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Monkyes being trained for Jehad

Its Sify news and they have quoted Chinese Daily which is also quoted by New York Post so here i wont blame Indian media.

And BTW i am also wondering where are these pics on Pakistan Defence Forum here or is it that its that other forum with this name ??

Frankly all this sounds rediculous
Not only will the share price of Banana and Peanuts will go up, also i am sure that the monkeys will make a better rulers then Taliban, they wont pester the ladies and wont beat up guys on the street or chop of hands or hang them.. Etc etc.

The best part is they will provide education to the people... it will be fun to watch this..

And another thing , their is actually another site called Pakistan Defence forum ,The real name of this site is www.defence.pk/forums ,while most members use PDF as acronym.
It is quite possible that the pictures were posted on www.pakistandefenceforum.pk , and i am sure many members of this site are also members of that site , including someone called RIAZ HAQ , so you can ask one of your brotheren to check it up
And another thing , their is actually another site called Pakistan Defence forum ,The real name of this site is www.defence.pk/forums ,while most members use PDF as acronym.
It is quite possible that the pictures were posted on www.pakistandefenceforum.pk , and i am sure many members of this site are also members of that site , including someone called RIAZ HAQ , so you can ask one of your brotheren to check it up

Hehehe oh really thanks for telling me :P i am a member there.
Its an article from a fake news website ......just like fakingnews .com....go have fun.
i think there is another pakistan defence forum as well. i tried to register there before joing this site, but they didnt want new members until further notice.
where in PDF? Are these people psycho???
This is real competent Indian media. :rofl::rofl:

Do you know why they used Pakistan Defence Forum name on this article? Because they want to link Pakistan's name to such activities in some way or other!!!!! Real Pathetic media stunt.
They are on a mission to fill minds of indians with poison.
Pathetic :lazy:

If you don't know anything then keep ur mouth shut. Don't start ur rant about India or Indian Media.

Here is the link of Talibani Monkey pics on PDF

If you don't know anything then keep ur mouth shut. Don't start ur rant about India or Indian Media.

Here is the link of Talibani Monkey pics on PDF


Hahahahahah Gun tooting monkeys on PDF lolzz

Taliban trains 'monkey terrorists' to attack U.S. troops June 28, 2010


"Monkey soldiers" use machine guns in target practice


Taliban soldiers train monkeys

Afghanistan's Taliban warlords have developed a bizarre way to deal with foreign forces: they have trained monkeys who love to eat bananas and peanuts to be killers.

Taliban forces have taught monkeys how to use the Kalashnikov, Bren light machine gun and trench mortars. They also teach them how to identify and attack soldiers wearing U.S. military uniforms.

Ironically, the idea of training monkeys to fight was first invented by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA in the Vietnam War initiated a program that used the peanuts and bananas as prizes to train some "monkey soldiers" to kill Vietnamese in the jungle, according to a report by British media on June 27, 2010.

It is reported that these monkey soldiers are mainly composed of macaques and baboons hunted at an early age in the jungle and sold to the Taliban. These monkey babies who lost their mothers are sent to a secret Taliban training base one-by-one to become killer monkeys. Taliban militants use a series of rewards and punishments to gradually teach them how to use the lethal weapons.

Recently, a British journalist went to Pakistan and Afghanistan border of Waziristan’s tribal region where he witnessed a few of the monkey soldiers armed with an AK-47 rifle and Bren light machine gun. Taliban militants in the past have strictly kept the program secret.

However, Taliban leaders have recently taken the initiative show monkey soldiers to tourists of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border area. Apparently, the Taliban look on monkeys as "propaganda tools."

"If a person who loves animals knows the monkeys may be injured in the war, they might pressure the government to force the withdrawal of western forces in Afghanistan," said one Taliban insider.

A senior U.S. military source confirmed the existence of the Taliban monkey soldiers, military experts call armed monkeys "monkey terrorists."

By People's Daily Online
Taliban trains 'monkey terrorists' to attack U.S. troops - People's Daily Online
americans trained cats,,,isi trained bulbul for operation..

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