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U.S. asks Vietnam to stop helping Russian bomber flights

I totally agree with that. :tup:
I am just thinking how to convince vladimir putin? any idea?
perhaps we should downplay our tie with the US and hype up the chinese threat :-)

Ha ha ha. Now we know why US gave $18 million aid to Vietnam including "6 fast patrol boats". Yes, that's a good entree but we know there is no free lunch. US will slowly interfere in Vietnamese affairs. They will do it subtly.

They are already harping on human rights.
Now they want Vietnam to kick out the Russians.
Next they will want to have exclusive use of Cam Ranh Bay.
Next they will ask for US companies to be given special treatment so they can dominate Vietnam's economy.
Finally, they will talk about democracy.

To do these, besides military "aid", they will use the western media and also use economic instruments such as the ADB and World Bank.

If I am the Vietnamese Communist Party, I will be very careful and afraid.

Why are the US so friendly to Vietnam now? It is because US can kill two birds with one stone. To cause more problems and pain for the Russians (on top of their sanctions) and try to contain and encircle China. Why? The US wants to remain the sole superpower and with it, all the associated "privileges".

Remember: There is no free lunch.

Yes, Vietnam want to be very careful. Every country that the US has got involved in recently, goes downhill. See Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine.
Yes, Vietnam will be dropped like a hot potato when Vietnam is of no more use to US or should the US become buddies with China again. Don't believe me, just ask Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Ghadaffi and Osama Bin Laden.

Vietnam, just be very careful. If you think the "sacrifice" is worth it, then go ahead. It's very important to look after your own interests. The Americans are also looking after their own interests, not yours.
I hate it to admit. yes, you are right.
1st Britain than France than Canada than Spain than Germany than Japan and now Vietnam :lol:
I am just thinking how to convince vladimir putin? any idea?
perhaps we should downplay our tie with the US and hype up the chinese threat :-)

I hate it to admit. yes, you are right.

Beware of Americans bearing gifts.

I am just thinking how to convince vladimir putin? any idea?
perhaps we should downplay our tie with the US and hype up the chinese threat :-)

I hate it to admit. yes, you are right.

Putin is cool, he understands.
we could offer you airfields in spratlys or elsewhere you like. just give us some money and technology and we start building artificial islands :-)

I think the U.S. would prefer an island as China will do all it can to portray the U.S. as some kind of threat to the civilian population. On an island the U.S. is "out of sight...out of mind". Just like Diego Garcia.
no, russia today is a regional power. the days of glorious USSR are long over. personally I regret it. you won´t never dare to bully vietnam if the Soviet empire still existed.

no, you are wrong.
1. america does not demand a regime change, but improving human rights and some others stuffs.
2. we can negotiate with putin. I think he is a nice guy.
3. not one of US demands
4. not yet today, nor tomorrow, but realistic. pretty much depending on how we perceive chinese threat.

Wrong, we started the 1979 war at the time when SU was at its height of superpower, China was weak but we were willing to fight the Soviet Union. They were your ally and had defense treaty with you but they did not start a war with us when we attacked you.

You are wrong saying today's Russia is not a regional power, If they were not, they would not be part of P5.
Excellent development of rapprochement between Vietnam and the United States. I welcome this , truly. Hopefully there will be strong cooperation and military integration between the Philippines and Vietnam --- afterall, Japan is already set to do a joint naval exercise with the Philippines in the coming months.

hehehe, coming back ......

or as the Cebuanos say, "Mibalik ako..."

;) ;)

@Ayan81 , @Cossack25A1 , @JayMandan , @Pinoy , @Zero_wing

I think the U.S. would prefer an island as China will do all it can to portray the U.S. as some kind of threat to the civilian population. On an island the U.S. is "out of sight...out of mind". Just like Diego Garcia.

An island eh? Which one, do you think? :)
For viets they cannot see through the whole world gaming but only concentrate on themselves. For them, SCS is the only hot spot, and they do play a role in the mess, but to the whole gaming they dont count much. Viet is used to disgust China by US, and disgust US&CN by Russia so far. Dont think that you can take hold of your fate, and just behave more wisely.
US gov is not a charity, it is a bussinessman with guns. VN is a communist country, and US is always trying to upheave VCP with 'color revolution'and transform VN to a real US dog. They dont trust you.
Look at how Thai behaves. It really keeps a good balance, so Thais enjoy good lives. The best failed model for you is Ukraine, look at what it got, only US oral promises but nothing real, in the end just dark future.
Excellent development of rapprochement between Vietnam and the United States. I welcome this , truly. Hopefully there will be strong cooperation and military integration between the Philippines and Vietnam --- afterall, Japan is already set to do a joint naval exercise with the Philippines in the coming months.

hehehe, coming back ......

or as the Cebuanos say, "Mibalik ako..."

;) ;)

@Ayan81 , @Cossack25A1 , @JayMandan , @Pinoy , @Zero_wing

An island eh? Which one, do you think? :)

Am not cebuano sorry man Luzon man here
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VN is a communist country, and US is always trying to upheave VCP with 'color revolution'and transform VN to a real US dog. They dont trust you.

The world is down to 5 Communist countries.
Even members here say China is not communist anymore.
I think that issue is pretty much over.
hehehe, coming back ......

or as the Cebuanos say, "Mibalik ako..."

Similar like Indonesian here : Aku balik ( I am back/ I am coming back), it also can be said Nih Aku balik, or Nih balik aku, but formally it should be said like the first sentence ( Aku balik )
The world is down to 5 Communist countries.
Even members here say China is not communist anymore.
I think that issue is pretty much over.
Vietnam copied much of our mode, and its operating party is a communist party, surely VN is a communist party, though for countering China US have to drag VN, but VCP is still the VCP which used to fight against US. Without CCP the communist giant, it will immediately be ousted by US. VCP is like CCP, they dont want to lose their power swapped with their blood. VCP doesnt have too much principle confrontation in value with CCP. It is national interest where VN and China have conflict
Excellent development of rapprochement between Vietnam and the United States. I welcome this , truly. Hopefully there will be strong cooperation and military integration between the Philippines and Vietnam --- afterall, Japan is already set to do a joint naval exercise with the Philippines in the coming months.

hehehe, coming back ......

or as the Cebuanos say, "Mibalik ako..."

;) ;)

@Ayan81 , @Cossack25A1 , @JayMandan , @Pinoy , @Zero_wing

An island eh? Which one, do you think? :)

Any island that can be expanded easily and with deep waters near by.
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