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Pakistani tortured and murdered by Indians

What proof do you have to support that we funded it for decades? We did not.. Anyways atleast we managed to help it deexist unlike some who still continue to use terrorism as a state tool.

Just look at the link I gave you. That's your Defense minister, by the way. There were plenty of other Indian politicians in Tamil Nadu who openly backed the LTTE and faced no retribution from the state for a long time.

Even then. We didn't created the Afghan Taliban. USA, KSA & Pak created Mujahideens. Afghan taliban was created later by some haakim hikmatyaar or some shit.

Also this. Pakistan didn't create the Taliban. The Taliban was formed in Kandahar to get rid of the warlords who were dividing the country up, and one of their original goals was to bring back the monarchy under Zahir Shah (Pakistan never backed a single royalist Mujahideen leader during the Afghan-war). Pakistan began arming the Taliban after their immense gains and victories.

The pioneers of terrorism existed as early as 1947-48 in Indo-Pak scenario .

Pioneers? Terrorists? They were tribal fighters heading off to liberate Kashmir after thousands of refugees fled to their country after forcibly being exiled.
Just look at the link I gave you. That's your Defense minister, by the way. There were plenty of other Indian politicians in Tamil Nadu who openly backed the LTTE and faced no retribution from the state for a long time.

LTTE was nurtured for only a few years until RG was murdered. Post that it was an all out war between us and its completely eradicated now. While I am speaking of something you formed and continue to use as a state tool against the world
The pioneers of terrorism existed as early as 1947-48 in Indo-Pak scenario .

Remember the non-uniformed tribals Pakistan pushed into Kashmir .
Who came after the local mujaheddin(my grandfather being one of them) asked their helped to rid Kashmir of HIndu Dogra raj
This might not be true, innocent civilians straying unknowingly are not meant to be killed leave aside torturing them
A few months ago a little indian girl had mistakenly crossed the border and we sent her back with sweets and new clothes and how you are treating our people and yet have the audacity to call us terrorists.That shows the amount of hatred you people have for us.
Plenty of times i had discussed on this forum and again telling that our hate is far less for indians as compared to the indian hate for pakistan.Damn hypocrites.

Pakistani qoum hai.

Probably a terroris
So next time we will caught a indian civilian we will treat him as a subhuman rapist .
Pioneers? Terrorists? They were tribal fighters heading off to liberate Kashmir after thousands of refugees fled to their country after forcibly being exiled.

In that case LTTE was native Tamil Lankans who tried to liberate Tamil Eelam .

Who came after the local mujaheddin(my grandfather being one of them) asked their helped to rid Kashmir of HIndu Dogra raj

Asked or not , if LTTE was a terrorist organisation , then so was those tribals .
Asked or not , if LTTE was a terrorist organisation , then so was those tribals .
Nope dogras were terrorists who killed people for slaughtering cows

Do you even know why Kashmiris celebrate Martyrs day?
Nope dogras were terrorists who killed people for slaughtering cows

Do you even know why Kashmiris celebrate Martyrs day?

Nope .... neither do I care .

My point is very simple ..... we were not the first ones to introduce non-state actors or non-uniformed combatants aka terrorists into battle field after independence .

Here is the link for you:

India hands over body of Pakistani 'who crossed border by mistake'

I am quoting a para from this news story:

"According to the slain man's brother Zahid Noor, who received his brother's body at Wagah from Indian authorities, Waheed's body bore marks of extreme torture. His feet had been chained and his eyeballs pulled out, said Zahid, describing his brother's body."

Pathetic, barbaric and inhumane...BUT wait isn't that meet our expectations NO surprise here.
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Very good gesture shown by India.Indian crossing into Pakistan will be given same treatment.

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