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Made in India howitzer fails last phase of tests


Nov 1, 2010
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NAGPUR: The indigenously built Dhanush - the 155mm artillery guns developed on the lines of the famed Bofors howitzers - has failed yet again after reaching the last phase of tests.
In a test fire undertaken last week, a shell hit the muzzle brake, a source privy to the development said. The muzzle brake is the component fitted on the top of the barrel. It helps in reducing the recoil created when a shell is fired.

Sources said the gun had faced a similar issue in the test fires carried out in May this year.
The guns are being manufactured at Gun Carriage Factory at Jabalpur.
Either India is just never gonna have a functional defence industry or these tests are too damn hard.
Err, a howitser's sole purpose is to just fire shells, so how can the tests be so so hard. The test must surely be to ensure the gun shoots, and if in the process of that firing the shell takes a dodgy turn than it is not the test but the gun, maybe it is too Indian, you know, full of shit.
Err, a howitser's sole purpose is to just fire shells, so how can the tests be so so hard. The test must surely be to ensure the gun shoots, and if in the process of that firing the shell takes a dodgy turn than it is not the test but the gun, maybe it is too Indian, you know, full of shit.

Clearly shows, you have no idea how difficult these tests are, these are self propelled artillery and not toy guns.
Have you ever tried to make a howitzer in pakistan and really succeed in it.
Oh please don't even bring us into it, we are a paindu people and according to your beliefs we live under rocks and in caves, so we do not even know what a howitzer is never mind make one.

However, since you are a cloud dwelling vedic supa powa, it is such fun seeing you lot coming down to earth and finding reality is nothing but a big toilet called India, sorry failedyetagainstan.
Oh please don't even bring us into it, we are a paindu people and according to your beliefs we live under rocks and in caves, so we do not even know what a howitzer is never mind make one.

However, since you are a cloud dwelling vedic supa powa, it is such fun seeing you lot coming down to earth and finding reality is nothing but a big toilet called India, sorry failedyetagainstan.

You did not answer my question, have ever tried to make a howitzer and have succeeded in it.

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