans play their own football. :lol:

Anyway, the thread appears to show some sort of personal vendetta that some Indians demand so bad in retaliation for the diplomatic off-stand.

It is no secert that the Americans have made one of the greatest achievements on earth like the introduction of stealth fighters, nuclear submarines, and so on.
seriously ? :lol:

Emoto and Dean published the paper right , its really not the fault of the journal


Another paper from the same journal, has it been peer reviewed? One can publish anything in any unknown journal without any review from someone from any expert from same field. And only after proper evaluation of the data, or re doing the experiment under controlled condition and re-evaluating the data, the paper can be published. 'Explore Journal' being publishing articles on quantum healing without any substantial data to recreate the experiment or any peer review, is not trust worthy.

That is why the publications of Nature, APJ or RCS has been hold with highest regard, they are peer reviewed by multiple experts.

Another article from the pseudoscience journal.


Another paper from the same journal, has it been peer reviewed? One can publish anything in any unknown journal without any review from someone from any expert from same field. And only after proper evaluation of the data, or re doing the experiment under controlled condition and re-evaluating the data, the paper can be published. 'Explore Journal' being publishing articles on quantum healing without any substantial data to recreate the experiment or any peer review, is not trust worthy.

That is why the publications of Nature, APJ or RCS has been hold with highest regard, they are peer reviewed by multiple experts.

I thought you brought up James Randi because he was legitimate , Now he is an "anybody" ?
I thought you brought up James Randi because he was legitimate , Now he is an "anybody" ?

James Randi asked him to replicate the test result under controlled environment under the observation of Both Parties. Which Emoto declined. As per publications of paper is concerned, it can be done by 'anybody' in such journals. By anybody here, i meant Emoto and Radin in a derogatory term.

*Please don't make me substantiate each and every term for your better understanding, put some effort on your own.*

James Randi asked him to replicate the test result under controlled environment under the observation of Both Parties. Which Emoto declined. As per publications of paper is concerned, it can be done by 'anybody' in such journals. By anybody here, i meant Emoto and Radin in a derogatory term.

*Please don't make me substantiate each and every term for your better understanding, put some effort on your own.*

He declined the challenge because the very experiment is based on a persons intention which in no way cannot be measured scientifically.. So the the results may very from person to person and from skeptic to skeptic , as your intention may not have the same outcome as that of Emoto . That could be used as an excuse for failed experiments but it also matches with the very propose of the experiment..

besides ..... why not try this experiment yourself ? this has been duplicated and posted all over youtube..hell it even worked for me if you count me as a credible trust worthy individual
How is the Earth held up by a snake conforms to scientific principles? How is a spirit living inside a rock or the weather conforms to scientific principles? How does 'karma' conforms to scientific principles?

Actually...It looks like you Indians do not like getting a taste of THIS medicine.

Right...So now what we see is interpreting religious beliefs to fit science, making the religion more 'scientific'. Just like how the Muslims does it with the Quran.
Karma= every action has equal and opposite reaction isnt that what newton laws of physics taught?

Spirit living inside a rock?rocks have atoms inside it carbon based,even humans are carbon based and have almost same atoms .
Atoms are alive with electrons,protons and neutrons spinning in their orbits when a electron gains energy it jumps orbit it is called ascendance to higher plane or moksha hinduism , when it loses energy it falls into lower orbit, we call them lower planes,
Once the atom collapses or merges with another it is called " Laya" which is collapse of universe.
Your big bang theory is also mentioned in Vedas, God created the world by saying ""Eko'ham, bahu syam," "I am one; let me be many,".
Earlier scientists believed plants felt no pain- nowadays research proves that they too feel pain and emotions and are as much living as other living beings.
We are open to criticism are you?
We accept many paths of thought can you accept anything different from yours?
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