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Putin 'sending 150,000 soldiers to Syria to WIPE OUT evil Islamic State'

its useless to discuss with you anything, you are obvilion to reason and judgement when it comes to shia dictator similary many sunni muslims are when it comes to sunni dictators like saddam
you are no different than them, as was saddam no different than assad..atleast his father wasnot killer like assad
Assad is slightly better of two evils.

Assad has also killed lot of innocent people.
its useless to discuss with you anything, you are obvilion to reason and judgement when it comes to shia dictator similary many sunni muslims are when it comes to sunni dictators like saddam
you are no different than them, as was saddam no different than assad..atleast his father wasnot killer like assad

No. Actually it is you who is being unreasonable. When you fail to counter argument with argument and logic, and instead you bring in "Shia evil, Shia devil", this is not how the argument goes forward.

You like Isis or FSA or something else over Assad. That is fine. Good. That is why there is a war there. Because some love Isis and some prefer Assad over Isis.

But this does not give you the right to say "Evil Shia worship".

I criticize here the Takfiris every chance I get. I believe they are the root cause of problems in Muslim world. But I never Takfir them. I never call them devil worshipers. Because then I would be doing the exactly same thing the Takfiris are doing and I abhor them for it.

What you are doing is wrong. You know it already. Otherwise you would not have been trying to rationalize it after you got the rating. Edit your post, please.
No. Actually it is you who is being unreasonable. When you fail to counter argument with argument and logic, and instead you bring in "Shia evil, Shia devil", this is not how the argument goes forward.

You like Isis or FSA or something else over Assad. That is fine. Good. That is why there is a war there. Because some love Isis and some prefer Assad over Isis.

But this does not give you the right to say "Evil Shia worship".

I criticize here the Takfiris every chance I get. I believe they are the root cause of problems in Muslim world. But I never Takfir them. I never call them devil worshipers. Because then I would be doing the exactly same thing the Takfiris are doing and I abhor them for it.

What you are doing is wrong. You know it already. Otherwise you would not have been trying to rationalize it after you got the rating. Edit your post, please.
so you think assad with the help of his supporters are okay but Saddam was bad person who had some support from his vast population of iraq ( from aboard which i have nothing else to call except shia extremists; not ordinary shias, if you have better name i will use that)

remeber as you twist everything i will repeat my self i am against all dictators and obviously agiant all talibans and terrorists

question who are takfirs...you think assad isnt and i think he is

edit your post, please.
and what should i call them so i can edit my post..? people fighting in name of shiasm?

we call the saudis wahabi extremists no one negative rates them but calling some one shia extremist is bad..

honestly really do you think i care about ratings..i just said you cannot hear the truth
Russia’s military intervention in Syria further complicates the tangled web of conflicting purposes and rival applications of extreme violence which have brought that country so low in the last four years. Even if we assume that Russian aircraft will in future target the Islamic State as well as the other rebel groups they attacked on their first missions, Russian bombing will have, if the western air effort is anything to go by, limited effect on Isis’s ability to maintain control over its core territory. While unlikely to seriously weaken Isis, Russian air support, which it is now clear they will direct at a range of rebel groups, will strengthen the Assad regime, at least in the short run, and that, absent other developments, will prolong the war and increase the suffering of civilians.

Yet the Russian move also brings an opportunity, which the United States and its allies should seize, to shift the focus of international concern about Syria away from the military extinction of Isis towards the protection of those civilians by whatever arrangements, partial though they may be, that can be achieved, with or without Moscow’s cooperation. Let us take President Vladimir Putin’s rhetoric at face value and agree that there is common ground in the attempt to contain Isis. Let there be deals to prevent possible confrontations between Russian and coalition aircraft. Let the generals confer.

But let us go beyond that to propose safe havens, no-fly zones and local ceasefires which will get an increasing number of ordinary people out of the line of fire, or at least free them from the fear of air strikes by whatever side. Let Moscow, or Tehran, explain why that would not be a good idea.

Of course, there are large practical objections to such schemes, notably that they bring military advantage to one contender or another. The fact that they have sometimes worked in the past, as in Iraqi Kurdistan after the first Gulf war, does not mean they could be easily revived now. Their feasibility, however, should be actively explored by governments and their military planners. It would be foolish to be too optimistic, but the effort should be made.

Until now the western formula has been that the welfare of the Syrian people was best served by working to destroy Isis and to remove the Assad regime, while caring for huge numbers of refugees in camps in neighbouring countries. If peace had been more attainable in Syria, this approach might have been acceptable. But it neglected the need for the protection of civilians in their own country. The failure to protect civilians in Bosnia and in Rwanda led to the emergence in 2005 of the doctrine of “the responsibility to protect”, which the United Nations formally adopted in 2009. It was supposed to be a lesson learned forever, but it seems to have been quickly forgotten in Syria.

That responsibility is one reason why the British government’s preoccupation with the idea of the RAF joining in air strikes against Syrian targets is so beside the point. A few extra bombers will make no difference to an air campaign already running out of targets. There is no overwhelming objection, but also no overwhelming requirement. There should be a collective waking up to the need for protection within Syria, and Britain should ideally use its limited influence to that end, with John Major’s Iraq initiative in 1991 as a precedent.

Of course, a true Syrian peace is still the ultimate goal. Mr Putin’s motives in Syria are multiple. He wants to distract attention from the still-unfinished adventure in Ukraine; he seeks a measure of international rehabilitation; he wants Russia to look like a great power acting boldly where the United States has failed; he looks to stand tall before Russian public opinion; and he may be genuinely worried about jihadists joining Isis and then coming back to Russia.

But if there is one thing we know about Mr Putin it is that he does not think things through. Russia may well have bitten off more than it can chew, its actions may well increase Sunni Muslim hostility toward Russia. To be even more deeply identified with the Assad regime seems unwise. Within a relatively short period of time, Moscow could be looking for an exit strategy.

If and when that happens, there could be a moment when Russian and western interests converge, a convergence which would also have to include Iran. There is a glimmer of hope in such speculation. Meanwhile, western countries should look very urgently at any initiatives which will protect civilians in Syria now, and should test Russia, and Iran, on that critical issue.
Assad is slightly better of two evils.

Assad has also killed lot of innocent people.
tell that to family of 1000s he and his generation has killed in that case every one is good.
infact if you look it that way any form of govt is better than no govt what that mean you will stat supporting terroists?
I think you are right. Russian troops on the ground (if they come) will also be fighting NATO-backed rebels. That is not good for international diplomacy.

But remember this time they are not alone like Afghanistan, its Russia, Iran, China, Hezbollah supporting Assad regime against terrorists outfits of NATO & GCC.
I heard china too is getting involved in this mess, that true?

If so then it seems they are serious about roasting these IS dogs.
This seems to be a bogus news. There was however one report of Iranian forces coming to Syria. Whatever happens, ISIS may see some troubling days ahead.
I think US made great mistake by not imposing no fly zone over Syria after the us made red line were cross(using chemical weapon on civilian. if the US had wife out Syrian heavy weaponry or at least wife out Assads' air force and make every anti assad rebel united against Assad regime his brutal regime might be in history .

US still don't want to get entangled in this mess. It's something which people in the region should be mature enough to handle. Sometimes US allies' in the region can be very persuasive to interject in Middle east !

I heard china too is getting involved in this mess, that true?

If so then it seems they are serious about roasting these IS dogs.

They won't. PERIOD !

This is great news. If America was serious about "Islamic terrorism" US troops would have been fighting with Assads soldiers against Daeash.

Why should US men die because countries in the sub-continent aren't mature enough to deal with their own shit ?

Two things people don't like here in states.

1. Credit limit breach in our cards
2. Our men in bodybags
It's impossible for Drunk dumb Russians to do that, Their army is junk. I've seen how old and outdated their army is in Syria, I felt like they still live in WW2 era. I don't expect this coward army to send troops to Syria, it's not Ukraine. Syrian rebels have been fighting bravely for their freedom against stupid and murderer Assad , so how about fighting against colonizing their country from Drunk dumb Russians.
Why should US men die because countries in the sub-continent aren't mature enough to deal with their own shit ?

You are the epitome of an ignoramus. The US is the reason why the middle east has to deal with this shit. Don't disclaim something you guys started.
Why should US men die because countries in the sub-continent aren't mature enough to deal with their own shit ?

Two things people don't like here in states.

1. Credit limit breach in our cards
2. Our men in bodybags

I know. It's the same anywhere in the world. I have no ill will against USA. However despite what you say US does sadly get involved. Iraq? Gulf War? My issue is the selective support of the most reactionery forces in the Muslim world. The premier award winner here is Saudia Arabia. A country named after a family. This Salafist/Monarchy is only in place thanks to USA. The Muslim world might point toward Mecca when praying. The Saudi's might as well point towards Washington when praying. They are in place because of Uncle Sam.

USA has sadly been going around and knocking out secular monsters but studiously avoiding the orthodox religious monsters, indeed supporting them. In fact any leader in Middle East who is wearing this ( below ) is safe.


Any leader in Middle East who does not hide his wife or wears a Western suit is in extreme danger.


You are the epitome of an ignoramus. The US is the reason why the middle east has to deal with this shit. Don't disclaim something you guys started.

Proof or gtfo ! Deal your shit . We aren't responsible !

I know. It's the same anywhere in the world. I have no ill will against USA. However despite what you say US does sadly get involved. Iraq? Gulf War? My issue is the selective support of the most reactionery forces in the Muslim world. The premier award winner here is Saudia Arabia. A country named after a family. This Salafist/Monarchy is only in place thanks to USA. The Muslim world might point toward Mecca when praying. The Saudi's might as well point towards Washington when praying. They are in place because of Uncle Sam.

USA has sadly been going around and knocking out secular monsters but studiously avoiding the orthodox religious monsters, indeed supporting them. In fact any leader in Middle East who is wearing this ( below ) is safe.


Any leader in Middle East who does not hide his wife or wears a Western suit is in extreme danger.



What you are saying makes perfect sense but I suppose things which comes in media is mostly to sell it to masses and reality is far from it and may even go counter to media narrative.

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