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Defense Budget Hiked to 2.3 Lakh Crore

rather than using this money to make other things better
I'm sorry I don't agree, even if no one visits it is still worth it- having no national war memorial for the tens of thousands of Indian soldiers who have died for their nation is a national shame for India. These men deserve a place where all their names are displayed forever for whomever wants to visit.
I'm sorry I don't agree, even if no one visits it is still worth it- having no national war memorial for the tens of thousands of Indian soldiers who have died for their nation is a national shame for India. These men deserve a place where all their names are displayed forever for whomever wants to visit.
I agree i m with the sentiments ... even I m saying its necessary... but not at this point of hour... when our counrty, for whom our men sacrificed. needs money to bost up our economy...
I agree i m with the sentiments ... even I m saying its necessary... but not at this point of hour... when our counrty, for whom our men sacrificed. needs money to bost up our economy...
My only thought on this subject is that both Pakistan and India have their priorities right, defence is the first and most important form of social protection.
The British destroyed our education system after we revolted in 1857. We are yet to see any improvement in this regard till date.

So the 35% Muslims need 35% reservation in Private and Public sector and education to overcome this disadvantage. After our condition improves you can remove reservations.
umm. No. I think now, there should social security liason's trained in India to deal with all new reservations on a case by case basis. if the family in reality is destitute, they should be given reservations and other perks based on their social standing. Poverty needs to be the driver for government mandated benefits and not just caste and religion
I'm sorry I don't agree, even if no one visits it is still worth it- having no national war memorial for the tens of thousands of Indian soldiers who have died for their nation is a national shame for India. These men deserve a place where all their names are displayed forever for whomever wants to visit.
I do agree ..
The British destroyed our education system after we revolted in 1857. We are yet to see any improvement in this regard till date.

So the 35% Muslims need 35% reservation in Private and Public sector and education to overcome this disadvantage. After our condition improves you can remove reservations.
If you want we can have 35 percent reservation in mental hospitals for people like you.
really british destroyed indian education system??

i think we are actually lucky they came here otherwise unified india was a pipe dream and forget about modern education,,,we would have been worse off than africa
it will be use more for picnics spot.... real value won't come up... I guess right now india is not ready for these types of thing. rather than using this money to make other things better.... just a personal opinion....

That's the point!

When we look at the budget and such give aways with limited use, mainly for a "good will purpose" (200 crores for a statue, 22000 crores tax reduction for the middle class), while they say at the same time that there is no money available, bitter pills and price hikes, one must question where the priorities are?
I have no problem with the memorial, but why not in 3 years when the growth is higher, the inflation lower and more funds available for the defence budget?
Why didn't dey say we would like to reduce taxes, to create these memorials, but today there are more important things and that's why we will used these 22300 crores for X Y Z projects? Anything that makes a difference and I'm sure the public would support it or?
I agree i m with the sentiments ... even I m saying its necessary... but not at this point of hour... when our counrty, for whom our men sacrificed. needs money to bost up our economy...
I'm sorry but this is nonsense 100 crore (about 1BN INR ) is, do you really think that this tiny amount (relatively speaking considering the Indian GDP is 2TN+) would make any difference on the Indian economy one way or another ? This is a one off payment that should have been used made many many decades ago, consider this a payment with interest. The Indian nation owes this to all the fallen many times over, the economy is not the be all and end all with of India- what about the moral fibre of a nation? Its military history?

If you don't think the tens of thousands of soldiers who have died for your nation don't deserve this sort of memorial or (relatively ) small amount then that's fine but I can't follow this logic.
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I'm sorry I don't agree, even if no one visits it is still worth it- having no national war memorial for the tens of thousands of Indian soldiers who have died for their nation is a national shame for India. These men deserve a place where all their names are displayed forever for whomever wants to visit.

Nobody is denying that it's good to have such a memorial, but why now? Why use the money in the first budget in such a crucial time?
Nobody is denying that it's good to have such a memorial, but why now? Why use the money in the first budget in such a crucial time?
Clearly a political move- Modi promised this throughout his election campaign but also a signal being sent out to the military that they will be looked after. This has been a pressing desire for the forces for DECADES, Modi said he would improve military-civlian ties and this is a step in the right direction.....

Why not now?
I'm sorry but this is nonsense 100 crore (about 1BN USD) is, do you really think that this tiny amount (relatively speaking considering the Indian GDP is 2TN+) would make any difference on the Indian economy one way or another ? This is a one off payment that should have been used made many many decades ago, consider this a payment with interest. The Indian nation owes this to all the fallen many times over, the economy is not the be all and end all with of India- what about the moral fibre of a nation? Its military history?

If you don't think the tens of thousands of soldiers who have died for your nation don't deserve this sort of memorial or (relatively ) small amount then that's fine but I can't follow this logic.

100 crore is not 1 billion$ ,,,its just 1 billion rupees.....................i billion$/60

Budget was disappointing as they have decided to refinance the air india again too,,,,,,what the hell is that??!!
i thought we will move towards privatization??

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