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indians most racist people in the world

Also addressing a white MALE, Gori would be white female...

Often used as a contemptuous way? It just means "white", man. So its pretty much used to refer to everything, good, bad n normal. It's not really a slur.
You mean if it weren't for John Wikes Booth who assissanted Lincoln. Lincoln's idea of freedom for the slaves was to ship them back to Africa. Liberia was created exactly that reason.
Even after his assasination, white Grant pretty much continued on...

Anyway thats besides the point and debatable that freedom of blacks was just a side dish, as opposed to the economic and political objectives to keep america united.
you forget lassi ...dude.. :lol:

If you wanna die at 50 then use the above formula....

Lassi!!!! yeeeees!!! I love that stuff.

But seriously, most desis I have run into have a nice big belly, once they pass their 20s. It's got to be the diet. When I was visiting my brother in Bombay in 1999, I put on 5 lbs in 2 weeks - and constant heartburn!!!!!
Desi food is delicious but unsuitable in cold climates like here in Europe.
I eat Italian and french most of the time, desi food is way too greasy and spicy.
I could easily gain 5lb's a week by switching to parhanta's and lassi's...:disappointed:
But a parhanta breakfast every now and then is okay, one's got to enjoy life right?

There's a 'Chai Khana' near my house in Karachi, owned by some guy from Quetta.
He serves best Balochi parhanta in Karachi with chickpea bhaji and halwa.

Man, I need to go back soon..:cheers:
Desi food is delicious but unsuitable in cold climates like here in Europe.
I eat Italian and french most of the time, desi food is way too greasy and spicy.
I could easily gain 5lb's a week by switching to parhanta's and lassi's...:disappointed:

That's why I am fixing a good old brisket for labor day weekend!!! I reserve desi food for the "once a month" trip to the buffet. Then I take extra paper towels to deal with the sweating!!!!!!:smile:
You're from Bengalore right?
I love South Indian food. :)
You're from Bengalore right?
I love South Indian food. :)

Yes, that's where my dad retired. Last year my cousin who lives in Milwaukee had this Indian girlfriend come visit him at the same time I was visiting him. She took it into her head that she would cook all the cool South Indian food I had not eaten in well over 20 years. It was spicy and delicious, but bro let me tell you, I had the $h1ts for 3 days after I got back to Texas!!!! I ended up having to drink milk after every meal!
‘Indians are among the most racist people in the world’

As for all those protesting the way Indians with long beards are singled out at international airports today, they should perhaps try asking Sikhs what it was like after Indira Gandhi’s assassination. And if you’re outraged at the manner in which all Asians are being tarred with the terrorist brush abroad, hear what Samuel Fatai, a 24-year-old Nigerian studying at Delhi University, has to say: “I’ve been called kalu, Habshi, Negro, all sorts of names. I’ve felt insulted so often on flights — airhostesses have a way of letting you know how unwelcome you are, and Indians excel in it. I have been strip-searched at most Indian airports even before 9/11.”


I feed bad for the Nigerian girl. Especially when most indians are blacker than her. I guess the fair & lovely isnt working ..;)

samuel is a guy not a nigerian girl. and since when asians became more darker than africans
IN Gwadar, the African descnedants are known as Hubshis.

I feel bad for these poor Pakistanis since it is not what one person said, but is said by all to indicate their community!

Balochistan has a population of around 7 million inhabitants. The Baloch numerically dominate the south of the province, while the Pashtuns are the majority in and around Quetta and the north. Near the Kalat region and other parts of the region the Brahui are a significant presence, while along the coast various Makrani peoples of mixed origins can be found such as the Meds and small groups of descendents of African slaves known as the Hupshi can also be found. Persian-speaking Dehwars also live in the Kalat region and further west towards the border with Iran. In addition, 769,000 Afghan refugees can be found in the province including Pashtuns, Tajiks, and Hazaras. Sindhi farmers have also moved to the more arable lands in the east.

Once again, it is so unfortunate that people are so ill read!

One should be careful before airing pet hates!

And Hubshi is an Arabic word, the land from where they claim descent!
Yes, Indians are some of the most racist people overall. However, it is rather insulting to hear Pakistanis talk as if the fair skin fetish is any less in their country. Kindly wake up from the sweet dream.
Yes, Indians are some of the most racist people overall. However, it is rather insulting to hear Pakistanis talk as if the fair skin fetish is any less in their country. Kindly wake up from the sweet dream.
No pakistanis are nowhere near indian inferiority complex
No pakistanis are nowhere near indian inferiority complex

The evidence is right here on PDF. Indians denigrate Bangladeshis for being dark, small and wearing lungis. Pakistanis denigrate both Indians and Bangladeshis for the same. As for the Bangladeshis....Well...I am sure if they are patient they will also find someone to target soon enough!!!:enjoy:
The evidence is right here on PDF. Indians denigrate Bangladeshis for being dark, small and wearing lungis. Pakistanis denigrate both Indians and Bangladeshis for the same. As for the Bangladeshis....Well...I am sure if they are patient they will also find someone to target soon enough!!!:enjoy:
HArdly anything. Nor it does prove we are racist. Like I said indian suffers from Inferiority complex, hence which ish why poor Africans are targeted. All the talk of vedic sciences gives an ample proof of that too.

Oh and yes, comparing themselves with PAkistani, who are 1/6 of their size, shows the where the obsession lies

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