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ISRO launches record 104 satellites into space

Don't make such idiotic comments ever.

Simply ignore that fellow (Beast), perhaps report him. Nearly all his posts are rage-induced outbursts with zero understanding of the subject.

More than a dozen posts have been written about the distinction between heavy lift v disbursed payload so comparing the two is meaningless. And while we have some way to go before we master the indigenous engines for GSLV (for heavy lift) there's no denying that the PSLV is now a very stable platform with sophisticated launch ablity, albeit with medium weight (1-tonne class).

If some banya like Bajaj produces motorcycles in India, how does that help *you* in your daily life??

This is a bad example. Motorcycles are of great value to that huge segment of people who cannot afford a car yet are hindered deeply by lack of public transport. They are also very useful in places where roads are narrow or poor and for those who cannot afford fuel mileage of cars. Villages and small towns practically run on motorcycles. Even in cities a motorcyle is often an affordable and convenient form of transport for teenagers before they progress to cars.

In short: A banya like Bajaj manufacturing motorcyles is a good thing.
Definitely a proud moment, all world media reporting it... and I hope it will give more business to ISRO.
ignore the but*hurt people.

Lol, so PSLV is a copy of Atlas rocket now ? which one ? Atlas V ? :lol:


Jeez, what a hypocrite. Says the same guy who have started a thread for posting details of RMG companies & automobile CKD assemblers in Bangladesh

View attachment 377280

Here you see the troll boasting about insignificant lowrise buildings


Here are some other examples- look at these idiots posting pictures of them all over PDF just because it never existed before...



Tell that to millions of Indians employed in the Industry. Many PDF Indians too will be among them.


Meanwhile, Bongoloids are paying through their noses for their first satellite.

This 410 million US dollar project will be financed by the Export-Import bank of the US along with Bangladesh government’s own funding.

niceee.. so satisfying coz I would not go through this much hassle of searching post.. would have left an oneliner perhaps... :)
Guys the onboard camera footage is uploaded on isro site. I am unable to link. Can someone do it ? One can see all the satellites being released in the video.

For our Chinese friends .....

Another interesting fact.
We are charging approx 25000 usd per kg for the satellites . So for 100 odd satellites with a combined weight of 600 kg , ISRO has charged 600 x 25000 = 15 m usd
.ie 100 crores.
Since a pslv xl launch costs 16 m usd , we have launched the Indian cartosat satellite basically free.
Can i troll? aahhh if only i didnt have indian members as friends here :big_boss:

Congrats @Nilgiri @hellfire @Joe Shearer and rest of the people.

Troll away .... there is no taxation on that:enjoy:

Congrats India. Well done. Have always supported scientific achievements especially of the east. Time to solve all our issues and start the age of east and then do regime changes in the west ;) ;)

Congrats @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @hellfire and other non troll Indians. :)

Politics will be the bane of the us ... and there is no doubt.

Need of the hour - we maintain status quo, and work to develop ourselves. The only long term solution to our problems is unity of aim - economic and social development of our respective societies. If that is achieved, we shall be able to resolve the political differences too.

Let's hope for the best.
Congratulations ISRO. Success was never in doubt. Keep our Indian flag flying high, conquare everything in the sky. :smitten:
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