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Video of Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad surfaces


May 12, 2009
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Video of Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad surfaces

Faisal Shahzad: "Islam will spread on the whole world and democracy will be defeated" - video courtesy of Al Arabiya

A video has emerged in which the man who attempted to set off a car bomb in New York defends his actions.

Faisal Shahzad says in the tape he is carrying out the Times Square attack for Muslim fighters, "oppressed and weak Muslims", and "martyrs".

The Pakistani-born US citizen admitted all charges relating to the attempted attack on 1 May.

A petrol and propane bomb was left in a car but failed to ignite. Shahzad is due to be sentenced in October.

A street vendor saw smoke coming from the vehicle and alerted the police.

Shahzad was arrested two days later as he tried to take a flight to Dubai from New York's John F Kennedy airport.

In the video, broadcast on the al-Arabiya TV station, Shahzad refers to Taliban leader Baytullah Mehsud and al-Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi - both of whom were killed by US forces.

"This attack on the United States will be an attack for all the mujahideen, the oppressed and weak Muslims, the martyrs such as Baytullah Mehsud and Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi and all those Muslims and Arabs who have been martyred," he says.

"I carry out this for them and I hope that they are pleased with it."

He added: "Eight years have passed since the Afghanistan war (began) and you shall see how the Muslim war has just begun, and how Islam will spread across the world."
'Muslim soldier'

In a court appearance in Manhattan last month, Shahzad said he wanted to let the US know that if it did not get out of Iraq and Afghanistan and stop drone attacks and meddling in Muslim lands, "we will be attacking US".

Faisal Shahzad charges
Shahzad, 30, told the court: "One has to understand where I'm coming from. I consider myself... a Muslim soldier."

During their investigation, the FBI traced the purchase of the Nissan Pathfinder SUV to Shahzad, a transaction that eventually led to his arrest.

While being interrogated, Shahzad revealed he had gone to Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal region in December 2009 for bomb training with militants affiliated with the Pakistani Taliban, according to the indictment.

He is also alleged to have received about $5,000 in cash from an identified co-conspirator in Pakistan, whom he understood worked for the Taliban.

It said the same co-conspirator directed a second payment to Shahzad, of $7,000 in April, with which he bought a weapon, material to make the car bomb and the Nissan Pathfinder.
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is it clear this viedeo made before his arrest? you guys know uncle sam osama viedeos fake.
Sad to see how such an edjucated man was brain washed into committing these crimes...goes to show that how mulla's can influence/get the best of educated people...

I wonder how his parents and wife might be feeling about this whole thing, he has wasted his youth and life and probably will never see the light of the day for years to come !
Drama like indian channels, old characters going out new ones coming in, new faces new outfit and old/new story mix, but old game too old to get hit.
He sounds like a complete faggot and looks like one too. He doesn't even look like he was trained by the Taliban, in fact he seems unworthy of even being the pawn he was meant to be.

Rot in jail, faggot.
God that guy is a horible actor , specially when he is getting instructed how to to move his hand and hold the book etc - I mean he spefically held the book up because FBI video making 101 , states make connection between taliban & holibook and move hand ... even if the guy looks to be craping in his pants

And his dialogs are right out of some washington post article defeating democracy lol I don't ever recall Taliban ever saying anything about democracy ... I only hear it in media outlet. Talibans always state they are fight against US , they never say Democracy - its only used in Western media outlets

The beard thing classy , its interesting that all his previous videos / pictures he had no beard - his image in video he looks confused and weary and tired. Obvious after being caught by FBI ... if it was genuine he would have been looking FRESH and fat. His health was better in pictures in news ...

BUT all of sudden

After he is caught he wears a taliban black turban and is supporting a beard

Looks like a plea bargin with US to make this video and reduce his sentence of something after 4-5 years:agree:

Talk about fake video

#1 He is wearing a clean turban , and absolutely mint shalwar qamis
Looks like it was just brought by FBI agent and given to him to wear for the shot
HMM training with taliban with mint clothes yeap ... now it makes sense....

@Sec 7-8 When the guy gets nervous someone wispers what to say then their is a
DIRECT CUT. When next cut starts he is now more calm and relaxed speaks
normally. Most of the videos in past memebers of AlQaeda don't take cuts to develop
a fancy video with graphics ... they say what they have to in in one shoot

@55 sec in video you can see somone is making the video has their shadow is falling on the so called taliban lol who planned this out alone nice job camera man

If this guy planned this alone yep he had his own crew making a video shoot for him

hmm ... facinating , I guess need to keep telling ppl fear ... and live in fear

Like the video had all the sterio types

a) Moving front and back motion like madrassa kids
b) The holibook moment
c) The moving hand gesture
d) Holding a gun , got to have a gun if you are a terrorist
e) Mint turban
f) Closing argument about democracy .. yep that is what Uncle sam wants to hear
to scare all tax payers

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I'm glad to see the link ..... let's keep it this way from now on for all threads.

Commenting on the vedio... it is indeed funny, i have the feeling that some one was holding the guy from balls.
The hat confirms its a drama.... to convey a different message.

Azad: the pictures in the media are old pictures from social networking websites. Did you see his picture (and video) at immigration on Jinnah International?
Azad: the pictures in the media are old pictures from social networking websites. Did you see his picture (and video) at immigration on Jinnah International?

nope ... are there more videos of this guy ?

What did he looked like like in em videos ?

Looks like a normal person in the above photo so how can someone go from
A->Z ...transformation
Fake or truth, the guy attempted a terror attack, made all us Pakistani guys look bad, called the Talibs good guys, attempted to kill unarmed civilians(talk about being tough), and because of him people look at honest brown guys like me with hatred and disgust.................let the faggot fry in the electric chair.......................
nope ... are there more videos of this guy ?

What did he looked like like in em videos ?

Could find only a recording from an Indian channel showing the dawn news video. It's idiotic since they claim in this video that since he came to Pakistan, hence he did commit the act. What a douche news channel.
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Could find only a recording from an Indian channel showing the dawn news video. It's idiotic since they claim in this video that since he came to Pakistan, hence he did commit the act. What a douche news channel.
YouTube - More damning proof against Islamic Terrorist Shahzad(6 May 2010)

That is not him !!! :what: That looks like some indian dude:blink:
may be some indian dude in tv station they put a plastic cover on camera and he shot himself

a) The guy is fat , different face bone structure
b) Different hair style

So you expect me to belive that he was so fat and different during the time when he made the video and that video that is now recently released ... lol

The new video looks like it was made in USA quick release for god knows what purpose...psych op or something or to put pressure on banks to monitor financial transactions or what ever

Probbly my assumption is it is a some sorta deal he made with FBI or something to release the video to get his sentence reduced ... from 10 years to 4-5 years

PS how can Indian channel get CCTV video , its not public domain ? Airport cameras etc
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That is not him !!! :what: That looks like some indian dude:blink:

a) The guy is fat , different face bone structure
b) Different hair style

That's what I can see as well. Perhaps dawn news messed up since Huffington Post and Gawker both pulled images from a different facebook profile in the hours that just followed the attack.



Hence, it is totally realizable that this video is of a different guy altogether.

However we do know that he traveled to Pakistan since the Passport says so, and so does the family.

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