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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Death to every organization.... TTP/LeJ/JuD/LeT/SSP + every other 'group' and denomination...... as long as we differentiate, we shall be suckered till eternity.

Hope your other countrymen are sane like you. To end this, we need to curb the sick idea these bastards propagate and for that, every o these jahil groups should be treated as terrorsts.

Its time for humanity to unite and end this menace once and for all.
Death to every organization.... TTP/LeJ/JuD/LeT/SSP + every other 'group' and denomination...... as long as we differentiate, we shall be suckered till eternity.

Agreed. As soon as this TTP mess is sorted, Muridke should be the next on list.
Oh no my friend, they are the best kind of Muslims, in fact there is only 1 kind of Muslim & that's them. The likes of us are either Munafiqs, Mushriqs or Murtads & we ll ve to pay for that.

you yet again spelled barbarian wrong.
savage also fits, but its a bit less intense
The one above looks like an Arab and the one below looks like a Chechen. I'm sure several Mehsuds were in there too!

My blood boils seeing these filthy beasts, its high time Army expands the operation against these basturds, even if it means striking their hideouts in Afghanistan.
This event is just absolutely wrong. My prayers and thoughts goes out to the victims family.
Indians understand the pain Pakistanis are going through , When will pakistan understand pain of India caused by LeT , Hafeez saeed ?
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