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  • hi..
    I m Osamazia fro Pehawar..i want to ask something..i have completed my fsc with 80%marks,,often paf announces vacancies in feb but this time they havent..so have u any information that when will they do so..soon or later...thankx for ur information.
    I swear I feel like breaking my laptop or go to my service provider and break there head.
    Mike if you get the email from me with the crash photos in 24 hr let me know through PM or this way, I have to admit that I am not a IT savy person and did something to the email. I can receive it but can't send any God knows what I did.
    No need to apologize. I wanted to make sure you were OK.
    I'll try to phone again in the next couple of days.
    Sorry when you called I was passing through the tunnel bypass. I did recognise the number but I couldn't hear you ,
    very sorry for that.
    Sorry when you called I was passing through the tunnel bypass. I did recognise the number but I couldn't hear you ,
    very sorry for that.
    Dear Murad,

    I am having problems contacting you.
    Please can you email me at mbenshar@aol.com

    With respect
    Mike Bennett
    at that time you used to see me now you see my son, If you are in Lahore than you see him atleast 5 times a day.
    In my childhood, I used to see planes passing high in the skies and wave my hands. So you were one of them in the jets. I got you sir…

    Picture seems the same, yesterday and today. My childhood ideal…!!!
    let me make a call tonight. Friend remember there are a few things I can't say or tell, just because I am retired doesn't mean that I give out info which PAF wants to be kept in a box. but I can give you the month. I hope that will satisfy you , please dont think for a sec that I am being rude. I will get you an answer,
    let me make a call tonight. Friend remember there are a few things I can't say or tell, just because I am retired doesn't mean that I give out info which PAF wants to be kept in a box. but I can give you the month. I hope that will satisfy you , please dont think for a sec that I am being rude. I will get you an answer,
    Muradk sir,you are a well respected person i want to ask you about when does FC-20s delivery starts..
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