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Putin 'sending 150,000 soldiers to Syria to WIPE OUT evil Islamic State'

Proof or gtfo ! Deal your shit . We aren't responsible !

What you are saying makes perfect sense but I suppose things which comes in media is mostly to sell it to masses and reality is far from it and may even go counter to media narrative.

The reality, the sad reality is we are all prisoner of oil. Saudi oil more or less guarantees having "friends in high place". What higher place do you know then White House? It also makes the "Who's Who" of the world gather at the funeral of King Abdullah. Just look at this. This is what having largest oil reserves can do. Leave alone you believe in having your female population locked away. You believe driving is sin if the driver is female etc etc.

President Hollandaise of France just after Charlie Hebdo.


President Obama


Look even poor Charles got forced to play the act


Merkel playing along - poor thing has to pretend that she is "She-Male".


And of course our Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif is fully paid up member of the "licking crowd".


I am sure Bill Clinton won't mind if I plagiarize his "its the OIL stupid".
@Atanz true and to some extent everyone is responsible for this sad state in syria I suppose !!

And Charles look like a total muppet in that dress .

Yeh sure does. And is it me or is he about to use his sword to do spot "beheading"? "Muppet" did not know you use that stateside? Thought it was more Brit.
Yeh sure does. And is it me or is he about to use his sword to do spot "beheading"? "Muppet" did not know you use that stateside? Thought it was more Brit.

Not sure of the usage but I have spent a time of my childhood in Chester, UK !
Anybody who is not living under a rock knows that Russia has money problems. They are already having trouble sending paychecks to some oblasts and republics in the Russian federation. Even if Russia had the will to enter Syria in a serious way, their economy wouldn't support it. The US doesn't have problems with Russia or Iran entering the Syria swamp. It only means that their already strained economies will be strained more. I think Russia plays it smart by creating the impression he is entering Syria but the equipment and money put in is nothing. Iran on the other hand is spending on Assad like crazy not knowing that NATO and the civilized world can slap Iran in their place by simply slapping sanctions on Iran. In other words the US likes the status quo. How do I know this? In 2012 when ISIS was non existed and the local Syrian Rebels where in their prime, the US could nail Assad the same way they did with Khadaffi but they didn't. We would have moderate local Syrian government today but unfortunate today the situation is more complicated.
Anybody who is not living under a rock knows that Russia has money problems. They are already having trouble sending paychecks to some oblasts and republics in the Russian federation. Even if Russia had the will to enter Syria in a serious way, their economy wouldn't support it. The US doesn't have problems with Russia or Iran entering the Syria swamp. It only means that their already strained economies will be strained more. I think Russia plays it smart by creating the impression he is entering Syria but the equipment and money put in is nothing. Iran on the other hand is spending on Assad like crazy not knowing that NATO and the civilized world can slap Iran in their place by simply slapping sanctions on Iran. In other words the US likes the status quo. How do I know this? In 2012 when ISIS was non existed and the local Syrian Rebels where in their prime, the US could nail Assad the same way they did with Khadaffi but they didn't. We would have moderate local Syrian government today but unfortunate today the situation is more complicated.

Actually, USA and Europe is shifting it policies towards allying with Iran. So they wont "slap" Iran. Atleast they won't if they behave. Hell, the Jewish lobby is trying since forever to goat NATO in to curb stomping Iran in to the ground. Didn't happen. And unless Iran goes full retard it won't happen.

The entire thing is logical...the natural ally of Europe and USA in the ME, with oil is...Iran. Which will make a lot of people really unhappy in the future :)

PS: if anyone thinks Russia will send 15.000, nevermind 150.000 soldiers in Syria needs to get his head cheeked.
Ofcourse, they deserve another Afghanistan.

what! do you want to see syria fall? thats messed up. russia is bombing rebels and isis. the rebels are funded, trained and armed by gulf and nato countries.and isis is funded by you know who. nato is only bombing isis. they want to see the Syrian government collapse and terrorist control the country. just like Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan and now syria.

russia does not care, they are taking a raheel approach. theres no such thing as a good terrorist. there all the same and are all going to die. thats what best. here in the uk, news papers are saying russia is killing civilians. the Tory government don't want russia to bomb the terrorists/rebels their backing.
Again 8 page discussing some obvious BS.
That explains. Yeh I know Cheshire well in particular Knutsford. Lived there for while. Known in UK as place for the well-heeled.

Hey great dude ! I loved chester neighbourhoods. It's a decently nice area to live mostly and way better than the cacophony of London !

what! do you want to see syria fall? thats messed up. russia is bombing rebels and isis. the rebels are funded, trained and armed by gulf and nato countries.and isis is funded by you know who. nato is only bombing isis. they want to see the Syrian government collapse and terrorist control the country. just like Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan and now syria.

russia does not care, they are taking a raheel approach. theres no such thing as a good terrorist. there all the same and are all going to die. thats what best. here in the uk, news papers are saying russia is killing civilians. the Tory government don't want russia to bomb the terrorists/rebels their backing.

The tories say lots of things which I personally value but their foreign relations department is a disaster.
Hey great dude ! I loved chester neighbourhoods. It's a decently nice area to live mostly and way better than the cacophony of London !

London. I know it's like world capital and everything but I would never live there. Crime infested, packed, noisy, frantic perfect place to have a nervous breakdown
Hey great dude ! I loved chester neighbourhoods. It's a decently nice area to live mostly and way better than the cacophony of London !

The tories say lots of things which I personally value but their foreign relations department is a disaster.
well thats something we can agree on. whats your say, yes to russia doing air strikes or not?

@Atanz true and to some extent everyone is responsible for this sad state in syria I suppose !!

And Charles look like a total muppet in that dress .

look at Charles doing the waka waka hulu hulu dance in saudi arabia

That explains. Yeh I know Cheshire well in particular Knutsford. Lived there for while. Known in UK as place for the well-heeled.
i heard stuck ups live there. its like a northern Essex. Lancashire is the place to live.
Actually, USA and Europe is shifting it policies towards allying with Iran. So they wont "slap" Iran. Atleast they won't if they behave. Hell, the Jewish lobby is trying since forever to goat NATO in to curb stomping Iran in to the ground. Didn't happen. And unless Iran goes full retard it won't happen.

The entire thing is logical...the natural ally of Europe and USA in the ME, with oil is...Iran. Which will make a lot of people really unhappy in the future :)

PS: if anyone thinks Russia will send 15.000, nevermind 150.000 soldiers in Syria needs to get his head cheeked.
I doubt that. All think tanks that I follow say the nuclear deal won't change the relationship between the west and Iran. That is if the deal goes through but I don't think Iran will keep to the conditions of the deal. It is just a way for the US and Israel to win time to seek the right time to take the dog to the backyard and shoot it. Within 10 years (the span of the deal) is just enough for Europe to diversify its energy. Turkey will become main energy hub for Europe with Azeri, Arab, Turkmen, Kazakh, Russian, Iraqi energy with perhaps Iranian energy too. Do you want to stay warm in the winter? You will have to buy it from us :) I think you are giving too much credit to Iran in terms of energy importance.
Again 8 page discussing some obvious BS.
care to elaborate which posts of page 8 are BS ?

also i get it from your perspective, i would imagine your against the Syrian government. question is why ?

not trying to be aggressive against you but, can you explain why Israel is helping terrorists?

I doubt that. All think tanks that I follow say the nuclear deal won't change the relationship between the west and Iran. That is if the deal goes through but I don't think Iran will keep to the conditions of the deal. It is just a way for the US and Israel to win time to seek the right time to take the dog to the backyard and shoot it. Within 10 years (the span of the deal) is just enough for Europe to diversify its energy. Turkey will become main energy hub for Europe with Azeri, Arab, Turkmen, Kazakh, Russian, Iraqi energy with perhaps Iranian energy too. Do you want to stay warm in the winter? You will have to buy it from us :) I think you are giving too much credit to Iran in terms of energy importance.

Well, I think they will. The Iranians are pro EU/USA and kind' the most secular country in the ME (with oil) anyway. On the second point, the USA could obliterate Iran tomorrow morning and nobody could stop them. Time will tell...

There are 2 issues with your proposition, gas from Central Asia.

1 - That Russia can drive a tank over your gas supply
2 - with Erdogan and the current neo-ottoman stuff in place Turkey won't be a hub for anything

That's not to say the EU won't buy some gas from central Asia, but Iran is more important.

Ps: Romania is more or less self sufficient when it comes to gas :)

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