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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

Saudi Arabia is Stronk, But it has no influence in our countries. And nice try BTW, I'm not Iranian.

Keep saying that if it makes you sleep better at night, lol. The ground realities show a very different picture.
I'm the source, I know Qatar regime quite well.
What Saudis are saying today, I have said it decade ago.
Qatar's geographic location makes it security risk for both Pakistan and Arab world, particularly KSA & Pakistan.
It is indeed a chosen state by the axis of evil.
It is the only state in gulf, which is dubiously close to influential west and safe from all sort of usual propaganda and cursing by western and Iran media.
Its Al-Jazeera started and all Arab world supported it, but after some time its cover was off.
All strategic jobs in Qatar are given to Indians, but Qatri Amir maintain close relations with NS, who happens to be in-charge of appointing Pakistan army chief !!!
Pakistan's political engineering has indebted NS of Qatar, now he will do whatever Qatar will demand, it could be Pakistan's foreign policy, could be Pakistan's strategic info.
Situation is grave, when it has dubious connections with Israel, Iran and India.
You are an embarrassment to all Pakistanis here.
All of you tribe are embarrassment to humanity.
Today, Qatar becomes holy state # 2 for the Arab haters and fighters of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
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This, I believe, caused some delusion in the Al-Thani family to such an extent that they believed that they could influence the "Arab Spring" through Al-Jazeera and hosting exiled and non-exiled Arab MB members and pro-MB clerics.

All this because of Al-Jazeera and their pro-MB stance ?
Keep saying that if it makes you sleep better at night, lol. The ground realities show a very different picture.
LOL Your words will come true the minute that the number of western countries who follow this suite changes from 0 to 1, otherwise they're all jokes.
LOL Your words will come true the minute that the number of western countries who follow this suite changes from 0 to 1, otherwise they're all jokes.

Iranian false-flagger deteched. Thanks for confirming my unrivaled ability to spot false-flaggers and liars here. They don't matter at all in this political dispute. In fact business will remain business as usual.

Iran has nothing to do with this nor will it get involved. Qatar and Iran are no allies. This is mostly about the situation post 2013 with the Muslim Brotherhood. Both sides have made mistakes and committed wrong doings, but this shouldn't occur between GCC nations that look so closely on many matters.

I don't think it will play out that way, this will be settled in private. Qatar is no ally to Iran if that is the concern. So what is are the demands? They likely are irrational which makes this a misplayed move.

Bro, it has nothing to do with Iran. Qatar is at odds with Iran geopolitically on every front. The only thing those two entities share is the mutually shared North Gas Field (largest gas field in the world). Nor has this to do with any non-Arab states or even Arab non-GCC states.

MB is only a small story here and as usual blown out of proportions. It's related to what has been occurring during Hamad's almost 20 year old rule and recent events where Qatar has acted in a ambiguous fashion.

Larger than the size
"I was not convinced by his words. I remembered history is a school where we learn from entities that are drawn to play roles that are larger than their size.

Lebanon in the seventies supported all opposition voices for reforms in the Arab world until it plunged into a civil war and it is paying for it until today. Kuwait fell victim to the votes of the leftists as it tried to play a bigger role in the region. Saddam Hussein paid for his own treachery. Very soon Qatar will be the next victim, if it doesn’t learn from history’s tough lessons.

The issue of Qatar’s policy must be seen with logic and reason as former emir’s coup against his father was based on treason and not on consensus which has created an unrest in the Arab world. Qataris themselves are ashamed of their country’s positions.

I remember at a dinner interview in Jeddah that was attended by one of the current Qatari banks’ head who presided over during the reign of the former Emir. He said, “We believe that Egypt and other countries in the region deserve better governance.” Hello, who are you?”

It's a dangerous path for Qatar and it will not be tolerated as GCC unity will not be destabilized as certain foreigners wish for. Qatar should seriously rethink their policies or it will end badly for them as previous cases of regimes/countries that thought they were bigger than their real size, ended up. It's a harsh message just like in 2013 (after the leaked telephone call between Gaddafi and Sheikh Hamad) which was the reason for Hamad's sudden removal as a Emir and not everything else that you hear.

In times like those we have to support the path of GCC and Arab unity regardless of what we think about the current dynasties and regimes in power (who will not rule forever). Because otherwise many entities in the region (from terrorist groups to regimes) will use that opportunity. There is no progress on any front in war-torn countries. That's why Qatar's short-sighted policies, even if they manage to hurt the entire GCC, will hurt themselves eventually first and foremost.

You really think that MB hardliners and others, who are against non-Islamic/monarchy/democracy etc. rule will spare tiny Qatar once/if they succeed toppling all the states in the Middle East (something that won't ever happen). Of course not? That's why Qatar has been playing a dangerous game for way too long. Back to the mouse thinking that he is a lion.
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Keep saying that if it makes you sleep better at night, lol. The ground realities show a very different picture.

The ground reality is simple, you are a stooge to the zionists, a cancer that has plagued the Muslim world for far too long. The present day Arab's don't have a shred of dignity, because if you did then you wouldn't have invested 350 billion dollars in the American economy. Do you love taking abuse by Donald Trump? Why couldn't you have invested the money to make the arm industry in the Muslim world much stronger. The ummah concept doesn't work, but one day your country will be brought to justice for all the mayhem it has caused in the world.

P.S. I'm a Sunni, not a Shia, so don't even think about calling me an Iranian supporter.
LOL If someone doesn't like KSA naturally he is Iranian?
We know that you do not like KSA.. but what are your motives and why are you bashing KSA in every thread? hope you give some answer..
I'm the source, I know Qatar regime quite well.
What Saudis are saying today, I have said it decade ago.
Qatar's geographic location makes it security risk for both Pakistan and Arab world, particularly KSA & Pakistan.
It is indeed a chosen state by the axis of evil.
It is the only state in gulf, which is dubiously close to influential west and safe from all sort of usual propaganda and cursing by western and Iran media.
Its Al-Jazeera started and all Arab world supported it, but after some time its cover was off.
All strategic jobs in Qatar are given to Indians, but Qatri Amir maintain close relations with NS, who happens to be in-charge of appointing Pakistan army chief !!!
Pakistan's political engineering has indebted NS of Qatar, now he will do whatever Qatar will demand, it could be Pakistan's foreign policy, could be Pakistan's strategic info.
Situation is grave, when it has dubious connections with Israel, Iran and India.

This is the claim you made:

Qatar is also spying on Pakistan for India & Iran.​

None of what you said is even remotely related to the above.

As for KSA, despite India's close relations with Iran, King Salman conferred the highest civilian award to Modi aka Butcher of Gujarat.


And if you're worried about Israel and the Arab world:

Read: Hacked Emails Show Top UAE Diplomat Coordinating With Pro-Israel Think Tank Against Iran (The Intercept, 2017)

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