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Mumbai Attacks

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Who says evidence in such a huge case cannot be fabricated?

Remember Colin Powell, the foreign minister of the world’s lone superpower, sitting in the U.N. Security Council one fine evening in February 2003, showing fake and doctored pictures and other evidence to prove Iraq’s WMDs?

It all turned out to be bogus. Yet U.S. led a major war against Iraq and changed the course of history based on those lies.

Now India wants action replay

i mean read this out,,,

Indian Woman claims being mother of Ajmal Kasab

I am not claiming it to be true but worth thinking.

total number of witnesses appeared in court= 653
Foreign investigations teams appeared in court= FBI
CCTV footage of CST station submitted to court.

deny them and you are god
Indian court convicts Ajmal Kasab
Updated at: 1415 PST, Monday, May 03, 2010

NEW DELHI: A special court has held Ajmal Kasab - the lone surviving terrorist from the 26/11 Mumbai attacks - guilty of murder and of waging war against the nation. However, shockingly the Indian duo – Faheem Ansari and Sabauddin Ahmed were acquitted of every single charge.

The verdict came 17 months after Kasab and nine other terrorists from Pakistan unleashed death and destruction on the country's financial capital on November 26, 2008.

The 26/11 trial, perhaps the fastest in a terror case in India, had commenced on May 8, 2009, in a special court set up at Arthur Road Jail. During the trial, 3,192 pages of evidence were recorded. There were 658 witnesses and 296 of them were examined in court on 271 working days. Another 357 witnesses were examined via affidavit.

There were five court's witnesses. The trial lasted 369 days.

Thirty witnesses in the court of judge M L Tahaliyani identified Kasab as the man who had opened fire at them.

The prosecution, led by Ujjwal Nikam, submitted 1,015 articles seized during investigations and filed 1,691 documents to support its case. The prosecution had also argued that Pakistan's security apparatus was used by LeT in the attacks.

For the first time in Indian legal history, FBI officials deposed to give technical evidence that the killers came from Pakistan using a Global Positioning System and that they made calls from their mobile phones through Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) to stay in touch with their handlers across the border.

Prosecution also tabled CCTV footage of the terrorists moving about with guns and firing at people. The images were captured on CCTV cameras fitted at CST railway station, the Times of India building, and the Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotels.

Photographs of Kasab shot by photojournalists Sebastian D'Souza and Sriram Vernekar were also placed before the court. However, Kasab took the plea that these were morphed and that he was not the one shown in the stills.

Kasab is being held at a specially-made bullet and bomb-proof cell in the high-security Arthur Road central prison. He was brought every day to the court in the jail premises escorted by 10 to 12 guards. Since the trial began, 200 troops of Indo-Tibetan Border Police guarded him round-the-clock.

Kasab was captured alive on the first day of the attacks, and he confessed to his crime before a Magistrate in February last year spilling the beans about the conspiracy hatched in Pakistan and how they struck terror at various places in Mumbai, only to retract it as soon as the trial commenced.

Midway through the trial, Kasab took a U-turn, admitting partly his earlier confession, but diluting his role in the attacks and passing almost the entire blame on his accomplice Abu Ismael. Finally, at the end of the trial, he disowned all earlier versions and claimed innocence.

Seeking to obstruct the trial in the initial stages, Kasab claimed he was juvenile but the court rejected his plea after scientific evidence proved otherwise. The 11,000-page chargesheet filed on February 25, 2008 put his age at 21. By the end of the trial it was a 12,850-page chargesheet.

Kasab was represented by three lawyers. The first, Anjali Waghmare was removed on technical grounds even before the trial began as the court learnt that she had also appeared for a witness in the same case. Abbas Kazmi, who replaced her, was removed mid-way for not cooperating with the court.

K P Pawar, who then defended Kasab, continued till the end and pleaded that his client was innocent and was picked up by the police from Chowpatty a few days before the 26/11 attacks.

According to prosecution, Kasab and his accomplices were given commando and intelligence training at a camp in Muridke in Pakistan by LeT chief Hafeez Sayeed and chief of operations Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi.

The chargesheet alleged that the attackers sailed from Karachi in the "Al-Hussaini" a boat which they abandoned near Porbunder, where they hijacked an Indian fishing trawler 'Kuber' to reach Mumbai.

On board Kuber, they murdered navigator Amarsingh Solanki and four sailors. Solanki's body was found in his cabin while those of others were dumped into the sea.
The prosecution produced DNA reports of Kasab to show that they matched with the articles found on the Kuber.

After abandoning the Kuber near the Mumbai Coast, the attackers reached the shores in a dinghy (rubber boat) carried by them from Pakistan. They disembarked at Badhwar Park and fanned out in different directions in five batches of two each to shoot and kill, the prosecution said.

It placed evidence to show that the Honda engine fitted on the dingy was of Japanese make and exported to Pakistan.

The 10 terrorists opened fire at Hotel Trident-Oberoi, Hotel Taj Mahal, Nariman House (a Jewish outreach centre), Chhatrapti Shivaji Terminus, Leopold Cafe, Cama Hospital and Metro Cinema Junction. They also planted bombs in two taxis which exploded killing people.

Hundreds were held hostage at Hotel Taj, the Oberoi and Nariman House where terrorists fought National Security Guards (NSG) and police for close to 60 hours before being killed.

The nine slain terrorists were identified as Abu Ismael, Abu Akasha, Abu Umar, Abdul Rehman Bada, Abu Umer, Abdul Rehman Chhota, Fahad Ullah, Javed Abu Ali and Abu Shoeb.

Kasab was captured at Girgaum Chowpatty following an encounter with the police after he and Abu Ismael had killed several people at CST, in and outside Cama Hospital, and Metro Junction.

The terrorist duo's victims included Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare, IPS officer Ashok Kamate and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar.

During the trial, the court issued non-bailable warrants against 27 absconding accused,
including the LeT's Lakhvi and Hafeez Saeed. They have not been arrested although the warrants have been served to the Interpol.

Fake identity cards were recovered from all the terrorists who had concealed their Pakistani identity by posing as Indian students.

Besides this, articles of daily use with "Made in Pakistan" markings were found on the Kuber.

Indian court convicts Ajmal Kasab
Only according to your media.. What you watch on news channels becomes your point of view.. and don't be offended if i say that anti-Pakistanism sells in India and your media exploits it..
I am not accusing ur judiciary but what i said in my previous post is a documented past precident of Indian court.. I mean public opinion matters in such cases and judges considers it alot..

And what is your point of view of Kasab's innocense based on?
I don't know what the delay or confusion is all about. We have given him more than a fair chance. More than he offered any of his victims. Finish him off now without delay. The Kandahar hijacking has taught us that its the best to finish the deed quickly and remove the source of any temptation for future mischief. The Indian govt. should also make it a point to cremate such dead bodies in open view for the public, especially family of victims, as the US justice system allows. No right thinking Indian muslim or muslim anywhere else in the world, including Pakistan, should have a problem with that.
Mumbai: Seventeen months after the audacious attack on Mumbai that left 166 dead and thousands scarred for life, the 26/11 Special Court on Monday pronounced the lone captured Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab guilty of waging war against India and manslaughter.

The court found Kasab guilty on all 86 counts against him, including the murder of top cops Hemant Karkare, Ashok Kamte, Vijay Salaskar and Tukaram Ombale.

The quantum of punishment would be announced tomorrow.

Kasab, who was present in the court, listened very attentively to the judge but was calm and unemotional.

However, the two Indian co-accused Fahim Ansari and Sabahuddin Ahmed who were charged for conspiracy in the terror attacks - preparing maps of the targeted locations and handing these to Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) operatives – were acquitted by the court. .

Pronouncing the verdict, after examining as many as 653 witnesses and on the basis of a 675-page written submission, Special Judge ML Tahilyani accepted the prosecution’s contention that Kasab was one among the 10 terrorists who came to Mumbai via sea from Karachi on November 26, 2008 and launched multiple attacks in India’s financial and entertainment nerve centre.

The trial in the case started on April 15, 2009 and ended on March 31 this year.

Kasab was found guilty under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including waging war against the nation and Section 302 – which attracts death sentence. He was also found guilty under the Explosives Act, Arms Act, Passport Act, Prevention of Damage to Public Properties Act, Customs Act, Explosive Substances Act, Bombay Police Act, Foreigners Act, Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.

Besides Special Public Prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam, defence lawyers, including Kasab's lawyer KP Pawar, Ansari's lawyer RB Mokashi, and Ahmed’s lawyer Ejaz Naqvi were present in the packed court room when the verdict was delivered.

In July last year, Kasab had “confessed” to his crimes. "Hang me, please," Kasab pleaded two days after he made a dramatic confession and gave a chilling blow-by-blow account of his part in the attacks.

"I have committed the crimes on this earth and the people of the world should punish me. I don't want God's punishment. But, if somebody feels that I have confessed to escape the death penalty, the court can definitely hang me," Kasab begged.

Kasab was lodged in a solitary 'anda' (oval) cell in the Arthur Road Central Jail. His cell was reinforced with layers of cement and steel capable of thwarting any major attacks or bomb blast.

Kasab had come to Mumbai via the Arabian Sea route with nine other associates and targeted sites like the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, the Taj Mahal Palace and Tower Hotel, Hotel Oberoi-Trident, the Cama Hospital and the Chabad, a Jewish prayer centre at Nariman House, and the favourite haunt of foreigners, Leopold Café.

All besides Kasab were killed during the 60-hour operation by combined security forces. The bodies of the terrorists were preserved in the morgue of Sir JJ Hospital, barely a kilometre from Kasab’s abode in jail.

The Maharashtra government quietly disposed of the bodies in January this year after the Muslim community refused to bury them on Indian soil. So far details of how and where the bodies were disposed of continue to elude the media

Pakistan Home Village Calls For Mumbai Suspect's Release

FARIDKOT, Pakistan, May 3, 2010 (AFP) - Residents of Faridkot, home to the alleged surviving gunman of the Mumbai massacre, deny any connection with their wayward son but believe India should release him in the interests of peace.

The remote town in the Pakistani farming belt of Punjab province has earned notoriety as the home of Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, accused of taking part in the 72-hour bloodbath in November 2008 that killed 166 people in Mumbai.

On Monday, as the 22-year-old Pakistani prepared to learn his fate in court, some people in Faridkot, about 26 kilometres (16 miles) from the Indian border, sat in groups watching TV waiting to hear the verdict, said an AFP reporter.

The day before the sentencing, a hawker distributed a weekly newspaper published by Jamaat-ud-Dawa, which Indian and US officials believe is a front for the Lashkar-e-Taiba militant group blamed for the Mumbai attacks.

With Faridkot's wheat harvest in full swing, workers loading grain into vehicles to a din of folk music said they were sympathetic to Kasab's "good intentions" against an "enemy" country.

Around 10,000 people live in the town. Most of the population are labourers and small farmers. Few are literate.

"Are they talking about our Ajmal?" 45-year-old Noor Ahmed asked, interrupting a discussion on how residents feel about the Indian sentencing.

"No. No. We don't know him," he said, sitting on a dirty cot in a small brick and clay room on the bank of Faridkot's canal.

"But we have sympathies for him being Muslim."

Residents said they would denounce any sentence India hands down to Kasab.

"Look, don't blame him. There is nothing wrong if he did it with good intentions against an infidel country like India," said Amjad Ali, a 60-year-old farmer with white hair.

"India should forgive him and set him free to improve relations with Pakistan," he added.

Bakhat Yar, 42, a farmer wearing a traditional grey shalwar khamis, said Kasab's father left the village years ago.

"We have never seen this boy in the village. Only his grandfather's haveli (house) is here," he said. "They have left this place, I guess."

Yar first said that Kasab should be found guilty and sentenced, then later retracted his remarks.

"India should not give him the death sentence. After all, he is Muslim and if he did it against India, look what our neighbour India is doing.

"India is doing bomb blasts in Pakistan and it has also blocked Pakistan's water," he said -- echoing the beliefs of many in Pakistan that its arch-rival is behind suicide attacks in the country and siphoning off its water resources.

One student claimed Kasab was a childhood friend who was in a group that used to swim in Faridkot's polluted canal and liked to throw other boys into the water. He believes Kasab was brainwashed.

"Definitely, the (Mumbai) incident created a bad impression for Pakistan and especially Faridkot. We haven't earned a good name," the student said.

He called on the massacre's masterminds to be punished, and said it would be better if India extradited Kasab to Pakistan.

Pakistan home village calls for Mumbai suspect's release

Such open support of terrorism is quite sick.

These are the same guys who were protesting for days after the attacks that Ajmal was not from their village.

Their idea of religion has reduced them to sub humans.
Those who supports terrorism has to acknowledge the same happening in their country too.
The lone surviving gunman from the Mumbai terror attacks has been found guilty of murder and waging war against India.

Mohammed Ajmal Kasab opened fire on commuters at the busy station
Mohammad Ajmal Kasab was one of ten Pakistani terrorists who killed 166 people in a three-day rampage through the city.
He was caught on camera strolling through Mumbai's main train station carrying an AK-47 rifle and a rucksack on his back.
He and an accomplice killed 58 people and wounded 104 others at the crowded station in November 2008.
The 22-year-old will be sentenced later today and faces the death penalty.
Kasab, who was wounded by police during the firefight, initially admitted his role in the violence and then said he had been tortured to extract a confession.
He was found guilty on almost all of the 86 charges against him.
The evidence against Kasab during the one-year trial in Mumbai included footage from security cameras at the train station and the testimony of more than 600 witnesses.
"You have been found guilty of waging war against India, and killing people at CST (train station), killing government officials and abetting the other nine terrorists," judge ML Tahaliyani told him.
"You got training in Pakistan. All of this has been proven against you."
Two Indians who had been accused of helping plot the attacks were cleared by the court.
The judge released them from custody and said there was "no quality or quantity of evidence" against them.
India blames a Pakistan-based militant group, Lashkar-e-Taiba, for the attack.

Mumbai Massacre Gunman Mohammad Ajmal Kasab Found Guilty Of Murder And Waging War Against India | World News | Sky News
Mumbai gunman convicted by Indian court

BBC News - Mumbai gunman convicted by Indian court

A Pakistani national has been convicted over his role in the deadly Mumbai (Bombay) attacks by an Indian court.
Mohammad Ajmal Amir Qasab, 22, the sole surviving gunman, was found guilty on charges including murder, waging war on India and possessing explosives.
The attacks in November 2008 left 174 people - including nine gunmen - dead, and soured ties between India and neighbouring Pakistan.
India blames Pakistan-based militants Lashkar-e-Taiba for the attacks.
After initial denials, Pakistan acknowledged that the attacks had been partially planned on its territory and that Qasab was one of its citizens.

As the judge read out his verdict, Mohammad Ajmal Amir Qasab kept his head down. He did not say anything during the entire proceedings.
The courtroom was bristling with journalists. More than 100 reporters were present in the high-security facility, craning their necks to see how Qasab was reacting.
When the first indication came that Qasab was going to be found guilty, there was a gasp. There was an even bigger reaction when the judge acquitted the two Indians also charged alongside Qasab.
As he continued reading, people became restless and the judge had to exhort the room to keep calm. More comes tomorrow when the judge hears arguments about sentencing.

The prosecution is seeking the death penalty for Qasab.

Two Indian men - Fahim Ansari and Sabahuddin Ahmed - who were accused of helping the gunmen plan the attacks, were acquitted by the presiding judge at the court in Mumbai.

Qasab's 271-day trial was conducted amid tight security in a specially-made court on the jail premises in Mumbai where he was being held.
Over the past 14 months, the trial witnessed a number of twists and turns.

Qasab originally denied the charges against him but last July, in a dramatic outburst in court, he admitted his role and asked to be hanged. His plea was not accepted and the trial continued.
In November, the main lawyer representing Qasab - who was arrested on the first day of the attacks - was removed from the case after the judge said he was delaying proceedings.
Late last year, Pakistan charged seven people in connection with the attacks, including the suspected mastermind Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, who is alleged to head Lashkar-e-Taiba.
Now expect them to hang Sarabjit Singh in a couple of months.
Indian court convicts Ajmal Kasab

NEW DELHI: A special court has held Ajmal Kasab - the lone surviving terrorist from the 26/11 Mumbai attacks - guilty of murder and of waging war against the nation. However, shockingly the Indian duo – Faheem Ansari and Sabauddin Ahmed were acquitted of every single charge.
The verdict came 17 months after Kasab and nine other terrorists from Pakistan unleashed death and destruction on the country's financial capital on November 26, 2008.

The 26/11 trial, perhaps the fastest in a terror case in India, had commenced on May 8, 2009, in a special court set up at Arthur Road Jail. During the trial, 3,192 pages of evidence were recorded. There were 658 witnesses and 296 of them were examined in court on 271 working days. Another 357 witnesses were examined via affidavit. There were five court's witnesses. The trial lasted 369 days.

Thirty witnesses in the court of judge M L Tahaliyani identified Kasab as the man who had opened fire at them.

The prosecution, led by Ujjwal Nikam, submitted 1,015 articles seized during investigations and filed 1,691 documents to support its case. The prosecution had also argued that Pakistan's security apparatus was used by LeT in the attacks.

For the first time in Indian legal history, FBI officials deposed to give technical evidence that the killers came from Pakistan using a Global Positioning System and that they made calls from their mobile phones through Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) to stay in touch with their handlers across the border.

Prosecution also tabled CCTV footage of the terrorists moving about with guns and firing at people. The images were captured on CCTV cameras fitted at CST railway station, the Times of India building, and the Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotels.

Photographs of Kasab shot by photojournalists Sebastian D'Souza and Sriram Vernekar were also placed before the court. However, Kasab took the plea that these were morphed and that he was not the one shown in the stills.

Kasab is being held at a specially-made bullet and bomb-proof cell in the high-security Arthur Road central prison. He was brought every day to the court in the jail premises escorted by 10 to 12 guards. Since the trial began, 200 troops of Indo-Tibetan Border Police guarded him round-the-clock.

Kasab was captured alive on the first day of the attacks, and he confessed to his crime before a Magistrate in February last year spilling the beans about the conspiracy hatched in Pakistan and how they struck terror at various places in Mumbai, only to retract it as soon as the trial commenced.

Midway through the trial, Kasab took a U-turn, admitting partly his earlier confession, but diluting his role in the attacks and passing almost the entire blame on his accomplice Abu Ismael. Finally, at the end of the trial, he disowned all earlier versions and claimed innocence.

Seeking to obstruct the trial in the initial stages, Kasab claimed he was juvenile but the court rejected his plea after scientific evidence proved otherwise. The 11,000-page chargesheet filed on February 25, 2008 put his age at 21. By the end of the trial it was a 12,850-page chargesheet.

Kasab was represented by three lawyers. The first, Anjali Waghmare was removed on technical grounds even before the trial began as the court learnt that she had also appeared for a witness in the same case. Abbas Kazmi, who replaced her, was removed mid-way for not cooperating with the court.

K P Pawar, who then defended Kasab, continued till the end and pleaded that his client was innocent and was picked up by the police from Chowpatty a few days before the 26/11 attacks.

According to prosecution, Kasab and his accomplices were given commando and intelligence training at a camp in Muridke in Pakistan by LeT chief Hafeez Sayeed and chief of operations Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi.

The chargesheet alleged that the attackers sailed from Karachi in the "Al-Hussaini" a boat which they abandoned near Porbunder, where they hijacked an Indian fishing trawler 'Kuber' to reach Mumbai.

On board Kuber, they murdered navigator Amarsingh Solanki and four sailors. Solanki's body was found in his cabin while those of others were dumped into the sea.
The prosecution produced DNA reports of Kasab to show that they matched with the articles found on the Kuber.

After abandoning the Kuber near the Mumbai Coast, the attackers reached the shores in a dinghy (rubber boat) carried by them from Pakistan. They disembarked at Badhwar Park and fanned out in different directions in five batches of two each to shoot and kill, the prosecution said.

It placed evidence to show that the Honda engine fitted on the dingy was of Japanese make and exported to Pakistan.

The 10 terrorists opened fire at Hotel Trident-Oberoi, Hotel Taj Mahal, Nariman House (a Jewish outreach centre), Chhatrapti Shivaji Terminus, Leopold Cafe, Cama Hospital and Metro Cinema Junction. They also planted bombs in two taxis which exploded killing people.

Hundreds were held hostage at Hotel Taj, the Oberoi and Nariman House where terrorists fought National Security Guards (NSG) and police for close to 60 hours before being killed.

The nine slain terrorists were identified as Abu Ismael, Abu Akasha, Abu Umar, Abdul Rehman Bada, Abu Umer, Abdul Rehman Chhota, Fahad Ullah, Javed Abu Ali and Abu Shoeb.

Kasab was captured at Girgaum Chowpatty following an encounter with the police after he and Abu Ismael had killed several people at CST, in and outside Cama Hospital, and Metro Junction.

The terrorist duo's victims included Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare, IPS officer Ashok Kamate and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar.

During the trial, the court issued non-bailable warrants against 27 absconding accused,
including the LeT's Lakhvi and Hafeez Saeed. They have not been arrested although the warrants have been served to the Interpol.

Fake identity cards were recovered from all the terrorists who had concealed their Pakistani identity by posing as Indian students.

Besides this, articles of daily use with "Made in Pakistan" markings were found on the Kuber.

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Those who supports terrorism has to acknowledge the same happening in their country too.

yeap, so true.....supporters of terrorists on western borders of Pakistan have to acknowledge naxalties, moists, communists, Kashmiri freedom fighters and list goes on. so so true.

hooosh, there are over hundred terrorist organization in India, 'as you sow so shall u reap' so true.

India - Terrorist, insurgent and extremist groups

I didn't wanted to be harsh but few people don't let you stay like that.:angry:
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yeap, so true.....supporters of terrorists on western borders of Pakistan have to acknowledge naxalties, moists, communists, Kashmiri freedom fighters and list goes on. so so true.
Naxalites, Maoists and Communists are 3 names of a single movement...please don't confuse.....

And Kashmiri FF(Terrorists)....what to say...keep on sending them...we will keep on killing them.....

hooosh, there are over hundred terrorist organization in India, 'as you sow so shall u reap' so true.I didn't wanted to be harsh but few people don't let you stay like that.:angry:

Hundred....hmm.... I would say...more than 1000 but most of them are dead and burried...like Khalistan Mocement for example...
Naxalites, Maoists and Communists are 3 names of a single movement...please don't confuse.....

And Kashmiri FF(Terrorists)....what to say...keep on sending them...we will keep on killing them.....

Hundred....hmm.... I would say...more than 1000 but most of them are dead and burried...like Khalistan Mocement for example...

i mean active terrorist organization,,,,,:tdown:
i mean active terrorist organization,,,,,:tdown:

Please name a few...and dont put organizations that want a seperate state like Jharkhand.....Telangana..... inside India in the list...they just want a seperate Administrative entity inside India.....
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