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Indian General:India actually lost Kargil war: Gen Pal

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So it took India one of the largest military 2 months to regain its lost territory? Its like "suppose" Canada captures part of US territory and would take US 2 months to regain?

u never answered my question,why u were unable to take back east pakistan,geographical differences nah
Dont portray yourself, we know you are not smart enough.

Try to comprehend the context before making to much noise in the room and making very little sense because the comment was for nforce not someone with a very low IQ laughing stock.
Like i said. India has the world largest separatist movement in the world. Go read some news. Maoist are on the RISE!

Maoists are Revolutionists and not separatists...:disagree: . If you want a commie India by your doorstep then by all means....be a Maoist cheerleader :rofl:
Yes. :wave: Really mature,keep it up
IMF is used by Europeans Asians countries around the world.
Well it is a bank what do you expect some deposit money some ask for money,while India bought SDRs ,Pakistan went on its knees for a further lease

Kid, US has its bases around the world like Britain, Germany, Isreal, Korea, Japan etc and Pakistan allowed US to launch recce flights from Pakistan back in the days against USSR not India which was insignificant and Pakistan was enough to handle it.
Are you under a impression that US and Pak were flying U-2 over India? :woot: Is this some sort of massala news you picked up from your society?

Stop calling me a kid. if you are unaware of Gary Powers incident then it is okay..accept it
Francis Gary Powers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

read it if you can ..Russia shot down his U2 while it flew over its territory after flying from Pakistan.

Yours is a satellite state accept it

Stand up against India by getting our people killed? No Indians are doing a better job killing their own people.

So you are not killing your own people?
are you not an accomplice of drone attacks over FATA?
If not then why dont you step up and shoot down a drone or two_One place you cry that your sovereignty is at a loss by US drones and at others you dont acknowledge them.Have some spine...

And muslim land was given to us from Hindustan by a single call from Britain.
so you are belittling Quaid e Azam's accompalishment?
He was one man who stood up to Gandhi Ji...man i respect both the national leaders,for i believe in future, but you ..:no::no:
partition was accepted to stop the violence....not because of some brits calling Quaid e Azam or Gandhi Ji.They were the makers of two nations.I salute both the great leaders.

:lol: what a dumbnuts. helloooooooo! kid Britian did not lose any part of its land during WORLD WAR II! what have you been eating?

Listen kid! Pakistan captured Indian land while it took Indian army and Air force 2 months to regain its territory! haha

Again the KID...seriously stop being patronizing to other posters,if you cannot debate then accept defeat.

so you took up the land for two months and then lost it....so what?
whose defeat is it?you are laughing because it took two months?how long has it taken you guys to clean your NWFP and FATA answer me this...
In you words Pathological liar:rofl::rofl:
I am glad you remember Indian definition.

I just wonder why you madarsa educated pakistanis always talk about minorities??
Is this your come back? you such a LOSER! :lol: You think i will be very hurt with this remark. But only goes to show that indeed you are brought from low class society.

Killed and converted almost all and now there are just less than 2% minorities in pakistan. Your country is a shame in the name of minorities.
I got three words to define you. Brain washed, narrow minded, pathological lair.

Just to let you know and add a bit of more information to your small world.
Pakistan has one of the oldest surviving tribe in the world.
Greek decedents.

India is the Worlds largest democracy
And India is the worlds largest mockery of democracy.
India has caste system and you have Muhajir and Ahmadi system....I guess u know abt the recent attack
At least we dont treat them like dogs. Higher class people with inferiority complex in india consider low casts as dogs.
So it took India one of the largest military 2 months to regain its lost territory? Its like "suppose" Canada captures part of US territory and would take US 2 months to regain?

Just one question Sir,
how long ur army has been fighting in FATA,SWAT,NWFP and what not.....how much percentage of these areas are really under ur control...after so many years and not months..

Also a quick recap, how long did 1971 war last ??How much territory u lost?? Soldiers captured?? Any guesses??

Forget, tell me the real number that u lost in kargil war ..including mujahids and regular army?? oops, sorry even ur PM and army genral couldn't count so many numbers!! U didn't win any part of land, no international pressure on India, no objectives achieved ...don't even know how many soldiers u lost!!
Then how did u win??
Just one question Sir,
how long ur army has been fighting in FATA,SWAT,NWFP and what not.....how much percentage of these areas are really under ur control...after so many years and not months..

Also a quick recap, how long did 1971 war last ??How much territory u lost?? Soldiers captured?? Any guesses??

Forget, tell me the real number that u lost in kargil war ..including mujahids and regular army?? oops, sorry even ur PM and army genral couldn't count so many numbers!! U didn't win any part of land, no international pressure on India, no objectives achieved ...don't even know how many soldiers u lost!!
Then how did u win??

how can they count more than half of their bodies were left in kargil itself
Indian army with nearly half a million troops in Kashmir are fighting for how many years to clear off infiltrators? exactly.
Like i said. Indians live in a glass house. try not spitting towards the sky it will only land back at your face.

Is India using artillery in Kashmir as you are doing in NWFP?it has a large presence to keep infiltrators from coming in and dispatching them to meet 72 virgins or whatever.

If we live in a glass house then what about you?US is not thinking about acting unilaterally against India is it?Today even Canada has to apologize to India if it refuses one Visa,what about your country ?does US apologizes for bombing you?
ummmmmmmmmmmm.. I dont think so
Try to improve your country,pay more tax,help government instead of dreaming of capturing India
I am glad you remember Indian definition.
thanks :lol:

Is this your come back? you such a LOSER! :lol: You think i will be very hurt with this remark. But only goes to show that indeed you are brought from low class society.

Is this your comeback BTW :rofl:

Being a pakistani is not a crime.:pakistan:

I got three words to define you. Brain washed, narrow minded, pathological lair.

For you I just got:pakistan:

Just to let you know and add a bit of more information to your small world.
Pakistan has one of the oldest surviving tribe in the world.
Greek decedents.

Stupidity at its best:rofl::rofl:

I asked about the % of minorities and you are replying with a picture....dude tell me in %...In India Muslim population increased from 10% to 15% but in Pakistan Hindus decreased form 10% to 2%..This is the status of minorities

And India is the worlds largest mockery of democracy.
And pakistan is s top failed state.

At least we dont treat them like dogs. Higher class people with inferiority complex in india consider low casts as dogs.

Atleast we dont treat them as second class citizens like muhajirs and Ahmadies...while you ppl consider them as pigs
At least we dont treat them like dogs. Higher class people with inferiority complex in india consider low casts as dogs.

No you dont treat them like dogs,you just kill them. i read another thread on this forum and there were some idiots who were actually supporting the bombing.and there were others as Sparkling Way and Emo ..man what thoughts,wish more Pakistanis were like him
Stupid title given to the thread. Read the news item carefully. The general mentioned that we lost in "strategic terms" i.e we didn't gain any advantages from it other than the pakistani soldiers and militants that were killed. We didn't occupy anything that wasn't ours , we couldn't make much use of the situation , and many of our soldiers died. That doesn't mean that we didn't win the war. Your casualties were more than ours .. and our biggest achievement was to showthe world that terrorists were being directly sponsered by your army. After this , any sane person would say that we didn't lose. The thread is only for people who want to stay deluded and have free time to argue about. My advice to indian members is to leave this thread as it is , as we all well know what hapenned. You can try to convince people about something if they dont know , not if they are acting as if they dont know.
its amazing to see my Indian friends twisting the truth just in fear of losing in debate from Pakistani guys ? please get some courage to face the truth and accept realty, you lost the war in Kargil but you claimed it YOUR WIN by propaganda, your media is so good in hiding truth and giving you bollywood stories which you nation like a lot.. if you want to live in your so called fantasized world then carry on.. it might give you more courage to come on PDF for creating false claims.

and please don't try to blame Pakistan for treating our minorities badly, you are talking about Muhajir's and Ahmedi's in Pakistan, do you even know our bureaucracy is full with Qadiyani's and Ahmadi's ? your country doesn't even give rights to live minorities in India and you are talking about our minorities, I have seen burnt Christians and Muslims in your country, if you want then i can show you my own captured pictures which will tell the truth,

Pakistan may have facing many problems of their own harvested extremism but it doesn't make India naive, at least feel some shame before bringing Pakistan on same level of India in Human Right acts...
Stupid title given to the thread. Read the news item carefully. The general mentioned that we lost in "strategic terms" i.e we didn't gain any advantages from it other than the pakistani soldiers and militants that were killed. We didn't occupy anything that wasn't ours , we couldn't make much use of the situation , and many of our soldiers died. That doesn't mean that we didn't win the war. Your casualties were more than ours .. and our biggest achievement was to showthe world that terrorists were being directly sponsered by your army. After this , any sane person would say that we didn't lose. The thread is only for people who want to stay deluded and have free time to argue about. My advice to indian members is to leave this thread as it is , as we all well know what hapenned. You can try to convince people about something if they dont know , not if they are acting as if they dont know.

100% I remember before Kargil it was not easy for India to prove the PA was involved in these misadventures. After Kargil Pakistan lost all support,
100% I remember before Kargil it was not easy for India to prove the PA was involved in these misadventures. After Kargil Pakistan lost all support,

WHy WHY!!!...stop replying to the trolls....after 2 weeks another Kargil thread will open and we will go through the same line of sentences again which we have been going through for the past 11 years :lol:
its amazing to see my Indian friends twisting the truth just in fear of losing in debate from Pakistani guys ? please get some courage to face the truth and accept realty, you lost the war in Kargil but you claimed it YOUR WIN by propaganda, your media is so good in hiding truth and giving you bollywood stories which you nation like a lot.. if you want to live in your so called fantasized world then carry on.. it might give you more courage to come on PDF for creating false claims.

I love how you don't like to accept the facts, and and bring in Bollywood, and Indian media every time.
That's another sign of YOU putting up a senseless argument.

And talking about propaganda, don't get me started on your media.

India arrests Pakistani bird for spying. Pigoen in jail under armed guard | Pakistan Daily
Indian police are holding a pigeon under armed guard after it was caught on an alleged spying mission for arch rivals and neighbours Pakistan, media reported on Friday.

IndiaThe white-coloured bird was found by a local resident in India’s Punjab state, which borders Pakistan, and taken to a police station 40 kilometres (25 miles) from the capital Amritsar.

The pigeon had a ring around its foot and a Pakistani phone number and address stamped on its body in red ink.
Police officer Ramdas Jagjit Singh Chahal told the Press Trust of India (PTI) news agency that they suspected the pigeon may have landed on Indian soil from Pakistan with a message, although no trace of a note has been found.

Officials have directed that no-one should be allowed to visit the pigeon, which police say may have been on a “special mission of spying”.

The bird has been medically examined and was being kept in an air-conditioned room under police guard.
Senior officers have asked to be kept updated on the situation three times a day, PTI said.

Chahal said local pigeon fanciers in the sensitive border area had told police that Pakistani pigeons were easily identifiable as they look different from Indian ones, according to the Indian Express newspaper.

Pak Army more professional than India�s
WRITTEN BY Pakistan News :: Pakistan Daily
MONDAY, 22 JUNE 2009 00:57

The Pakistan Army is more professional and advanced in its capabilities and spirit to fight despite less salaries, as compared to the armed forces of other neighbouring countries. President Asif Zardari is the second head of the state after Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who raised salaries of the armed forces by 100 percent.

President Zardari took the decision with the consultation of Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani after receiving summary from Defence Minister Ch Ahmad Mukhtar seeking increase in the salaries.

The president was taken aback after he knew that a lieutenant in the Indian Army is getting Rs 27000 basic salary, while the same officer in the Pakistan Army is receiving Rs 14936 as basic pay.:blum3:

Similarly, the salaries of captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, brigadier, major general and lieutenant general of the Indian and the Sri Lankan armies are more than that of the Pakistan Army. Among the non-junior commissioned officers, Sri Lanka comes first, India second and Pakistan on third, while among commissioned officers, India comes first, Sri Lanka second and Pakistan on third.

However, the salaries of the lieutenant colonel and the colonel of the Pakistan Army are same. According to official document available with this news service, the basic salary of the army soldier is Rs 4579, while that of the Indian and the Sri Lankan are Rs 9200 and Rs 14720 respectively. The naik in the army is getting Rs 4756 as compared to Indian and Sri Lankan, who are receiving Rs 9600 and Rs 15170 respectively.

You don't need to see more. I'm sure. :smitten:

and please don't try to blame Pakistan for treating our minorities badly, you are talking about Muhajir's and Ahmedi's in Pakistan, do you even know our bureaucracy is full with Qadiyani's and Ahmadi's ? your country doesn't even give rights to live minorities in India and you are talking about our minorities, I have seen burnt Christians and Muslims in your country, if you want then i can show you my own captured pictures which will tell the truth,

Pakistan may have facing many problems of their own harvested extremism but it doesn't make India naive, at least feel some shame before bringing Pakistan on same level of India in Human Right acts...

I admit it!
We treat minorities like ****. And Pakistan doesn't.

But the thing is, Indian minority population grows.....
while Pakistan's decreases.

here's a sample:
57 Pakistani Hindus convert to Islam 'under pressure' - dnaindia.com
According to Mangut Ram, his co workers often used to speak against Hindus in Karachi where his family worked. “The owner of the shop where I worked said that after a few months of his employing me the sales dropped drastically because people avoided purchasing and eating edibles prepared by Hindus. Many people opposed the large presence of Hindu employees at his shop and my boss felt pressured to change the situation,” he added.

So he had to convert :smitten:

Tell me now, why did the population of minorities in Pakistan decrease? (and still is drastically)
let me clarify,when u occupied our territory we liberated it within 2 months

when we occupied ur territory it becomes liberated and today is an independent nation:devil:

Trolling is the reply by Indians when they lose, sour losers.
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