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French police make woman remove burkini on Nice beach

She slapped a blue shirt on top of the black burqini...."that will fool hem"..........It didn't.

only person to get fooled is you
wheres the burkini


Are you for real ? Stripp? You make it sound like was paraded naked.She's been told to remove the blue garment.She still has a long black dress and the only revealing parts are her hands,her hands ! OMG ,the children saw their mothers hands,the horror,the barbarity ! How will those poor infants recover from that ?

the blue dress is a kameez worn by millions in pak/ind/bang by all faiths

If it was India there would have been international news 'India striped Muslim woman' with a lot of outrage and that India is so intolerant. Foreign news agencies justify all sorts of bans, killings and arrests in EU and US while double standards elsewhere.

common sight in india to see women on the beach in a kameez as in pak/bang .
this dress is from the sub continent and arabs/africans dont wear kameez

plus shes wearing something similar to a swimming cap as worn by french swimmers in the olympics
Well, what can I say. We will see how hardy you are. :)

The attacks on Hindus is possible, but the chances are low. Hindus live among European areas or cosmopolitan areas, as opposed to Muslim dominated ghettos/neighborhoods. Plus, the average European is much more educated in cultural differences. If you notice the right wing West European movement - you will know that the buzzwords they use say this - 'Multiculturalism has not failed. Islam has.' Like it or not, that's what the right say. And many blacks, browns, even ex Muslims are part of it.

So I will repose my faith on the law abiding Europeans on this matter. They are the ones who have hit the hardest against their own nutjobs. It is safe to expect them to maintain that. :)

And the 'fastest growing' phrase is utterly disgusting, but expected and almost routine now. Don't take this as an insult, but just an appreciation of how sick it sounds. You are human beings, human beings should consider progressing, not become breeding machines to outnumber Europeans and draw borders there.

In the end, as a non Muslim there are lines of compromise that I will not cross. So in this case, it should not come across as a surprise that most of us (non Muslims) would support the Europeans.

India has never been secular.

We are cowards. Secularism is a nice ideal we use to hide our cowardliness. This is primarily true for Hindus and Buddhists.
Let me tell you why your delusion, its a hindu trait

You are under the impression that the majority of Europeans arent racist under the surface.

Let me tell you they are the Central and Eastern Europeans are racist, the french, brits, Spaniards you name it are racist, not all of them of course but many and a lurch to the right wont be focused on muslims :cheesy::lol:

It will hit all minorities AND whites as well

You are beyond delusional if you are under the impression that the far right in any of these countries wouldn't trample a hindu family if they cornered them.

You are essentially dark skinned scum to them

The far right have been looking for a handle for over 50 years, power-hungry jews, aggressive criminal blacks and they have found one currently with the muslims and current issues

But if you think if you are cornered by skin heads and punched and kicked to the ground you whimpering "im a hindu"" will stop them then you deserve what you get

Muslims will practice our faith come what may and if they keep pushing its up to us to push back including in our own countries
Respect the country and rule were you live or free to go native ...

Who were objecting this have no speaking right and freedom in there native country both citizen and minority specially Woman gender ...
Respect the country and rule were you live or free to go native ...

Who were objecting this have no speaking right and freedom in there native country both citizen and minority specially Woman gender ...

What rule did she break?

She knew the laws and broke them on purpose. If they dont like europe they should leave.
I guess Muslims are banned from wearing clothes in winters too or that wearing clothes is banned in only summers? I wish India sends some NGOs to help out oppressed.
I guess Muslims are banned from wearing clothes in winters too or that wearing clothes is banned in only summers? I wish India sends some NGOs to help out oppressed.

We are at war my friend. Respect that please. Our tolerance was a mistake and we correct it.
Let me tell you why your delusion, its a hindu trait

You are under the impression that the majority of Europeans arent racist under the surface.

Let me tell you they are the Central and Eastern Europeans are racist, the french, brits, Spaniards you name it are racist, not all of them of course but many and a lurch to the right wont be focused on muslims :cheesy::lol:

It will hit all minorities AND whites as well

You are beyond delusional if you are under the impression that the far right in any of these countries wouldn't trample a hindu family if they cornered them.

You are essentially dark skinned scum to them

The far right have been looking for a handle for over 50 years, power-hungry jews, aggressive criminal blacks and they have found one currently with the muslims and current issues

But if you think if you are cornered by skin heads and punched and kicked to the ground you whimpering "im a hindu"" will stop them then you deserve what you get

Muslims will practice our faith come what may and if they keep pushing its up to us to push back including in our own countries

These Indians are the most pathetic people that I have ever come across :angry:

The Internet has taught me that they are enemies not to be trusted.
You are right and we must banned Nun scarf and it will hurts our feeling too and hope as per the country rule you don't have any objection in that either.:cheers:

Stupid analogy. Sorry to say.

Nuns are those who devote their lives to the church. They are not the general public. :D

This is not a logic at all.

You are essentially dark skinned scum to them

The far right have been looking for a handle for over 50 years, power-hungry jews, aggressive criminal blacks and they have found one currently with the muslims and current issues

But if you think if you are cornered by skin heads and punched and kicked to the ground you whimpering "im a hindu"" will stop them then you deserve what you get

Muslims will practice our faith come what may and if they keep pushing its up to us to push back including in our own countries
We are at war my friend. Respect that please. Our tolerance was a mistake and we correct it.
War? France or Italy? If France is justified in punishing every Muslim or taking out frustration on Syria just for what few radicals did in Paris, then you have lot all humanity. Tell me how would feel when you can't wear whatever you like? If it was ban in exams and stuff then it was justified. I have come across enough Europians, a hell lot in my internet history, and can easily and proudly say that an average Indian carries better morals than an average Europian, just opposite of your surveys, although in reality its all perception/propaganda that what matters.
Stupid analogy. Sorry to say.

Nuns are those who devote their lives to the church. They are not the general public. :D

This is not a logic at all.


It is the opposite really! Muslims exactly believe that they are born free to their device but yet commanded by the Almighty to do and act as such. However the rest are! Oppressed by man made laws! As Rabi bin Amr said to the Persian general Rustam
“Allah Azza wa jal has sent us to deliver you from worshiping the creation to worshiping the Creator of the creation and to deliver you from the constriction of this world to the vastness of this world and the after life and from the oppression of the religions to the justice of Islam. Allah Azza wa jal has sent us to save you from worshiping each other.”
Go figure.
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