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India's dream of splitting Pakistan will never be realised: Nisar

Lol ... :lol: . Its a proven scientific fact that a vast majority of pakistanis look exactly like bengalis and nothing like afghans ; also that pakistanis have a tiny country , a tiny brain and a tiny hmmm hmmm:rofl::rofl:. If you are really that big , why are you having to scream on internet forums in frustration ? People who are right dont need to prove themselves ; only insecure retards with inferiority complex like you do .

He replied to you in an professional manner but it is you the one who is screaming for some sympathy from your Indian brothers shows how much of a hypocrite you are mate
I'm not celebrating nothing. I'm making satire of indian and bengali propaganda. That claims 50,000 Pakistani soldiers raped 35 million bengali females in 1 week. It means those Pakistani soldiers would have been dehydrated and fatigued. Which is why they couldn't fight properly.
More excuses for 1971 loss :lol:
More retarded indian bollywood fantasies.....lol...from the same indian school of thought that claimed Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance...... lol......:rofl::rofl:

You keep parroting this like a broken record, can you provide a link to verify that Indian Govt claimed Pakistan can never develop nuclear weapons?
He replied to you in an professional manner but it is you the one who is screaming for some sympathy from your Indian brothers shows how much of a hypocrite you are mate
Professional manner ? :lol:
You need to read his earlier posts . 'Ze' is an effing pervert and a bigoted racist . Keeps talking about weaners :rofl:.
They even act proud of raping their own Muslim sisters in '71- can you imagine how perverted that is? The sooner Bangladeshis realise who their real enemy is, the better
post 1975 - there was an entire generation which was fed a whole lot of bullshit by military dictators (mostly at the behest of the traitorous Major Zia)....which is why you have Bangladeshis living in the west talking about the Holocaust - but when it comes to what happened to our own in '71 - they go...stop dredging up the past. :(

Not to worry, a new generation is well aware of what the facts are...and who did what.

Mind you, this doesn't take away from the downright inhuman behavior of your BSF along the border - even Israelis don't gun down Palestinians in this manner. Bangladeshis shouldn't be target practice for the BSF - be they illegal immigrants or cattle traders....arrest them. There is more to being a big nation than simply doing something because you can do it.That kind of shoot first mentality has sadly lost India a lot of goodwill over the years.
Mind you, this doesn't take away from the downright inhuman behavior of your BSF along the border - even Israelis don't gun down Palestinians in this manner. Bangladeshis shouldn't be target practice for the BSF - be they illegal immigrants or cattle traders....arrest them. There is more to being a big nation than simply doing something because you can do it.That kind of shoot first mentality has sadly lost India a lot of goodwill over the years.
Yes its quite sad. I hope Government takes necessary steps to stop this.
Your pakistan army was in east pakistan for 10 whole months from March '71 to Dec '71. Those rapes didn't occur over one week rather went on for ten whole months. And lowest estimate for the number of Bangladeshi girls and women raped is 300,000.

Have some shame you perverted liar

They're delusional indian bollywood fantasy claims. Like the indian sir-g-kal strikes a few months back that even indians admit never happened. And that indian soldiers are mythical hindu gods as claimed by the indian defence minister.

More excuses for 1971 loss :lol:

Oh dear, another one suffering from lesser men syndrome:

It's all very easy to say all the above but where is the evidence? Here is the fact that indian men have the smallest weaners out of all the races on earth:

bangladesh is right next door to india and is at least 2500kms away from Pakistan. Therefore bengalis have more in common with indians in terms of race, looks answer culture.

Still talking weaners ?:crazy: Something's seriously effed up with your upbringing or education or is it the result of living under a military regime ? You post one source , I can post ten but as I said I am not here for a dick measuring contest .

No matter how much you deny it , even a blind person can tell pakistanis look very similar to bengalis . This superiority complex of your people will lead to your country's undoing one day , thats for sure
They're delusional indian bollywood fantasy claims. Like the indian sir-g-kal strikes a few months back that even indians admit never happened. And that indian soldiers are mythical hindu gods as claimed by the indian defence minister.

Oh dear, another one suffering from lesser men syndrome:

Denying a crime doesn't make it go away. And the way you guys were boasting about their rapes was absolutely disgusting. Get a life u pervert
Still talking weaners ?:crazy: Something's seriously effed up with your upbringing or education or is it the result of living under a military regime ? You post one source , I can post ten but as I said I am not here for a dick measuring contest .

No matter how much you deny it , even a blind person can tell pakistanis look very similar to bengalis . This superiority complex of your people will lead to your country's undoing one day , thats for sure

So a "blind man" knows that Pakistanis look like bengalis???????????......only in an indian bollywood fantasy.......lol. Nothing to do with inferiority or superiority. Please explain how a nation that is more than 2500 kms away from Pakistan and has no genetic link to Pakistan either, has people that resemble Pakistanis? You may not be able to tell the difference but Pakistanis can easily tell the difference between us and bengalis/Indians.
Lol ... . Its a proven scientific fact that a vast majority of pakistanis look exactly like bengalis and nothing like afghans ; also that pakistanis have a tiny country , a tiny brain and a tiny hmmm hmmm. If you are really that big , why are you having to scream on internet forums in frustration ? People who are right dont need to prove themselves ; only insecure retards with inferiority complex like you do .

For the record, we do not hate Indians. We hate hindu oppressive nature over Kashmir and Indian muslims.

In fact, it is you bahartis that hate everything about Pakistan. You people have yet to get over the fact that we took a significant chunk of land from the Hindu empire. Indians obviously have a serious inferiority complex since Pakistanis are proven to be better looking. Only delusional Indians will disagree.

Lastly where in the world are you getting your data? TOI?? Haha.. all sources I have seen have India towards the very bottom when it comes to manhood size. LoL

This is coming from an Indian article....


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Your devoted undeterred concern for size of Indian men's genitalia is a bit unsettling given the fact you not a woman

Not that I am homophobic, but your redundant obsession on this matter is giving me the creeps.:bad:

No need to. Just explains why indian men hate Pakistan so much :azn:
Excuse me! Sita was raped by Ravanr not a muslim.
Idiot where did Sita and Ravan come in here. PakistanForever along with Kaptaan was boasting about rape of Bangladeshi Muslim girls and women in '71. Instead of condemning it, you are trying to argue with me. Have some shame
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