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China's Worst Nightmare? Japan May Sell India Six Stealth Submarines

Indian Ocean Region , specially due to our geography.

6 Subs will definitely give your Navy a huge punch , but it will not effect much to PLAAN , cause by the time you will receive all China will make more than 6 to its arsenal , but yeah it will be more than a Nightmare for PN , a descent Sub is more dangerous than a A/C my opinion
I dont think that is big nightmare fot China.But Japan breaking in to global arms market would be a certain nightmare for China.Entire world knows the capabilitity of Japan in Technology.
Onceif they are successful in Australia and India.You can expect same in Vietnam and other SCS nation. Trouble for China.


And they have USN and JMSDF in SCS .50 sub is nothing compared to them.
China is building lot more
So according to you the number alone should scare people.. Let me enlightened you here.. May be a moment of Epiphany for you!! US has around 69 and you know who has the most.. North Korea!! 78... !!

See when you have a picture of an ape as an avatar .. you talk like one too..!!

Your too green my Turkey of a friend. My post was to point out the absurdity of the article when taking into account that China and India share a LAND border which is the focus of any Sino Indian dispute.

India can have 100 subs in the Indian ocean, it wont bother China one bit unless they cross the mallacca strait.

btw, my gorilla avatar gives me pride - so much stronger that a Turkey.
How could Soryu class ,even if it is super stealth, become worst nightmare for China when China's coast is 8000Km away from Indian Coastline, and no SSK,whether Indian or Chinese, has enough endurance to operate in open Ocean?

China need to worry more about India's SSBN's and SSN's.
6 Subs will definitely give your Navy a huge punch , but it will not effect much to PLAAN , cause by the time you will receive all China will make more than 6 to its arsenal , but yeah it will be more than a Nightmare for PN , a descent Sub is more dangerous than a A/C my opinion
By the time they go for 6 we would have ordered 6 from China to
India Media at its best trying to scare China a country which has around 50 Submarines and building lot more Grow up Indians.

OP has no idea how many Subs China Operate , nightmare of PN yes , but joke to PLAAN

damn indian media...too much sensitization.........china has got more than 50 subs.......dosn really matter anything ryt now...and second...india's FM is visiting china ryt now so such sensitization is not at all needed ....

You guys dont get it, do you ? It is not the submarines that the Chinese are worried about. It is the idea of India, Japan defence cooperation. Just like India worries when China sells weapons to Pakistan, we dont bother about the weapon but the partnership.
You guys dont get it, do you ? It is not the submarines that the Chinese are worried about. It is the idea of India, Japan defence cooperation. Just like India worries when China sells weapons to Pakistan, we dont bother about the weapon but the partnership.
we get it....wat we dont get is...the stupid sensitization our media does all the fuqqin time
You guys dont get it, do you ? It is not the submarines that the Chinese are worried about. It is the idea of India, Japan defence cooperation. Just like India worries when China sells weapons to Pakistan, we dont bother about the weapon but the partnership.

that make sense ...
You guys dont get it, do you ? It is not the submarines that the Chinese are worried about. It is the idea of India, Japan defence cooperation. Just like India worries when China sells weapons to Pakistan, we dont bother about the weapon but the partnership.
They are not worried don't you worry
OP has no idea how many Subs China Operate , nightmare of PN yes , but joke to PLAAN

Number of Subs operated by China is inconsequenial to the power matrix. It is rarely, if ever, a Submarine vs Submarine contest. The contest would be between PLAN sub VS IN Ships and planes, and IN Subs VS PLAN Ships and planes.
By the time they go for 6 we would have ordered 6 from China to
CHina doesn't have that much capacity , it would require new ones to do so .
And Pakistan doesn't have that much money to pay for new capacity plus 6 submarines.

6 Subs will definitely give your Navy a huge punch , but it will not effect much to PLAAN , cause by the time you will receive all China will make more than 6 to its arsenal , but yeah it will be more than a Nightmare for PN , a descent Sub is more dangerous than a A/C my opinion
Over all PLAAN is better than IN , but it is not that advance so that it can scare IN in it own background only USN and Russia(to some extent) has that capability. That is the truth.

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