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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

Deep inside your heart you know I speak the truth. The real joke of the Muslim world is Saudi Arabia. The King shook hands with Donald Trump who was slandering your country during the election campaign. Unfortunately, you have no dignity left, and one day you will be punished. When did I say Qatar, Egypt and Jordan are saints in this equation. I know it's Ramadan, but calm down, and respond appropriately. Those countries are no better, in fact a country like Egypt is one of the biggest Zionist supporters, but you have to accept the reality that Saudi Arabia is no better. Do you have the guts to admit this...remember its Ramadan, so Muslim's are suppose to tell the truth.

The same concept is applied to Turkey. Unlike you I don't follow any leader or country like a cult and have the guts to criticize them. Turkey should leave NATO and join hands with Russia in my opinion.

Clearly we have a difference of opinion on dignity and respect. The great old leaders of the Arab World would never have shook hands with Donald Trump, because they fear Allah more than the idea of mutual benefit investment. How does this investment benefit the people of Saudi Arabia? Oh, yeah, by giving a blank check to Washington, everyone know's that America is protecting the royal family. How does it feel to worship the royal family?

Actually I have criticized Pakistan on this forum when they have received billions in aid each year from America and on the day of judgment they will have to answer to Allah. Do you see the difference between me and you. I have the guts to say the truth about my own country, yet you are living in lala land.

The only reason why I mentioned my religion is because you have a history in this forum of accusing other people of being an Iranian apologists or Shia when they disagree with your views on Saudi Arabia. Since this is a Pakistan Defence Forum I can say what I want. This isn't Saudi Arabia where you can tell your servants what to do.

You like to make assumptions don't you. When did I say that the people of Saudi Arabia hate the people of Qatar vice versa. Seriously, grow up, and at least argue like a man, instead of throwing childish statements. Your last sentence is bullshit, continue to follow your cult leaders. We don't have to lift a finger, you will destroy yourself. One more thing don't come begging to Pakistan when things become rough for you.

No, you know I am right which is why you are backtracking now.

The same Donald Trump that insulted everyone, including key Western allies, during his presidential campaign in order to lure the average redneck voters in the Midwest that actually gave him the victory. That guy? You think that any person takes such rantings seriously when business is conducted? He is a figurehead and nothing more. Nobody cares about him, the person.

Calm down? You are the one that did the attacking and insulting. Backtracking again I see?

You don't know who I support and not so why are you trying to act like a holy cow by saying "unlike you I don't support any leader or country like a cult"?

If that is the case why are you hypocritical to such an extend that no sane person can take your initial post seriously?

It benefits us because nobody will mess with us in a messed up region and potentially cause a devastating war that will cost us several trillion dollars, destroy many of our almost 50 industrial cities and all the recent progress that we have made. If we were located in the middle of the Pacific this would not have been necessary.

And why is it that I believe that you have no clue whatsoever about the deals signed and what they mean for industries in KSA?

No, I am not living in la-la land. I have repeatedly stated, openly, that there is no genuine Islamic regime anywhere and that all regimes guard their own interests first and foremost. That's why I won't tolerate hypocrites that spread venom against Muslim country x or y when their own or others are not any better at the end of the day.

I think I already told you that I don't care about your personal opinion. So you can say whatever you want to as will I.

We created 3 of the 11 largest empires and ruled half of the world for 1 millennia before there was any Pakistan. Our historical influence is rivaled by very few people in this world. Please stop this nonsense.
Deep inside your heart you know I speak the truth. The real joke of the Muslim world is Saudi Arabia. The King shook hands with Donald Trump who was slandering your country during the election campaign. Unfortunately, you have no dignity left, and one day you will be punished. When did I say Qatar, Egypt and Jordan are saints in this equation. I know it's Ramadan, but calm down, and respond appropriately. Those countries are no better, in fact a country like Egypt is one of the biggest Zionist supporters, but you have to accept the reality that Saudi Arabia is no better. Do you have the guts to admit this...remember its Ramadan, so Muslim's are suppose to tell the truth.

The same concept is applied to Turkey. Unlike you I don't follow any leader or country like a cult and have the guts to criticize them. Turkey should leave NATO and join hands with Russia in my opinion.

Clearly we have a difference of opinion on dignity and respect. The great old leaders of the Arab World would never have shook hands with Donald Trump, because they fear Allah more than the idea of mutual benefit investment. How does this investment benefit the people of Saudi Arabia? Oh, yeah, by giving a blank check to Washington, everyone know's that America is protecting the royal family. How does it feel to worship the royal family?

Actually I have criticized Pakistan on this forum when they have received billions in aid each year from America and on the day of judgment they will have to answer to Allah. Do you see the difference between me and you. I have the guts to say the truth about my own country, yet you are living in lala land.

The only reason why I mentioned my religion is because you have a history in this forum of accusing other people of being an Iranian apologists or Shia when they disagree with your views on Saudi Arabia. Since this is a Pakistan Defence Forum I can say what I want. This isn't Saudi Arabia where you can tell your servants what to do.

You like to make assumptions don't you. When did I say that the people of Saudi Arabia hate the people of Qatar vice versa. Seriously, grow up, and at least argue like a man, instead of throwing childish statements. Your last sentence is bullshit, continue to follow your cult leaders. We don't have to lift a finger, you will destroy yourself. One more thing don't come begging to Pakistan when things become rough for you.
Brother, you are making some good points, but other points do not fit reality, about Turkey living NATO to join Russia; Turkey is rather better alone than joining Russia an enemy of NATO, Saudi king shaking hands with Trump is much more relevant than our hero Salh Din Ayubi befriending the biggest Muslim hater, Richard the lion heart, but that is how he won his heart beyond any battle or war, just by showing him Islamic values.. China for example is at odds with the US over SCS and still they shake hands and make visits to talk out their differences and find common ground and interests to find mutually beneficial solutions..As for Pakistan, it was fighting a US war started in Afghanistan, so it was not for free..and so on..
Foreigners jumping like mad dogs over internal GCC-Arab matters that have nothing to do with them.

Firstly there is no hostility between Saudi Arabians and the 200.000 native Qataris whatsoever. Qataris are basically Saudi Arabians with a new nationality (Qatari).
Saddam Hussein also had said same things before they occupied Kuwait. May be he was right, but noone gave him Kuwait.

I didnt even realize there were some political problems with KSA, UAE and Qatar.
I think all Turkish conservatives , who support Erdogan, also dont hate KSA.
The Christians, The Europeans and Jews reading this topic , they must smile.
I am not conservative but i am against western imperialism.
We all mustnt use hate language.
Lets getting United. Keep calm.
Each spoiled brat thinks that he is superior to the other hence the temper tantrum. Every single GCC nation is financing terorism in one form or the other all across the globe. In reality such clashes among these spoiled brats bring out their real faces.

Western/Asian agencies and media has obviously ignored Qatri links and trails of money to terrorists.
Qatar is in GCC obviously because of its geography, ethnicity, culture, history and language.
Actually its expulsion suggest otherwise, to what you have always propagated.
Logically looking... weapon, missiles, tools, food, vehicle and manpower supply to terrorists continue without being noticed by the vigilant press of world, while rest of the fact less allegations are agenda and hate driven.


Well, it ain’t Iran’s truly honest elections which swayed the Amir of Qatar, Tameem bin Hamad `Aali Thaani, to switch loyalties to Iran. And, it wasn’t anything to do with the largest American military base in the region at Al-‘Udayd. In fact, the switch to Iran while hosting the U.S. would seem an unlikely coupling. But, not if you are a mini-state on the verge of self-destruction through a disadvantaged economic position.

You see, folks, once the natural gas pipeline is completed from Iran, across Iraq, to Syria’s coast, Qatari gas will be so expensive that the country will float on its cash reserves for a couple of years and then, implode. No more Qatar.

Hmmmm. The Iranians thought. What if we let the Qataris in on the deal? What if we share the natural gas pipeline? What if we can drive a wedge between Qatar and the rest of the Arabian trash on the Gulf? Wouldn’t that be British of us?

And so, it has happened. Iran has agreed to give Qatar a share of its rights in the pipeline to Syria and Damascus has agreed as long as Qatar discontinues its support for Al-Qaeda, ISIS and all the other rat groups like Faylaq Al-Rahmaan. Soon, Qatar’s useless military officers will be withdrawn from MOK in Jordan. And, better yet, Qatar is now absolved from any further obligation to the so-called “Saudi coalition” in the very unpopular war in Yemen.

The Saudis are enraged. How could Qatar support the Muslim Brotherhood, a group of Islamist fundamentalists who are deeply opposed to rule by primogenture or dynasticism? And, how could Qatar, a fellow rag-head nation hand its baton to Shi’I Iran, Saudi Arabia’s main enemy in the region? How, indeed? The Egyptians, so affronted by Qatar’s actions, accepted a check from Saudi Arabia in the billions in order to get it to pull its embassy out of Doha. Even the “government” in East Libya also departed.

Will Saudi Arabia attack Qatar with the U.S. base right there? Hardly, unless the U.S. pulls its assets out which will cost Mr. Trump a pretty penny. And how can Saudi Arabia do anything about it when it has its own paws full in Yemen? Politics make strange bedfellows – the U.S. and Iran in a menage a trois fit for the history books. I can’t wait to hear Trump explain this one away.

Don’t pay attention to the Washington stink tanks. They are deliberately hiding the facts from the pushover press. Pathetic. Let’s watch and see how long Saudi Arabia will take to act now that it’s enemy, Iran, is right on the border.

Saddam Hussein also had said same things before they occupied Kuwait. May be he was right, but noone gave him Kuwait.

I didnt even know there some political problems with KSA, UAE and Qatar.
I think all Turkish conservatives , who support Erdogan, also dont hate KSA.
The Christians, The Europeans and Jews reading this topic , they are smiling.
I am not conservative but i am against western imperialism.
We all mustnt use hate language.
Lets getting United. Keep calm.

Why did you then attack Arabs (500 million + people) because of SUPPOSED actions by unelected regimes and moreover most probably a few individuals involved?

Nobody in KSA hates any Turks either or Turkey. Rather the opposite, Turkey is much better liked by the people than for instance Iran is.

Brother the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia along with the Mullah of Iran have made the Muslim world weaker. Saudi Arabia has continued to support the corrupt leaders in Pakistan and why couldn't they have invested the 350 billion dollars in the Muslim world? Every single terrorists group in Pakistan is funded by the Saudi's and this is fact. Every Muslim has the main responsibility of protecting Medina and Mecca, however, we have no obligation in giving our allegiance to the house of Saud. They have sold their souls to the devil and love to live a double life. The princes live a very pious life in Saudi Arabia, but once they come to London, New York, Paris, then alcohol, prostitutes and drugs is a common theme. If Saudi Arabia had any dignity, then they would have showed Donald Trump the door. I don't blame the ordinary Saudi people, they are the biggest victim of this devil worshipping family.

So you are monitoring the lives of 15.000 people (men and women) 24/7 and in particular when they visit the West for you to know how all of them behave? There will be bad and good apples like among everyone else be it family, clan, tribe, city, village, region, country or any other group of people. You think that there are not 1000's of ordinary Pakistanis, Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Bangladeshis and others (everyone else) who indulge in such vices? You see such rhetoric cannot be taken seriously.

Turkey is building a Naval base there also, with some 3,000 military personnel to be stationed.

And do you seriously think that those 3.000 soldiers let alone Turkey would risk pissing off KSA and most of the Arab world for the sake of tiny Qatar with a native population of 200.000? The same Qataris who are identical to Saudi Arabians and whose royal family is originally from Najd? Most of Qatar (a small peninsula located on the largest peninsula in the world - Arabian Peninsula) was incredibly sparsely inhabited before migrations from Najd 200-300 years ago. Pre-those migrations the "natives" were originally from next door KSA as well.

So you might smile and hope for KSA-Qatar hostilities but I will tell you one thing, Saudi Arabians and Qataris will never go to war against each other nor any other GCC state. This is about being displeased with the policy of Sheikh Hamad and that of his son. Nothing else. That base will matter nothing at the end of the day. What has protected Qatar is the 2 US bases.
Cutting ties with Qatar:

- Saudi Arabia
- Egypt
- Bahrain
- United Arab Emirates
- Yemeni government
- Maldives

watch this space, @Zibago

have a bad feeling something really tragic might happen there one of these times.

they're neck deep in wahhabism, and they're not going to tolerate naked kuffars for too long.
Why did this rift start and why its so severe?
Yes they are our brothers, and you can see how both Saudis and Qataris reacted to the DECISION, no hostility between the people but some political differences and we believe this issue should be resolved ASAP. As you know it's better to place little economic sanction than firing missiles.
should'nt Iran be worried rather than you.

It does not affect me most,but i want Qatar to stop funding terrorists like alshabab in somalia.
Qatar has history of supporting such Islamic entities, who keep destabilizing Muslim world.
I'm sure, Qatri funds are linked to fanatic org. beyond Somalia.
Egypt was one example, thank God its public over came frankenstein, while it was in early making.
Im disappointed with some of Turkey members but good to know what position they hold for our Arab Muslims.

Qatar should not have taken this bold step by siding with an open enemy who are out their meddling in other countries

Off topic Qatari ruler is MaMa's boy
jus like his father who was wife slave. His father removed his own father for the sake of his wife and his son removed his own father for the sake of his MaMa
Mostly incredibly ignorant foreigners here should stop trying to create a bridge between Saudi Arabians and Qataris when there is none. This current dispute is political in nature and nothing else. Orchestrated by the current regimes in power. It has nothing to do with people to people relations. Saudi Arabians and Qataris understand this on social media while I write this message and the prevailing discourse on Arab forums, social media, newspapers etc. is evidence of this.

Foreigners here who wish us harm should stop dreaming.

Sheikh Hamad visiting his tribe in KSA:

We are family. Tied by blood and everything else. So like a husband and a wife, like two brothers or two sisters or two cousins, there can sometimes be disagreements, strong included, but eventually things usually always settle down and no war erupts. We are not fools for us to wish for a destruction of the success story that is the GCC. This will be no different. So stop dreaming and mind your own business if you have only hatred to spread.
OK am i the only one who sees this as Saudia,s master stroke to replace American presence in Middle East slowly?

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