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  1. yugocrosrb95

    North Korea conducts live fire exercise of strategic nuclear capable land attack cruise missiles!

    The strategic cruise missile launch drill took place at dawn on Feb. 23. For the launch drill, the firepower division corresponding to the strategic cruise missile unit in the eastern district of the Korean People's Army was mobilized, and other divisions conducted firepower service training at...
  2. yugocrosrb95

    North Korea, military parade in Pyongyang for 75th anniversary of Korean People's Army

    Satellite image captured by Maxar: Discussion thread, 8 to 16 hours at least until footage is released by North Korea of this parade.
  3. yugocrosrb95

    Satellite Images of an Object Believed to be an Unmanned North Korean Aircraft

    https://note.com/cccp1917/n/n1a33e48cf469 Also a year ago rumors of test of UCAV: https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-korea-conducts-successful-tests-reconnaissance-offensive-use-mini-unmanned-drones/
  4. yugocrosrb95

    Egypt blocks UN Security Council condemnation of Turkey violence

  5. yugocrosrb95

    Ukraine will deliver remaining 39 Oplot-T tanks to Thailand in March 2017

    http://defence-blog.com/army/ukraine-will-deliver-remaining-39-oplot-t-tanks-to-thailand-in-march-2017.html "Ukraine will be able to deliver the remaining 39 Oplot-T tanks to Thailand in March next year, Ukrainian ambassador to Thailand reassured and cited unrest in eastern Ukraine as a reason...
  6. yugocrosrb95

    What If: J-22 Orao & G-4 Super Galeb Modernization

    In Serbia for years,if not for decades there has been talks of modernizing G-4 Super Galeb and J-22 Orao while due to lack of funding none were completed. This year prototype of Orao 2.0 was made with improvements, but what if it went a step further? G-4 has one Viper 632-43 jet engine at 17.8...
  7. yugocrosrb95

    Denel inks R3.5 billion deal with Malaysia

    Denel inks R3.5 billion deal with Malaysia | defenceWeb
  8. yugocrosrb95

    Egypt may buy five small Drakon 220 submarines!

    Lider - Poslovna scena - Adria-mar dogovara s egipatskom vladom gradnju pet malih podmornica
  9. yugocrosrb95

    Croatian Armed Forces

    History of Croatia is over 1400-1500 years long and history of Croatian people is over 2000 years old with much of history being a mistery, bits and pieces from todays Iran to Poland and to well known history in todays Croatia. Known Croatian history it is consistently shown that Croatia has and...
  10. yugocrosrb95

    What Duro Dakovic produce for the American Stryker armored combat vehicles?

    American armored vehicle manufacturer Stryker, a General Dynamics Land Systems, told ten days ago the Norwegian company Kongsberg Defence that her cell MCT-30 Protector (Middle Caliber 30mm Turret, remote-controlled cell medium caliber) selected as the weapon system to equip the Stryker vehicles...
  11. yugocrosrb95

    Russia says black box from jet shot down by Turkey is unreadable

    Russia says black box from jet shot down by Turkey is unreadable | Stuff.co.nz
  12. yugocrosrb95

    The Unstoppable Epidemic Could Start in China

    Thank you China! :help:
  13. yugocrosrb95

    UAE puts six on trial on charges of supplying Yemen's Houthis

    UAE puts six on trial on charges of supplying Yemen's Houthis| Reuters
  14. yugocrosrb95

    UN Announces Termination of Yemen Peace Talks Amid Fresh Fighting

    UN Announces Termination of Yemen Peace Talks Amid Fresh Fighting UN announces end of Yemen peace talks due to new fighting
  15. yugocrosrb95

    Factbox: Inside Vietnam's military modernization

    Factbox: Inside Vietnam's military modernization| Reuters
  16. yugocrosrb95

    Flying close to Beijing's new South China Sea islands

    Flying close to Beijing's new South China Sea islands - BBC News "China Navy, China Navy," the voice said. "We are an Australian aircraft exercising international freedom of navigation rights, in international airspace in accordance with the international civil aviation convention, and the...
  17. yugocrosrb95

    Georgia Accuses Russia Of Violating Its Airspace

    Georgia Accuses Russia Of Violating Its Airspace I wonder if Russia is going to invade Georgia to invade Russia while Abhazians and Ossetians muder and rape georgian people like Serbs in Bosnia.
  18. yugocrosrb95

    Global: What is the best fighter for Croatia?

    https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=hr&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=hr&ie=UTF-8&u=http://www.hrt.hr/312443/vijesti/koji-je-borbeni-lovac-najbolji-za-hrvatsku&edit-text=&act=url Saab offers 14 fighter jets for 700 million euros thus 50 million euros(55 million US dollars) per unit for new Gripen...
  19. yugocrosrb95

    Moldova Arrests 13 Accused of Plotting to Establish Russian Separatist Republic

    Moldova Arrests 13 Accused of Plotting to Establish Russian Separatist Republic | VICE News
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