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A glimpse into the newly built Afghan parliament building


Bear Hug For PM Narendra Modi As He Arrives In Kabul To Inaugurate New Parliament
Actually, we don't care about Taliban. There is no question that Taliban will ever be allowed to rule Afghanistan.
Afghan army needs more gunships than these peaceful structures.
the reality of Afghanistan is no different to Syria.
with daesh on thee scene its prudent to either pacify the taliban or turn them to fight daesh otherwise these structures will only invite terrorists
Afghan army needs more gunships than these peaceful structures.
the reality of Afghanistan is no different to Syria.
with daesh on thee scene its prudent to either pacify the taliban or turn them to fight daesh otherwise these structures will only invite terrorists

It needs both. In fact it need Schools, Universities, Dams etc.. more than Gunship. Afghanistan needs jobs and development. Taliban is a shadow of what it was once and the role of ISIS is just being amplified.
If only there was a competition between all countries to invest and build Afghanistan, not just fighting for political and military influence.
When the development comes, Taliban is automatically eradicated. These scumbags can't operate in developed areas, they feed from people's poverty and their illiteracy.
I just hope Iran joins India and invest in infrastructure projects in Afghanistan. Pakistan should also do the same. I think Afghans have endured enough pain.

but seriously, India, Pak and Afghan govts need to come together and keep these guys the hell away from Afghanistan politics, that country has suffered 30 + years of non stop war, first a soviet vs US proxy playground, shouldn't turn into an Indo - Pak proxy playground now.

Hopefully Pakistan come around and stop it with the 'peace with talibs' bs, that's completely unacceptable.

A stable democratic Afghanistan is in everyone's best interests.
If only there was a competition between all countries to invest and build Afghanistan, not just fighting for political and military influence.
When the development comes, Taliban is automatically eradicated. These scumbags can't operate in developed areas, they feed from people's poverty and their illiteracy.
I just hope Iran joins India and invest in infrastructure projects in Afghanistan. Pakistan should also do the same. I think Afghans have endured enough pain.

For starters; Iran and India must work proactively to provide a secure and efficient rail/road link for Afghanistan to the Sea. The beauty of this will be that even Iran will be the beneficiary of this project for its own needs; allowing it to bypass the Straits of Hormuz if needed. Then this link can branch off and pass through Northern Iran and serve as a Gateway for the CARs.
Iran has an extremely important role to play in stabilising the Region.
Of course, that also explains why some Regional Entities try so hard to cut-way at Iran. :D
Long before wars we stayed neutral for decades.

Hmmm, actually you are right -- Afghan silent when it concerns other Muslims -- yet, when the USSR invades/invited-into Afghanistan, HELP!

14 years of war might have reduced you guys to this.. as long as I remember 65% Pashtuns were pro-Pakistan how come that changed?

Not 14 years my dear, but rather 60 years of hostility and hatred. And, still it's only a reluctant admission that Afghans may not be Pakistan's friends -- are Pakistanis stupid or what?!?!

65% of Afghan Pashtuns were pro Pakistan??!? -- come on!!! not even 65% of Afghan refugees who were in Pakistan were pro Pakistan. Najibullah, Karzai, Daud Khan Shaheed, etc. were Pashtuns.

But I think as Ghanis sab said we may be arriving at six generations of hostility.
Afghans keep sucking up to india , then end up more bitter than before when Pakistan tears up their anti-Pakistan plans and shoves them up their back side , this has happened so many times since 1947 but no lesson learnt by either india or afghanistan

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